Chapter Three

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  I look down at Maria sleeping on the couch, adjusting myself in pants before looking at the kitchen. Then around my apartment, I have let it get pretty bad.
  I walk to the bathroom washing my hands, seeing her sheets done in the washer, quickly changing out the laundry.
  There is a knock on the door, surprising me. I walk back through my apartment, glancing at Maria still sleeping on the couch. I open the door to see Dad and Grandpa Lucas burst threw the door when it is barely opened. They both are carrying boxes. I shut the door behind them, " How many more boxes are there?" I ask as I watch them set the two down on the floor in the living room.
  Dad glares at me while Grandpa looks at Maria, " There isn't anymore, she only packed these two boxes since she will only be here a few weeks, we put the teat in storage." Grandpa says over his shoulder.
  I watch Dad who continues to glare at me. I am shocked by his words when he finally speaks, " I am disappointed, Roman. You didn't only get Maria pregnant but at your own sister's birthday party."
  I freeze, Dad had never said that to me, my chest begins to tighten, and my fistball up in anger, " At least I know about the babies before they are born. I at least have feelings for the mother. I didn't fuck her just for fun. Yeah, I fucked up by forgetting the condom, I'll admit that, but I'll be in my children's lives from the day they are born, not when they are eight months old."
  My Dad steps up to me, we become nose to nose, " I sometimes wish I would have put on a-" I knew what Dad's last word was going to be, but he was on the floor now, looking up at Grandpa.
  I was surprised, Grandpa had hit him. "You never say anything like that to your child, Parker. I can understand that you are disappointed, but you never say shit like that. Your wife will hear about this Parker."
  Dad stands up and storms out of the apartment, slamming the apartment door behind him. Grandpa clamps his hand on my shoulder. I look at him, " I believe your Mom will be by later, Bud."
I nod my head, watching him walk out soon after Dad.
  I walk over to Maria, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. I gently take my hand, setting it on the baby bump. My lips form a smile when Maria begins to snore softly. I move my hand around the baby bump. I had two children on the way. I now wasn't only responsible for myself but three other lives. I glance at Maria before my eyes move back to the bump, " I promise that I will protect you. You are going to grow up with both loving parents, we might argue, but Daddy will always love you all. I can't wait to meet you both. You'll be spoiled by your Grandparents and Great Grandparents."  I lean forward, pressing my lips on the bump.
  I walk the kitchen and begin to clean where Maria left off. Mom always tired easily when she was pregnant, Maria was pregnant with two babies. She must get tired just showering in the morning.
  I put up the dishes she had already washed. I hear another knock at the door. I slam the rag I had to clean the counters with on the bar. I never had so many people visit my apartment in one day.
  The door is quickly yanked open, ' What the hell-"
  Mom stood there, not the one who raised me, but my biological mother, Jessica. I saw her only when she didn't have a place to crash. She tried to reconnect with me when I was thirteen.
  "What do you want?" I ask, trying to block her way into my apartment.
  She dips under my arm, marching into the kitchen. She opens up the refrigerator, grabbing a beer before shutting it.
  I glance at Maria, still asleep. Mom notices where I am looking, before looking at Maria. She smiles, "Well, at least she is dressed. She chunkier then what I normally see you with, shouldn't you but on some actual clothes?"
  I grind my teeth, " What are you here for Jessica?" I ask, crossing my arms
  I watch as she opens the can before chugging a good portion, before smacking her lips. "I need what I always need, a place to crash."
  I shake my head, " You can't right now. I already have a guest."
  Mom arches her eyebrow at me, " Oh and who is more important than your own mother?"
  I grind my teeth when she calls herself my mother. This wasn't the women that raised me. She wasn't the one who held me when I was sick at three in the morning or stayed up until I got home at three in the morning when I went out partying. She wasn't my mother, she was the one that gave birth to me. My mother was married to my father.
  "The mother of my unborn children is more important." Basically, anyone that walked through my apartment door was more important than her.
  I walk back to the kitchen, wiping off the counters and stove, before sweeping the floor. My mother just stares at me, " Well, father like son."
  I angrily sweep the crumbs and dirt off the kitchen floor before tossing them away, " Yes, because I'll be in my kid's lives."
  She glares and I just turn my back to her, opening the refrigerator, " Whore." I hear her say before the apartment door slams shut. I run my fingers through my hair. She would be back when all her other contacts fail.
  I turn and see Maria sitting up on the couch her arms wrapped around her stomach. She looks upset and tired all at the same time.  I realized that she had read my mother's lip.
  I take long strides to get to her quickly, making it to her side as the first tear falls. I pull her up from the couch, gently pulling her into a hug. She then quickly pulls away, grabbing the notepad that was on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen and grab the pen off the counter. I watch as she writes quickly on the notepad. I walk over to her as she stands to her full height, passing me the notepad.
  She walks away to her room, shutting the door behind her. I read what she wrote down, the words making me rip the paper from the pad and rip it up.
    Thank for making me a whore.
  I walk to the door, grabbing the handle, but it wouldn't turn. I slam my fist into the door. I knock she wouldn't hear me yelling or any words of apology that I would say on Jessica's behalf. She didn't even deserve the title of my mother after what she just pulled.
  I walk away from the door, getting an idea. I grab the note pad and a pen. I write a simple question at the top;
  What names are you thinking about?
  I rip the paper off and slide the paper and the pen under the door. I wait for the yellow paper to slide back to my side.
  I wait for five minutes, them ten, finally at twenty, I give up. My anger gets the best of me. I take another piece of paper and grab a pen from a drawer in the kitchen.
   I am going to the clubhouse, don't wait up.
  I slam and lock the door behind me. I needed to get drunk. Maria was upset and she wouldn't let me near her. I'll figure out what to do in the morning when I wake up.
  She will have to come out of that room eventually, but I know it wouldn't be any time tonight. If she is anything like Wolf, I was fucked, and not in the way I preferred.

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