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   I smile as I watch Maria sign excitedly with Mom. Mom had learned sigh language with her sister, my aunt, years ago. She didn't want Maria to feel left out of any conversation.
  Maria was in a green sundress, she looked beautiful as always. Grandpa Joey walks in front of me blocking my view of her for a moment, sitting in the unoccupied chair beside me. "What are you up to, son?"
  I take a sip of the beer in my hand, looking down at the tattoos that covered my arms and the backs of my hands, " Just enjoying Sarah's thirteenth birthday. Mom has been planning her party for months now, it's not every day that she becomes a teenager." I chuckle, my eyes finding their way back to Maria.
  "You knows she doesn't have cooties, Roman. You can actually talk to her, she is able to read lips. You would be able to sign with her if you were not so stubborn when you were younger and actually learned the whole language and not just the curse words."
  I shake my head, turning it towards him, smiling, " It would be better if she did have cooties, Grandpa. I'll just keep with the club groupies. Our family has a bad reputation with our women getting hurt by a rival club. Maria already has enough problems."
  Wolf and Harmony, his very pregnant wife, walk over to us. Wolf holding there one-year-old baby, Jerry. I stand up, smiling at Harmony, "Hey, Aunt Mony, you are looking big."
  She laughs, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug, " You may be the tallest here but I can still kick your butt, Ro."
  Grandpa stands up and takes Jerry away from Wolf, " Hey, Jer Bear, I see cake over there let's see if we can sneak some."
  The three of us watch him walk away with a giggling Jerry in his arms. I silently laugh to myself, the once killer, now a Grandpa who sits at home every evening with his wife.
  "Well, if you excuse me I see Angel. I need to ask her where to hide Sarah's gift. It is too large to wrap. She has been begging for a new television."  Wolf watches his wife waddle away to her sister, and my mother, the smile never leaving his lips.
  "No one approached her?" Wolf asked, still standing, watching Maria on the other side of the yard. She was moving in and out of the crowd, smiling and waving to people.
  I lean back, stretching out my legs in front of me, " Does anyone ever? She has both club president's wrapped around her finger. Parker and you both dished out the warnings when she was sixteen. Maria is completely off-limits to everyone. If they are club affiliated then hands-off." I take another long drink from my beer. My eyes drift to Maria, again. She was now by my Dad, listening to him, her notepad in her hand, writing away. Dad has been to busy to learn sign language, but it is at the top of his list to learn.
  I watch her talk to Dad for a few more minutes before she makes her way over to us. Her black hair up in a messy bun, her dress showing her legs, up to her just below her knee. Her feet were bare, she had taken them off as soon as she had got to the grassy back yard of Dad's house.
  Maria sets her notepad down on the unoccupied chair, before quickly moving her hands in a worrying way. Wolf watches her for a few moments before chuckling. I watch her expressions as she sings to her brother.
  Her green eyes she inherited from her father glances to me before going back to her brother. I sit up and rest my elbows on my thighs, just watching.
  Wolf is the one that brings me back to Earth, "Ro, can you help Maria in the kitchen. She needs help making the ice cream, apparently, Sarah only wants homemade ice cream."
  I set my beer on the ground, " Whatever the princess wants for her birthday. Oh, Wolf, it's Dragon." I stand and stretch, having been sitting in the same spot for the better part of an hour. I hear Wolf chuckling as I walk to the house I grew up in, the door is wide open.
  Mom is coming out with a bowl of potato salad, I quickly dodge out of the way. My foot breaks the threshold before I hear a gasp. I turn and see Maria was not as lucky. 
  Her beautiful green sundress is smeared with potato salad. She is frantically moving her hand, Mom is trying to wipe the mess off of her the best she can with a kitchen towel.
  Maria looks panicked, motioning to the bowl. Wolf quickly makes his way over to them. He sets his hand on Maria's shoulder, getting her attention before his hand moves hastily.
  "Angel, she says she is so sorry. She'll make more if you want her."
  Mom laughs before she motions everyone into the house, Wolf politely declines and makes his way to Aunt Harmony.
  Once we are inside Mom shuts the back door, "Don't even worry about it, Sweety. Parker made the potato salad and I was sort of worried about it. I just didn't want to hurt his feelings, he woke up early to make it and I found him putting a ton of horseradish into it. I want you to go upstairs with Ro. He should have some clothes you can borrow as your clothes are washed and dried. You and he can come back down here and make the ice cream while they wash and dry."
  I look at the old ice cream turner. I glance at Mom than at the back door. I didn't want to spend an hour and a half turning that damned leaves, " Mom, would it be okay if we use the electric ice cream maker?" I plead with her.
  Mom shrugs her shoulders, " I'll lock the back door on my way out, so Sarah doesn't come in and see it." She says before walking out the back door after she locks the door." I victory dance in my head.
I turn to Maria and look at her in the eyes, " Would it be ok if we start to make the  ice cream before we go upstairs?" I ask
  Maria nods her head, turning towards the refrigerator. I watch her for a moment and see she is getting everything we need to make ice cream.
  I walk into the garage and pull down the electric ice cream maker from the top of the shelf where we keep the fourth of July decorations.
  I walk back inside to see Maria pulling ingredients from the refrigerator, lots of chocolate-covered strawberries. I walk to the counter and set the machine down before plugging it into the wall outlet. I move out of the way when Maria moves to start everything. I smile as she confidently starts the machine.
She turns to me; when the machine is humming behind her, she gestures to her clothes. I glance down and remember what my mom said. I motion with my head towards the stairs, then begin walking towards them. I hear her following me, her feet whispering across the floor, unlike my boots.
  I walk halfway down the hall, after making it to the top. I look back and see that she is right behind me. I open the door to my room and motion for her to enter before me. She smiles and walks inside. I walk to my dresser opening different draws before pulling out some clothes for her.
  I turn around, she is standing by my bed, looking at old school trophies. I walk over to her before thrusting the clothes at her.
  She smiles and signs thank you. I nod and walk out the door, knowing she would let me know when she was finished dressing.
  I take a deep breath and lean my head against the door. I always wondered what she would look like in my clothes, now I would know. I try to mentally prepare myself for the image that was about to be in front of me. I gave her to most unflattering clothes I could find, and pair old stained sweat pants and an old high school shirt that had old grass stains, Mom could never get out.
  The door opens, she is standing there smiling at me. I couldn't control myself anymore. I grab her face and being my lips to meet her. She didn't push me away like I always thought she would but pulled me further into the kiss.
  She tangles her fingers in my hair, as I move from her lips to her neck. I nibble and kiss it lightly. She leans her head back and moans, and it sounds so fucking hot.
  A small smile finds its way to my lips when her hand sneaks up the bottom of my shirt. I pull back far enough for me to pull my shirt off. I watch as Maria leans forward, lightly kissing my chest. Her hands go to the button of my pants, pulling my pants apart, before unzipping my zipper.
  I push my pants off her waist, past her hips onto the ground. She pulls away, quickly pulling my old shirt over her head, throwing it beside us.
  I bend down and take one of her nipples in my mouth. She tugs at my hair, gasping in pleasure. I run my hand down her body, cupping her honey pot. I smile as I feel how wet she is, barely even touching her.
  I flick my finger through her folds, feeling the hot liquid coming from her, because of me. Her legs buckles and she begins to fall. I grab her, pushing her against the bedroom door.
  I go to my full height, smiling down at her. She signs something, I silently curse myself again for not learning to sign. "Honey, I don't understand sign language. I just need to know, if you want to continue what we are doing right now. All I need you to do is a nod or head yes or shake it no."
  I stare down at her, she nods her head before leaning forward to kiss my neck. I pull away before dropping to my knees. She looks at me, understanding flashing through her eyes as I lift her right leg up and place it over my shoulder.
  My head dips down and my tongue swiping through her slit. I find her nerve bundle, sucking and licking it. I hear her moan, sounding, unlike anything I heard before today. I feel myself become hard, moving from a chubby. Maria saved my dick from having a zipper imprint when she opened up my pants.
  Maria pushes me away, I knew she was close to coming. She motions to the bed. I understand what she is staying, she wants more. I stand up, licking her up. Maria felt so small in my arms. I know she felt how hard I was when we wrapped her legs against my waist. She slowing begins to grind on me.
  I toss her on the bed gently, she bounces, smiling the whole time. She watches as I push my pants and boxers off my waist and to the floor, stepping out of them. I crawl on the bed, Maria slowly opens her legs, offering something I couldn't resist. I look down at her after I get myself situated at her entrance, " Is this your first time, Maria?" I whisper down to her. I have mixed emotions when she nods her head yes. I was happy that no one else had touched my Maria. But, I didn't want to hurt her.
  "Are you ready, Maria? Are you sure you want this?" I press my lips to hers when she nods her to answer my questions.
  I slowly move into her, she felt so warm and tight. I had to really keep myself from just thrusting into her and finding my pleasure. This was her first time and she would get everything she deserved. I  watch her for any signs of pain or discomfort. She flinches, and I can feel why, I had found her virginity, her hymen.
   I freeze, waiting for her to tell me it is okay to move again. She leans up, pressing her lips roughly to mine, then thrusting her hips up, bringing me fully into her.
  She stops, pain flickering through her eyes. I think about just getting up and walking out. She was already in pain, but she begins to move her hips. I knew then that she wanted to continue. I pull back slowly, then slowly push back into her. I keep this pace until she grabs my head, mouthing the word "Faster." It was a demand that I was glad to follow.
I move my arms to beside her head, beginning my thrust. Her hands press against my just and her head falling back in pleasure. I lean down and kiss her neck, then take one of my hands down our bodies. I find her bundle if nerves and begin to rub.
  A few more thrust and she is over the edge. I find my own release with the tightening of her muscles around me. Her nails dig into my shoulders. I lay down on her chest, taking in everything, down to the way the light hit her dark pink nipple. I lift myself up, see she is asleep.
  I kiss her forehead. Then I remember that we couldn't be, feeling like the piece of shit I was. We couldn't be together, my family can't keep their women safe from other bikers. She was off-limits. No matter what I feel for her we couldn't be. I was Adam and she was the forbidden fruit. I got a taste, but that is all I would ever be allowed. I would just have to remember this because this is all I could allow myself.
  I push myself off of her, pulling a blanket over her. I pull on my clothes, then pick up her soiled clothes, before walking out the door. The clicking of the door shutting sealed my decision. She was off-limits.

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