To My Wonderful Readers,

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                             where to start? Well first off I need to apologize for not updating as quickly as I was hoping to, I have been having family issues showing up left and right while also on vacation where I had no Wi-Fi or internet to properly update and the fact that school for me starts on the 6th of August shows that I have very little time to try and fix my sleep schedule from pulling some all-nighters. I also feel like I am letting you down and that I should just discontinue this book of find someone to take over who might do a better job at updating. I haven't found any inspiration to continue an I feel like those who have just recently watched the franchise will be more inspired to continue for me. I would love to know your opinions on the subject at hand so that I can take immediate action to satisfy you.

With love from,

Secrets Unlocked (Voltron Hunk x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now