Chapter Eight

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I slip out of bed, glancing at the clock, four in the morning. Last night I looked up and the doctor's office was an hour and a half away.
If we left here about six forty-five, that way if there is school traffic we would get there about seven thirty, that way we could fill out paper work.
My body shivers as the freezing air cuts through my clothes to get to my skin. Porky jumps from underneath the blanket, having slept in front of me as Maria cuddled to me from my back. I smile at the memory of how I woke up. She had one arm thrown around my shoulder and her top leg wrapped around my waist and her other leg wrapped around my bottom leg. She had tangled her body around mine, like she had tangled herself around my heart.
The fire had a few ember left that kept me from having to go to the pitch to get the lighter. I stood in front once it was roaring, warming my chilled body.
Porky was shivering, standing in front of the fire with me. I walk to the kitchen, with him right behind me, yapping, probably hungry. I would take him with us and see if the local vet could see him today.
I set down a bowl of food for him, and he went crazy. I stood and watched him eat, making sure he wouldn't eat too fast and choke. Once he was finished I started cooking breakfast for Maria, biscuits and gravy sounded good for a cold morning breakfast.
I pulled the premade biscuits bag from the freezer, setting the whole bag in a bowl full of hot water, Mom would kill me if she saw this.
I hear Maria groan in the bedroom, I silently hope that she stays in bed until the house warms up a little. But, as always she doesn't do what I wish she would. She was wrapped in a blanket with my sweat pants legs covering her feet. I walk over to her, wrapping her up in my arms, trying to keep her warm.
We break apart when a little yip from the floor has us looking down. Maria smiles and picks up the little turd. A puppy was chosen over me. I never thought I would be jealous of a damned dog.
She wraps him in the blanket with her. I walk to the bowl and grab out the biscuits, slapping them on a pan. I shove the pan in the oven before setting the temperature.
I would wait until the biscuits were almost done before starting the gravy. I walk Maria to the living room, having her stand right in front of the fire. I go to move away, but she wraps her arms around me, preventing me from leaving.
She leans her body into mine, I feel the bump that is our children. I rub and and down her arms, keeping the chill away.
I lean down and kiss her forehead. Maria moves her head up and bites my neck. Her hand slithers down the front of my sweatpants. I moan as her them rolls across the tip of me. I grab her wrist and, having her look at me. "We don't have time for this Maria."
She slowly gets down on her knees, pulling my pants down slightly before taking me into her mouth. My fingers find their way into her hair, locking them into place. My hips begin to gently move as I lose control.

I rush to get Maria in the car for the appointment holding her went further then I needed it to this morning. We had thirty minutes before we had to leave when I noticed the time. We had rushed a shower together and Maria had to skip washing her hair.
I had Porky in the cardboard box that Aiden had brought over yesterday, with a few blankets to keep him warm on the ride. I was hoping once the vet gave him some worm medicine that he would gain weight pretty quick. Maria was already attached to him and I couldn't bare for her to he heartbroken if there was something more.
I backed out of the drive, careful now with the snow on the ground. Maria stuck her hand to the heater to warm them up before taking my hand closest to her, and intertwining our fingers. I turned on the radio to a rock station, having the music just loud enough to break the silence.
The ride there took a little longer then expected but we got to the Doctor's office a little early. I had dropped off Porky first after calling the Vets and asking if they could hold him until after the appointment. They were happy and said that they would look over him and have him ready by the time we got done.
Maria looks at my nervously before writing one her paper:
What if something is wrong with them?

I grab on of her hand, and gently kiss it, " Don't worry, Baby. They will be perfectly healthy."
She smiles and opens her door, getting out, I follow her lead. I grab her hand and intertwine our finger, opening the door for her. The receptionist smiles at us, " Hello, may I help you."
I give her a small smile, " Yes, we have an appointment for Maria Jones."
  She smiles, holding out a clip board to us, "Fill this out, then handing back"
There was at least four pages to fill out. I sigh and look at Maria. She smiles and grabs the paperwork from me. I follow here to a chair, my phone vibrates about page three of the paper work.
  I fish the phone out of my pocket and bring it to my ear, "Roman, the cabin was torched. I just got a call from the fore department." Dad's voice dishes out.
  I turn my back to Maria. I didn't want here to know what was going on right now, " Did you check security footage?"
  Mom's voice comes through the phone, " Yeah, Sweetheart, but I don't think you'll like who did it."
  I go to demand to know who did it when a light touch on my shoulder has me turning around. Maria looks at me with concern in her eyes. I give her a smile, " Do you need anything, Baby?" I ask.
  She motions to the paperwork, it was for the father's medical history. I sigh, " Text me the information and the security footage."
  I sit down with Maria and finish the paperwork. They didn't get us into the back for about thirty minutes. The nurse takes some blood and we wait for the doctor.
  Maria rings her hands together. She was on the table and I was standing next to her. I kiss the crown of her head and rub her back. She leans into my body, jumping away when the doctor walks into the room.
  "Hello, I'm Doctor Berns, you must be Maria and the father Roman." The middle age and gray haired women says as she walks into the room.
  I nod my head, continuing to rub her back. "Why don't you lay back and lift up your short. I'll have a look at those babies." Dr. Berns says, look Maria in the face.
  Maria leans back and slides her shirt to right below her breast. She squeezes my hand, glancing at me with a nervous smile. I lean down, kissing her forehead as the doctor puts warm jell on her stomach.
  I jump when rapped uneven thumping goes through the room. Dr. Berns smiles at me, " We found the heart beats.Now let's find them."
  She moves the wand around, the sound going in and out. The doctor stops a few times and taps her keyboard. She finally stops and points at the screen, " This is baby number one. If you look behind it, you'll see the head of many number two." She says this looking at Maria.
  Maria turns to me and smile, " Look at our babies." I say to her.
  " Would you like some pictures?" Dr. Berns asks.
  I nod my head, " Three sets if at all possible."
  She hands Maria a towel then turns back to the computer screen. I watch Maria wipe the gunk from her belly before fixing her shirt. I help her sit up.
   Dr. Berns turns around, " The photos will be upfront when you make your next appointment. Is there any concerns or questions."
  " Is there anything we should keep any eye out for?' I ask right away.
  "Anything out of the ordinary, bleeding, fainting, exhausted more them normal, pale coloring. If you have any questions you can always call the office. If it's at night you can always call the local hospital and ask." She explains. I nod and look at Maria. She shakes her head no, she had no questions.
  "We'll, we should have her blood work back later. We can call for that. You can leave you you have no other concerns."
  We smile and nod. I feel my phone vibrate as we walk into the hall. Who ever set the cabin on fire was about to have hell brought down on them. If Maria and I had still been inside we could have been hurt or killed. The smoke could have harmed the babies. If I would have left for and errand Maria and the babies could have been burned alive.
  I don't care who did it, the had awake the Dragon.

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