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Evan's POV

I started pacing the length of my room, opening and closing each of the apps on my phone each time I was greeted with the same posts. Connor's replies had been slow for the past week, and the replies he did send were short and un-detailed which was peculiar. I didn't want to pester him about it- he's probably just busy. I can't blame him for that. He has his own life to live and he can't spend it messaging me all the time. But I thought that perhaps if we called I could bring it up gently and check up on him, making sure everything's okay. 

He'd done so much for me and sometimes I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt about it, since I don't think I've done very much for him. He'd been massively supportive and had become the only person I could talk to about the serious stuff, when before I would only talk to my mother. I had told Connor things about myself that not even she knew, and he was always kind about it. And yet I couldn't help but feel like a burden to him. He shouldn't have to help me carry my weight, and yet he does it without asking. 

I'm no expert when it comes to friendship, but I know I've never had a friend like this. I don't even know what he looks like and yet I felt this overwhelming sense of love for him.


"Hansen," a deep voice called, causing me to look up from my lunch. I swallowed nervously. 

"Hello, Connor," I replied, a little on edge. This Connor and I have barely even spoken despite being at the same schools since we were very little, and the last time I said anything to him he started acting really weird. I was a little worried he was just going to take my notes when he asked for them, which might be a bit harsh of me. I'm sure he's a nice person, it's just he's never been very approachable, and from what I've seen of him, it's probably best to move out of the way when he's approaching you. 

"I need to talk to you at some point." He looked away, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Alone, ideally." Jared, who was sat at the same table as me, gave me a particular look that said 'you're fucked'

"Uh, I can talk now?" I squeaked, putting my mostly uneaten packed lunch into my back. I wasn't very hungry anyway. Connor nodded, walking off with me trailing behind him. I fiddled with my fingers, nerves only growing as he lead me to a secluded area, completely out of the way from teachers and students alike. I desperately tried to figure out a reason as to why he might need to talk to me, especially in an area so out of the way. He eventually stopped walking, looking everywhere accept from at me at first but eventually letting his eyes settle. He was stood pretty close, so much so I had to tilt my head up a bit. 

"I need to tell you something," He said, his voice reflecting the tenseness of his body. "And you have to let me explain everything, alright?" I offer a nod in response, still utterly confused as to what was happening. 

His voice then softened, and the words he spoke were familiar, and then things started making sense. 

I stood there dumbfounded, only kind-of listening to what he was saying. He mentioned the emails, and how everything was just a coincidence, and how he had no idea we knew each other in real life. He seemed to be apologetic about that fact. 

"I really wasn't trying to do anything cruel," He finished, nervously stroking his own hair. "I didn't mean to keep it a secret when I found out either. I probably would've kept it to myself until you figured it out too, or asked to video chat or something, but it felt terrible lying to you." It was strange listening to the kind voice I had grown to love coming out of a boy I had known for so long and was slightly frightened of, but the more I listened to it the more I started seeing him as my Connor and not other Connor. 

 If I was in his position, I probably would've done the same. In fact, I might've actually taken the knowledge to my grave. Initially, I thought that things were going to be different now. Like I wouldn't be able to look at our emails in the same way. But by the end of the explanation I started feeling different. The boy who had made me feel wanted and like I wasn't this strange, broken human was right here infront of me. I could express my gratitude to him in person, fully conveying my feelings and making my point one hundred-percent clear. 

I've never been a physical person, but in the moment I simply stepped forward and hugged him. And it felt right. This wasn't a stranger from my English class, this was a person who has done nothing but show kindness and support for the past several months. After a moment he hugged me back, and everything felt right. 

Posted Five Minutes Ago [TreeBros/Cevan]Where stories live. Discover now