Chapter 44

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You reappeared in the common room of the tower and were greeted with cheers and hugs when you stepped out of the portal. "Kat, what are you wearing?" Wanda asked once you had disentangled yourselves from your family of supers. You looked down and realized you were still wearing an Asgardian dress. You grinned when you looked back up at her.

"I am wearing a dress," you replied with a touch of sarcasm. Even Nat laughed at that.

"And the tiara?" she asked with a smirk. You blushed; you'd forgotten about the tiara. And you hadn't told anyone but Tony and Fury that Loki's family now thought you were married. It was all very complicated.

"Tradition on Asgard," Loki answered quickly. It wasn't even a lie. "Did anything important happen while we were gone?" He asked the team in general, changing the subject to something safer.

"The Harlequin has been causing problems again. There's also been some supposed sightings of Balder, but no one's been able to confirm it," Nat reported. As one of the original Avengers, it was one of her jobs to give such updates. "But there's nothing urgent for you two today,"

You nodded at that, relieved that you got a reprieve. "Thanks Aunt Nat. Come on, Loki, there's something we need to do," you grabbed Loki's hand and started dragging him with you. You had put this off too long and that needed to be rectified now.

"Darling, where are you dragging me?" Loki asked, laughing. He didn't fight you, but did wonder what you were up to.

"You'll see," was the only reply he got. He sighed, but dug in his heels at the door to leave the tower. You stopped and turned to look at him. "What?" you asked, confused as to why he was stopping now.

"Maybe we should be wearing Midgardian clothes?" he asked, calmly and reasonably. You sighed, but used your power to change your dress to a blue sundress and sandals. Loki just gave you an expectant look. You rolled your eyes, since he was perfectly capable of changing his own clothes by magic, but he just continued to look at you expectantly. You closed your eyes and focused. It was harder to change his clothes than your own, but after a moment, he was dressed in a suit, just not the all black one he usually chose for himself. "A suit?" he asked, confused by your choice.

"You want to make a good first impression," you told him. He nodded, but you saw the confused expression on his face. You led him to your car and summoned your purse and keys. The first place you drove to was the liquor store first, parking far enough from the entrance that they wouldn't be able to see you from inside the store. "Your ID says you're at least 21, right?" you asked him when you pulled into the spot.

Loki nodded warily "Of course." He didn't trust where your mind was going.

"Good," you pulled out some money from your purse and handed it to him. "Go in there and pick something out. Something a man would like,"


"Please, Loki. It's important,"

"And you cannot come?" he asked, confused. He knew there was something about Midgardian customs he was missing and wanted to understand before he did this favor.

You shook your head. "I don't have a fake ID and you have to be 21 to buy alcohol," you reminded him. You hadn't bothered getting a fake when you were so well-known. It would've been stupid. "They won't sell it to you if they think you're buying it for a minor, for someone under 21," you clarified that last point.

"Am I buying it for a minor?" he asked with a look of disapproval.

"Of course not!" you spluttered, indignantly, like you'd ever ask for something like that. Besides, you could always steal booze from Tony if you really wanted some. "It's a gift,"

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