Chapter Nine

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  I drop Maria and Porky off at the club house. Grandpa and Dad stood on the porch as they watched Maria walking into the house with Mom and Harmony.
  I step onto the porch, " Do you have something to say to me?" I glance at both of them.
  Grandpa Lucas looks at me for a moment, " Do you think you can do this?"
  I look him in the eyes an straighten to my full height, " Maria's life was put in danger. My unborn children's lives where put in danger. This shit ends today. I know who set the house on fire and I am going to fucking kill them." I say calmly.
  Dad sets his hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it, "I understand, but know that the other killings you didn't know the person. This one could haunt you for the rest of your life. Is this really what you want to do?"
  "I'll be able to sleep peacefully knowing Maria is okay. This cant go on any longer. Mom was shot and Maria could have been burned alive, hell next time someone could die. If it's Maria I don't know what I'll do."
  Wolf comes from around back, " I'll set everything up while you're gone, Dragon. I want this done tonight. Maria is too precious to me. If you can't finish I will, just get them here."
  I nod my head, " I have to go say goodbye to Maria."
  Wolf nods and walks towards the shed in the back, Dad and Grandpa following him, they were setting up.
  I open the old screen door, it slams behind me. Maria had Mom and Harmony surrounding her as she sat on the couch, Porky in her lap. Harmony stands up and hands me a lunch bag, " It's a six hour drive, you need to eat. This way you don't have to stop and waste time." She stands on her tip toes and kisses my cheek.
  Mom walks over to me, giving me a tight hug, " Be safe, Sweetheart. I won't ask you to rethink what you are about to do. You just don't lose sight of what you have."
  I kiss Mom on the cheek, then look at Maria. Mom and Harmony walks out as Maria walks over to me. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her to my chest. I burry my nose in her hair, taking a deep breath, strawberries and vanilla filled my nose.
  I smell as she nuzzles her face in my chest. I wouldn't be gone long, but I love her to death. I lift her face up and kiss her forehead. She looks at me,"Eat something while I am gone, Sweetheart. I'll be back in a few hours at the most. I just have to pick up a couple of people."
  She nods her head and hits me tight one last time before letting me go.
  I grab her face between my hand, roughly pressing my lips to hers, drowning on the taste of her. I pull away from her, letting my hands drop to my side. I turn and walk out the four, before I could over think what I was about to do.
   The drive to the bar took a good hour, it was in a neighboring town. It was on the rough side of the town, someone was murdered here at least once a week. I made sure to grab my cutlet off the bench seat of the truck, pulling it over my shoulders before opening the door, the smell of smoke and alcohol. It was a familiar smell, reminding me of my twenty-first birthday.
  I nod at the bartender, sitting down on a stool I look at him, " Is she in the back room?"
  He shakes his head no, " Out back with some guy she has been fucking for the last few weeks for a place to stay."
  I nod and stand up, slamming the door to the back alley way open. She was on her knees sucking the guy off. I roll my eyes and yank her off her knees by her arm.
  "You are coming with me. We are going someplace to talk." I snarl out.
  The guy shoves himself back into his pants,"What the fuck are you doing? You couldn't have waited until she was down with me?"
  I glare at the boy, maybe nineteen, " No, plus she doesn't love you, you are just a meal ticket and a place to crash. You aren't the first person she has used, but you will be the last." I feel her body stiffen. I walk back through the bar, pulling her behind me the whole way. The bartender gives me a nod as I pull a few hundreds out of my pocket, slamming them on the bar as we walk past it.
  The truck is sitting untouched in the same spot. I shove her in the passenger seat. I didn't worry about her getting out, the inside door handle had been broken since Dad slammed it when him and Mom was fighting.
  I walk around the front an slide into the passenger seat. It was a silent ride as, until about half way through, " So when do I move in with you?" She asked.
  I glare at her,"You aren't moving in with me?"
  She broke out into a smile, " You bought me a house?"
  "Not even in you fucking dreams."
  "Then what did you mean that was the last time?"
   "You'll see." Was all I said, she was silent the rest of the way back to the club house.
  I got out and tossed the keys to a prospect, " Take her out back to the shed. Wolf already set it up, tell him to secure her, use the chains. I'll be down as soon as I change."
  He nods his head, I didn't bother to watch. I knew he would do it, being only fifteen and from an abusive home he needed a family that would protect home.
  The living room had the use people and a few ol' ladies sitting on their husband's laps or beside them. I jog up the stairs and to my old room. I freeze as I go to slam the door shut. Harmony was sleeping soundly on her side, a pregnancy pillow lays beside her. I never knew I could be jealous of an object.
  I quietly walk to my closet pulling out a black garbage back stuffed in the back, hidden from anyone unless they knew where to look.
  I carefully open the back and pull out a red button up shirt, black jeans and a pair of black leather boots. I glance back an see Harmony sleeping peaceful, unaware of the sins I was about to commit. I change quickly, walking to the closet and pulling a zippo with a dragon engraved on it out, shoving it into my back pocket.
  I turn an look at Maria,  brushing some hair out of her face. A smile graces my lips as she let's out a loud snore. I turn an walk out the door and down the stairs. I see Uncle Mark look at me as I walk by, it's been a while since the dragon awoke an it would go back to sleep until it did what it had to do.
  I walk out the door to the shed, Wolf was waiting outside. He hands me the keys, " I'll go wake up Maria and take her out to eat with Harmony. They don't need to hear any screams. Your Dad and Mom went to your grandparents. Do what you have to do to make this shit stop or I'll rain hell down on everyone that gets in my path."
  I nod and take the key"Have the kerosene ready in fifteen minutes. I'll have the name by then."
  Wolf nods and walks away. I unlock the door and step inside the small wooden shed. She was trying to wiggle out of the chains, holding her to the wooden chair, " Roman let me out of here. These chains are tight and hurting me."
   "Not a chance, now tell me why the hell you set the cabin on fire. Maria and I could have both been in there. I want to know the name of the guy that dropped the lighter, the one wearing the mask."
  She continued to struggle, " Roman let you mother out of this chair this instance."
   I began to laugh, one that came deep down from my stomach, " Jessica you gave me away when I was six months old because you couldn't get laid with me. You have never been my mother, you have been nothing but a whore my whole life."
  "I came back for you" she tried to defend herself.
  I walked to the welding torch, a long iron rod sat beside it. I quickly light the torch and  slowly begin to heat the metal rod. "Tell me Jessica, what happened when I was six?" I asked boredly.
  She looks at me with her head cocked,"How the hell am I supposed to know?"
  I watch the rod begin to heat, " I got the measles,my Mom, Angel sat up with me all night and day. Angel made sure my fever didn't get above one-oh-three. Angel drew up a cold bath for me when it jumper to one-oh-four. Angel didn't sleep for three days, but for a fifteen minute nap Dad made her take. Angel wanted to make sure that I had no complications. Angel kept a cool rag on my forehead, and kissed me goodnight every night, not afraid of catching measle. Now, Jessica, tell me at any part did I say your name? Because I didn't, you where on your back somewhere trying to get somewhere else to sleep that night. Angel, my mother, was with me making sure I felt love and cherished. Now tell me why you tried to burn down the cabin with Maria and I inside."
  She was silent, I turn around with the red hot iron rod. She was just glaring at me, I stick the metal rod to her leg lightly. Her mouth open, a scream tore out.
  The smell of burnt flesh filled the room, some sticking to the rod, " Tell me Jessica."
   She glared up at me"Maria was taking away my crash pad, you would never let me stay their with her there. I knew for certain you wouldn't let me stay their when she had that little bastard of yours."
   I stuck the rod to her arm, this scream louder then the last, " Who was the guy with you?"
  She began to jerk around in her chair,"Let me the fuck go, you fucking mistake."
  I set the rod on her shoulder, it had to be cooling off because she didn't scream as loud. I silently curse and set the rod on the stand I got it from, " Who is the guy?" I demand this time.
  She glares up at me, " I should have aborted you. I thought about it all the way up until I had you, but how was I going to get child support from a dead baby? I decided to keep you, but then all you did was cry and shit. Everytime I brought a guy over you would cry an kill the mood. So I pawned you off, you know what I got out if it? Nothing, jackshit."
  I look at all the fun toys Wolf laid out for me. I pick up the knife,"Who was the fucking guy?"
  She spits at me, it landing right by my shoe. I walk up to her, grabbing her ear and slicing the dip off. She began the throw a fit, " How the hell am I supposed to explain a half missing ear to someone you fucking brat?"
"Get creative, the name or prepare to lose your nose, bitch."
  She looked scared for a moment, all she has ever survived off of is her looks, " His name is James, and he should be here soon." I nod me head.
  Just the a prospect walks into the shed holding the kerosene can. I snatch it from him and pour it all over her. She sputters and some gets into her mouth. I hand the prospect the knife left to right, he understood and walked to her, slitting her throat as I took a sip of whiskey Wolf Wolf.
  I nod my head to the door, and the prospect moves away. I take my lighter out and flick it open, Jessica beginning to drown on her own blood. I take a deep breath in my nose and flick the light, lighting it. The alcohol spews from my lips and catches fire, blowing it to Jessica. Her last sight before she died was the dragon's fire .

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