Day Two: The Disaster Occurs

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By the time it was their turn to load the ride, Natasha had finished her liquorice, Sam had been whipped with it a second time, Bucky's hair was artfully braided, and Steve had fully resigned himself to jumping off the floating raft and into the cool water. Even when he was instructed to remain inside the raft at all times, he had every intention to go swimming.

"Hey, you know what would make this even more fun?" Bucky said as they dropped down a waterfall. Water splashed around them and Natasha frowned as her shirt was drenched. "If we rocked the raft."

"Yes!" Sam yelled, throwing himself to the side to start rocking the raft.

Together, he and Bucky began to rock the raft, throwing themselves back and forth as hard as they could. After a sharp turn and another waterfall, Natasha and Steve joined in. The raft began to tip precariously high, but that only encouraged them.

"Waterfall!" Natasha yelled as they all threw themselves to one side. They spun away from the small waterfall, but the raft was tipped high enough it flipped completely upside down.

As the raft floated upside down, they were trapped underneath. Strapped in by their seatbelts, they fumbled around to get free. Steve was the first one to be successful, swimming out from under the raft and gasping for air. A second later, Bucky came shooting up as well. After a couple more seconds, Sam and Natasha still hadn't come up.

"Where are they?" Bucky asked, looking around the raft.

A horrifying realisation struck Steve all of a sudden and he looked at Bucky with wide eyes. While he and Bucky had the super-soldier serum and could easily rip their seatbelts, Natasha and Sam could not.

"They're stuck," he gasped.

Diving back under the water, Steve blinked his eyes open to see. The water was filthy and moving too fast for things to be clear, but he could see both Sam and Natasha still fumbling with their belts. Natasha's was tangled around her and Sam's had wrapped around his ankle in his attempt to swim away.

Bucky followed Steve under the water and grabbed hold of the raft to keep it from floating away. His eyes stun as he watched Steve rip Natasha's belt off. Pushing her out from under the raft, Steve moved over to Sam and ripped his belt next. Once Sam was also free of the raft, they all came sputtering to the surface.

Waiting until they had all caught their breath, Bucky turned and splashed Sam and Natasha.

"What was that?" he exclaimed.

"Sorry, Mr. Super Soldier," Sam snapped, wiping water off his face. "Not all of us can just rip seatbelts in half."

"Are you both okay?" Steve asked, getting to his feet in the chest-deep water.

"Yeah," Natasha said, pulling her hair back, "I've been through worse."

Steve wouldn't have been surprised if she said she could hold her breath for seven minutes, but she didn't need to imply she'd been drowned before.

"A little wet, but yeah, I'm good," Sam answered, glancing at Natasha.

"We should probably catch up with our raft before we get in trouble," Bucky murmured.

It was too late, though. A lifeguard was blowing her whistle and running toward them. She waved them over to the shore rapidly and they all walked over to her, fighting against the current of the fake river. As they climbed out, she sent them through the fence where two security guards were waiting for them.

"You four are no longer welcome at Six Flags Over Georgia," one of the guards told them, motioning for them to follow them out of the park.

Stifling a laugh, Sam and Bucky shared a look as they were escorted out of the park and left just outside the front gates. Fortunately for Steve and Natasha, they managed to wait until the guards had disappeared and they were around the corner before laughing.

"Guys," Steve warned. Bucky just laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on," he said, nudging Steve with a grin. "At least no one fell from a ferris wheel this time."

"Not funny," Steve said, but Natasha was already grinning and fighting back her own laugh as they began their hike back to the car. "No, that wasn't funny," Steve protested.

"It wasn't at the moment," Natasha admitted, letting out a small laugh. "It is now, though. How many people can say they fell from the Mickey ferris wheel and survived?"

Steve sighed.

"Maybe we just shouldn't do theme parks," he suggested. Sam and Bucky were cackling behind him and beside him, Natasha was struggling to keep a straight face.

"Aw, come on!" Sam and Bucky whined together.

"What about the memories?" Bucky asked, poking his head between Natasha and Steve's shoulders. "We've bonded through these trips."

"We've also been injured on these trips."

"No one was injured today, Steve," Natasha reminded him. Steve rolled his eyes. "We almost drowned, sure, but no injuries."

"Bad example, Nat," Sam muttered. Natasha shrugged. "But seriously, we shouldn't cancel them just because some of us suck at life."

"Sam," Steve chided as they approached the car. "If we can get back to the Tower without further injury or trouble, then we can consider another trip."

"Who put you in charge?" Bucky grumbled, climbing in the back seat. Sam slipped in beside him, not even trying to fight Natasha for the front seat.

"All things considered, he's probably the least likely to kill us all," Natasha admitted.

Bucky and Sam didn't even consider it before unanimously agreeing. From the driver's seat, Steve sighed and started the car, unsurprised when every window in the car was rolled down and Sam took control of the Bluetooth music. At least this time they weren't rushing to the hospital at the end of their trip.

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