Chapter Eleven

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Marcus (Rebel) Johnson
Beloved Friend and Father
He died protecting those he loved

I read the black gravestone, just hours after putting him in the ground. Harmony had cried the hardest at the funeral earlier today, her being the closest to Uncle Mark, Mom crying almost as bad.
Maria was at Wolf's and Harmony's house sleeping. She had cried herself to sleep every night since the invasion. Uncle Mark had been shot in the heart, but he had stabbed him in the throat before he had be shot.
I wipe away the tears that had slipped out, I had to be strong. Maria needed me to help her through this. I sit down at the foot of the freshly filled grave, taking a sip from the beer in my hand, then taking a deep breath.
We couldn't get ahold of any of his family, his wife had ran off with his kids a few years before, saying he didn't pay her enough attention. The club had put his service in all the news papers in a hundred mile radius. But no one but club member and their families had showed up.
  I look down at my hands, I could still see the blood on them, from pressing on his wound. The blood had been washed off soon after the ambulance had took his body away, but I would always see his blood on my hands.
"Uncle Mark, I- Why did you do that? You've always been in my life, an now you just aren't, almost all my childhood memories have you in them. You were going to be in my kids memories, but you can't be now. I should be the one in that grave right now, but you had to keep me out of trouble like you always did." I smile at the mocking gravestone.
I feel someone walk up behind me. I glance up, Grandpa Reaper looks down at me, eyes red. "Wolf said you went out to get some air but never came back inside. Your mother is worried, and she shouldn't be in her condition."
I look down at my black dress shoes, " Just saying my goodbyes, properly." I tip the can back an chug the rest of my beer.
Grandpa groans then plops down beside me, "You haven't cried yet, have you kid?" He ask tiredly.
I swallow the lump in my throat, " I have to be strong, Grandpa. Maria needs me to be strong." My voice cracks half way through.
Grandpa pulls me into a side hug,"Well Maria has Wolf right now. Now, you have me Roman. You loved Uncle Mark, it is just you and me right now. I will be strong for you, Roman. You can't carry this burden."
I feel a tear slip out as I look at his gravestone with Grandpa. I cover my eyes with my hand before the flood gates open. Grandpa throws his hand over my shoulder, pulling me to him.
  "Ro, tell me what you are thinking?" Grandpa asks, when I calm down after about five minutes, still keeping me pressed against him.
  I take a deep breath,"It should have been. He just had to be the hero one last time an save my ass. His own fucking family didn't show up. He always talked about his kids and they didn't even finish fucking show up. He deserved better, he should be here and me in the god damn ground."
   Grandpa pulls away,"Roman if Mark was here he would kick your ass like I am tempted to do. He took that fucking bullet because he saw you as another one of his kids, hell you were his kid as far as he was concerned. He had nothing but family at his funeral. That bullet hot exactly who Mark wanted it to, he wouldn't have it any other way.
  He knew that Maria would be devistated if something happened to you. He met everyone of his kids an got to share his wisdom with them, he wanted you to have the same chance. Now, I want you to stop feeling sorry and get up an be the man Mark knows you as, the man Mark help make you into."
  I nod my head, pushing myself up from the ground, holding my hand out to Grandpa, helping him up from the foot of the grave. He throws his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close,"I'll drive home, you drank an you Grandma will kill me if I let you drive home. "
  I smile an walk to Grandpa Luke's old truck. I shake my head, as soon as Angel was old enough to hold onto someone safely Grandpa had sold the car he bought, riding instead of driving.
  Maria was sitting on the couch watching TV, her face tear stained. I ignore Harmony an Wolf, walking straight to her. She tries to give me a weak smile before it falters.
  She was hurting, believing this was all her fault. I pull her up off the couch and wrap her in a hug. She hugs back an we just stand in the middle of Wolf's living room holding each other.
   She pulls back an looks at Harmony, nodding her head. Wolf crosses his arms and glares at me. Harmony pulls Wolf an Grandpa upstairs, probably to check on her son.
  I look at Harmony an arch an eyebrow, confused as hell. She takes a deep breath them smiles up at me with a wobbly smile," I love you." She struggles to get out. I freeze an stare at her.
  She never spoke, she was offered speaking lessions after she went deaf but she stopped after a few weeks when kids at school would pick on her. She goes to pull away, but I pull her closer, pressing my face into her hair. Thanking God for sending someone like her to me.
  I pull away, making her look at me," I love you too, Maria, you an the children you carry are everything I live and breath for. "
  She becomes misty eyed. I hear stomping down the stares. I look an see would with Harmony behind him, Grandpa following holding the baby. "You hurt her again Roman. I don't care if I'll be in the dog house or not, I'll break your fucking arms."
  I knew he was serious, so I nodded I'm agreement.
  "So, is Maria moving in with him?" Harmony asked hopefully.
  Wolf turns an glares at her," Maybe but I said no, Harmony."
  Harmony get misty eyed an looks at Wolf," But it is only right, Theodore. I need to do this."
   Wolf sighs," Baby, we just had a baby. Do you really think we need another human relying on us?"
  A tear falls down her cheek," I need to do this, Wolf, an now just feels right. We can complete our family an live happily ever after."
  Wolf throws up his arms," No, Harmony an that his final."
  Harmony wipes the tears away an looks down at Wolf, from her position of a few steps up. "Theodore it would make me happy."
  Wolf cursed under his breath,"I'll look into okay, Baby?"
  Harmony gave a weak smile," Thank you, Theodore. I have the go feed Joesph" She turns an walks upstairs, taking the baby from Grandpa. She had named the baby after Grandpa Reaper. I smile at how proud Grandpa must be.
  Wolf looks at me," She wants to adopt a kid an I don't think it would be a good time right now."
  I look down at Maria then back at Wolf," So, when should I expect you to adopt a kid."
  Wolf sighs,"I know we'll start the adoption process by the end of the year, but she doesn't need to know that."
  I chuckle," She has got you so wrapped around her finger I'm surprised you can even breath without asking her first."
  Wolf gives me a crooked smile before glancing up the stairs,"What are you saying? I breath for her." He then pounds up the steps to his wife.
  Grandpa walks over to me handing me the keys to the truck parked outside,"Go home an get some rest son." I nod my head before sticking the keys in my pocket, Grandpa walks out the door.
   I look down at Maria who is looking up at me. I had my whole life in my arms an I didn't plan on letting go. I would live for them, like Uncle Mark wanted me to do.

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