Chapter 9

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It was two weeks later that I was walking around the park with Philip and Wendy. My second wing had sprouted and let me tell you it hurt about ten times more than the first one. Wendy spent a lot of time with me in that small marble hotel bathroom as she attempted to teach me how to conceal my wings. I already knew how but I pretended I didn't so she could have the satisfaction of seeing me do it correctly for what she believed was the first time. The two protectors never found out that I snuck out of the room that night and they never knew about my meet up with the angels. As far as they were concerned this was my first time out of room in over two weeks. I ran around the park like a madman while they watched from the benches, chuckling to themselves over my childish nature. I admit I was being immature, rolling around in the grass and running around the fountain, but I couldn't help myself. I had been locked up for too long. Of course this peaceful bliss didn't last long for no more than an hour after arriving I started to have a painful twisting feeling in my gut. It was the same feeling I got when I ran into the monster at school and the demons in the alley. Surprisingly I hadnt had this feeling when I met the angels, maybe this was because angels are supposed to be good creature but I can't say for sure.

Philip noticed my unease as I sat up in the grass and walked over.

"Everything okay?" He asked. "Does your back hurt?" I grabbed his tie and abruptly pulled him down so we were face to face.

"There's something here." I whispered as I releases my hold on him and he stood up looking confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I didn't answer as my eyes darted around the park before falling on a couple about Wendy's and Phillips age who were sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the grass field. The woman was practically sitting in the mans lap as their fingers were entwined but their eyes were staring straight at me. I felt that feeling in my stomach intensify as I stood up and took a step back towards Philip. Philip followed my line of sight and saw the couple. He immediately tensed as he grabbed hold of my hand and wrapped his arm protectively around his shoulder. Part of me wanted to shove him off but the other part was curious to see exactly what he would do in this situation. He pulled me close to him as he led me back to the bench where Wendy was sitting. Wendy looked at him curiously at first but when she saws his eyes she seemed to understand as she took hold of my hand and started to lead me away as Philip went over to the couple.

"Wait!" I said, trying to pull away from Wendy. "I want to see what happens."

Wendy looked at me as if I was nuts before shoving me into the van.

"Trust me, you don't want to see."

"I'm not a child. Whatever it is I'm sure I can handle it." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Wendy simply shook her head as she climbed in with me, closing the door behind her. Well this is frustrating. I wanted to see what happened. I sat on the floor with my back pointed at her, pouting. After a few seconds of silence I heard a small noise of typing and turned around to see Wendy turning on the giant computer monitors that adorned the front wall of the van. The images flashed white static like a hail storm before clearing and revealing images of the park we were just in. On one screen I saw Philip as he stood in front of the couple on the bench. I looked at Wendy and she gave me a small, sad smile as I crawled over on my hands and knees to face the screen. Philip was talking before the couple but I couldn't hear what they were saying because the video didn't have noise.

"Where are these images coming from?" I asked Wendy as I had never recalled seeing any security cameras in the park.

"It's a secret." She whispered as I turned my attention back towards the screen. I could just barely make out a fine black mist surrounding the couple as they stood up off the bench. I tensed as I thought they were going to fight but to my disappoint the two just turned around and started leisurely walking a way. What is he doing? He's letting them get away. Just then Philip pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot the two in the back of the head. I didn't even flinch as I saw their bodys hit the ground. The black mist around them grew thicker as it rose into the air before disappearing. Philip put the weapon away as the couple surprisingly began to stir and get up. Philip ran to their aid as he helped the couple up off the floor. They looked dazed and confused and seeing them I noticed that the painful churning in my stomach was gone. I held my stomach as I looked at the image in confusion.

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