A Jock and An Emo (Prinxiety)

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The sudden snapping of two fingers in front of Virgil's face quickly brought him back to reality. How long had he been lost in his thoughts for?

"Virgil? Are you alright?"

Next to Virgil was his best friend, Patton Foster. He had rocked a bright blue t-shirt and usually had a cat hoodie wrapped around his waist as to obey the school's dress code. But who doesn't like cat hoodies? It was a stupid code.

Virgil gave Patton a reassuring smile, or as much of one as he could muster, and slipped his headphones off his ears.

"I'm fine, Patton. Just spaced out for a minute."

"Are you sure?" He continued to question his darkly dressed friend. "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know, I know. I was just spacing out, really."

With a huff and a cross of his arms Patton finally accepted Virgil's answer and went back to leaning against his boyfriend, Logan Berry.

Virgil didn't really like Logan's demeanor but he made Patton happy so he continued to put up with his nerdiness. It wasn't all bad though. Logan would sometimes help Virgil with his homework and even panic attacks when Patton wasn't around. So it was kind of like gaining another friend without the hassle of getting to know them first.

"You were looking at him again, weren't you?" Logan questioned Virgil, not moving his gaze away from his book.

Crimson red replaced the pale cover of Virgil's cheeks.

"S-so what if I was?" He stuttered.

"Aaaaaw that's so cute! It's kind of like a forbidden romance!" Patton shouted, happily clapping his hands.

"Please shut up..."

"No! You two would be perfect together, ya know? Like a Romeo and Juliet! Oh wait you're a boy. How about Romeo and Julien? Oh that would be a great turn of the century play if you think about."

"Darling," Logan interrupted the adorable boy's rant with a gentle squeeze of his hand, "you're ranting again. It's scaring him a bit."

Patton looked over a Virgil, seeing him covering his embarrassed blushing face with his black and purple hood. He took a deep breath to calm his excited behavior before smiling over at Virgil. "I'm sorry about that, kiddo. It's just that Roman has been your first real crush since sixth grade."

At the remark, Virgil pulled his hoodie to cover more of his face.

Roman Prince really was Virgil's first and only crush since middle school and was now one of the star quarterbacks of their high school football team. If he didn't have enough guts to confess his love in middle school, what made Patotn think he could confess them now? When Roman was practically school famous?

There no way in hell Virgil could confess now.

Before any of them knew it, the first period bell had rung to signal that it was time for class. After their kiss goodbye, Logan left the two friends to walk to their shared class alone.

They walked in just before the second bell rung, causing a sigh of relief from Virgil.

"Thank God," he muttered, "if I was late again Elizabeth was going to lecture my ears off."

"Aw your moms aren't so bad. They just care about you a lot," Patton stated as he sat down at the front of the class.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you after class bud."

Virgil gave his friend a nod and a smile before walking to his usual desk in the back of the classroom. It was a sure fire way of not getting called on or bothered for the entire hour and a half period of torture. Most people wouldn't enjoy it since they wanted to be the center of attention but it was Virgil's favorite spot.

He quickly sat down in his seat when the teacher walked to the front of the class and waited for everyone to calm down.

"Okay class," he began, "today a new student is being added to our class due to scehdule changes. So everyone give Roman a warm welcome to our period of English."

Suddenly, Roman Prince cane striding into the room as if he was on some sort of stage. He flashed everyone in the room a smile that could make anyone swoon. Especially Virgil.

The emo-phased boy slammed his head down on his desk in a fit of shame.

'Out of every class, why did he have to transfer into mine?'

A mixture of worry and happiness fluttered in Virigl's chest as he kept overthinking about the possibilities of this situation. There were good and bad endings, happy and sad endings. He couldn't seem to pick which ones outweighed the others.


The voice of his teacher brought Virgil back from wherever he disappears to while in thought. He looked up to see everyone staring at him, his heart beginning to race slightly.


"Could you please move your desk a bit to make room for Mr. Prince?"

"Oh uh, yeah of course Mr. Picani."

Virgil hurriedly shuffled his desk a little ways away from the one right next to him, giving Roman enough room to squeeze by and sit down.

"Alright class. Now I want you to turn to page sixty-three of your textbook and begin reading. Now partners this time so I dont want any talking above a whisper," Mr. Picani explained.

The rest of the class continued to read while half-listenig to what they're teacher was saying about the story. Virgil had already lost himself in the creative words before him and hadn't been listening to a single word. He always loved the time they were given to read and sometimes loved the stories within the textbooks they were given. This certain story was about a teenage prince and an artist in within his kingdom.

The prince had gone out into his village for the first time ever and was meeting everyone with a smile on his face. He stopped at a fabric stand and saw a boy about the same age drawing in his sketchbook. They shared a conversation and the artist's dad seemed to have embarrassed him in front of the royalty. It was obvious that the artist liked the prince and it seemed the prince had shared his feelings. Then the next night the artist-

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"

Virgil's trance of reading delight was quickly interrupted by the handsome boy sitting next to him.


"I asked if you had a pencil? I seemed to have misplaced mine before I got here."

"Oh. Yeah of course, hold on a sec."

The darkly dressed boy pulled out his small pencil case from his satchel and grabbed a pencil from his vast assortment.

"Here," he said, handing the pencil to the princely boy, "you can keep it. I have a lot anyways."

Roman smiled brightly at Virgil as he took the pencil. Their fingertips gently brushed together, sending a chill down Virgil's spine.

"Thank you very much. What's your name?"

"It's Virgil. Virgil Moore."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Virgil. I'm-"

"Roman Prince, I know," Virgil interrupted, chuckling lightly.

"Oh. R-right. Mr. Picani announced me."

Roman scratched the back of his neck in a fit of nervousness. If you were close enough you could even see a hint of red on his cheeks. The sight made Virgil's heart sore. The boy seemed to be a lot nicer than Virgil had expected him to be.

Maybe he could confess his feelings afterall.

(Did anyone catch that reference to death-of-a-phangirl 's story 'Prince's Kiss'? Yeah they're great :) )

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