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Hey guys! This chapter is not being written by Owen, but it was actually written by Eli_Cronic15. As a YouTuber that plays a lot of ARK: Survial Evolved... I rage a lot. But there's one dinosaur that really gets under my nerves ( and everyone else's nerves)*

You Know What's BULLSHIT???!!!


It's been a couple of days since you woke up on the Ark. You have a little nice thatch house going. You tamed a Parasaur and and a couple of Dilophosaurus and you are making plans for the weeks to come when you hear the pounding footsteps.

"Oh Shit!"

You run inside your house as you hear your Parasaur and Dilos brutally murdered by the beast. You crouch inside your house. The Carno sees the wall and decides to break because of the mechanics of the game. The Carno is easily able to break through the thatch and get to the flesh inside. You die in three hits and you take the disc and smash it into the ground. 

If you don't play it on a server and you just play solo, a Carnotaurus can be that guy with a Giga wrecking through every house. They are really fast and have a large agro range. They can tear though thatch and do decent damage to wood structures.

Now Wildcard (that's the game devs) why is this a piece of shit soooo strong. I get it it is rare, but does it have to spawn on beaches? People already have to worry about pounding raptors, (which I would be doing this on if they weren't such good mounts)! It's just too fucking strong! No one below Level 20 would be able to kill it unless they were in a good spot that spawns a lot of Raptors, which they can be tamed. It's stupid knock-back attack makes it so hard to land blows on the OP creature! Seriously Wildcard.

Now if this creature was as good as a Raptor, it would be tolerable. I mean yeah, it is decent. It has a good damage output, can take hits, and is fast. The thing that makes it so bad is it's HORRIBLE stamina. It runs out of stamina SOOOOO fast. You could be running with it for 15 seconds and it is, all of the sudden, more out of shape then my great grandma!!! Imagine if you were swarmed and needed to get out it the situation. It could run out of stamina and die from the swarm.

If you guys have problems with Ark's Carnotaur, then tell me about it in the comments below, but for now I am handing back the Mic to Owen. Thank you so much Owen for letting me write an another article in "You Know What's BULLSHIT???!!!"

~Special Thanks To Eli_Cronic15~

*All Rights Reserved to Ark. I don not own it whatsoever... Although I bet Eli wish he can own it...


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