15: Phil's POV

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Dan has officailly been going through Phil's music collection for 40 minutes. Killing Phil's patients as he set down yet another cd.

"Oh my god Daniel! Just pick something!" Phil yelled, hiding his smile with the pillow next to him.

"This is a delicate choice Phil! Don't sass me," Dan set down another cd. Turning to the almost empty shelf next to him.

Phil groaned, digging his fae farther into the pillow to not even see Dans looking through the cds for the millionth time.

With patients wavering over zero tolerence. Phil finally makes the decision to chose something. Throwing his pillow to the side and standing up.

"Its easy," Phil sighed, looking over the labels and choosing one carefully."How about this one?"

Dan looked sideways at it. Shaking his head and turning towards the cds."No, that one has a sad song in it."

Phil groans. Setting the cd down,"Actually the fifth song on track two uses sad undertones so it can't be used." He said sassily. Making Dan snort while he choose another cd, the last one.

"How about this one?" Dan smiles, showing Phil the cover, The Black Parade from My Chemical Romance.

"Omg my god hes choosen! Thank you merciful god," Phil through his hands in the air. Grabbing the cd and popping it in his stero.

It starts from the first song. Making Dan smile as he walks over and turns it up.

"Would you like to dance Danny Grace," Phil joked, reaching his hand towards Dan and watching the blush spread over Dans cheeks.

Jesus, Phil doesn't think hes ever seen someone blush that much ever. And to be honest it was completly adorable. The way Dan ran a hand through his hair and grinned at the ground while he slowly grew red made Phil want to make him blush forever.

"Sure," Dan almost whispered, taking Phils hand and having Phil lead him right in front of Phil.

"Awkward middle school dance or sweet rose-in-mouth tango?" Phil delibreatly made the other sound so much better, which really wasn't that hard.

Dan grinned,"Do you have a rose we could use?" He asks, looking around Phils room for a flower.

Phil has never been more thankful for Lee as he grabs a plastic rose pen she'd forced him to make for her than given him. He handed it Dan, smiling as he tried to remember how to dance the tango.

"Alright, my hand goes-here I think," Phil tried to bring the memories back up but awkwardly set his hand on Dan's waist and made him laugh.

"Here, let me do it. I danced the tango at my dads wedding," Dan rememebered, grabbing Phils hand and setting the other on his shoulder. Setting the rose in his mouth.

Phil felt his face flush while keeping his hand on Dans waist. His hipbone set in Phils palm which made him feel a bit awkward since it was a bit, well close.

Dan stifled a laugh as Mama started to play."The musics actualy perfect," he noted pushing Phil's feet with his so they danced around the room.

Phil was grinning like a idiot but he couldn't help it. He had memories stored in his mind for when he was in bad moments. It was something he always did for when he felt nervous or overwhelmed. Mostly they were just family vacations and times when he was just extremly happy. Slowly that storage was filling of memories mostly concerning a boy with choclate brown eyes giving him the most loving look in the world.

Phil can't help himself, everythings so perfect and hes floating on the clouds. This one of the best days hes ever had. Even surpassing when they went to Disney World when he was 10 years old.

The air is filled with adoration and happiness while they danced. Eventually singing the words together by heart and giggling.

Phils happiness cannot be matched. Except, by maybe Dan while they swing around his room. Phil spun Dan around in a circle, giggling as Dan stumbled and almost fell.

"Woah Danny Grace. Whos the one with one leg here?" Phil joked, wrapping a arm around Dans waist to prevent his fall.

Dan blushed, straightening up and taking the flower out of his mouth."Well excuse me for being amazing in every way but dance."

Phil laughed, relizing his arm was still around Dans waist and letting go. Fighting a blush.

He stuck out his bottom lip,"But I thought we could choreography Footloose dances together. Jesus, just when I started to like you," Phil blushed after the last sentence. He almost never flirted but I was worth Dan's blush and little lip bite.

"Doubt it, I don't think you can pick me up," Dan challenged, smile tugging on his lips.

"Can too," Phil scoffs like a 3rd grader. Part of him joking the other part wanting to lift Dan up by the waist. Or just touch him really. God, whats happening to Phil.

"Try me," Dan set the flower gently on the bed, turning towards Phil with his arms spread out.

Phil did not expect to get this far, he knew that there was no way he could lift up Dan. He could barely lift a stack of copy paper let alone a full sized person!

Phil finally sighed, cracking his fingers. May as well try and wipe that ridiculous, cocky look off Dans's face. He walked over to Dan, grabbing his waist and attempting to hoist him up. Grunting under Dans waist and getting on one knee to get him up.

"Wow, great job Phil. Your stronger than I thought." Dan sassed, Phil lifting him up halfway so they were literally pressed together. Dans knees planted on his hip bones painfully.

"Oh shit!" Phil yelled, tumbling down forwards. Dan gripping the back of his neck as they careen forward.

"Jesus!" Dan yelled, failing his legs on either side of Phil when they connected with the bed.

"Ow" Phil groaned, legs slipping so his knees slammed into the hardwood floor. Pain shooting up his legs and arms pinned to the bed by Dans body.

"Jesus Phil you couldve told me you had the strength of a-" Dans voice flatered. Causing Phil to look about and relieze how painfully awkward they looked. Phil literally in between Dans legs with his face about a foot from. The, the middle of Dans legs. Dan pinning down Phils arms with his arms spread across the bed in opposite directions.

"Sorry!" Phil sttutered out, attemping to move from their position. He accidently pulled his arms down, pulling at Dans to tight yet falling down jeans and pulling them down to his mid thighs.

Phils entire body felt heated as he pulled his arms away. Stumbling back on his butt till he hit the opposite wall.

"S-sorry!" He blubbered, watching in emotional cringe worthy pain as Dan pulled his jeans back up, hiding his boxers from Phils view.

Dan slowly sits up. Entire face deep red while he stares at the floor. Biting his lip yet again and rolling it between his teeth.

Ugh god could I have done anything weirder! Phil acolded himself. The air that used to be carefree and happy slowly became awkward and heavy.

"Dont do that," Dan suddenly whispers. Making Phil jump and give him a odd look.

"Do what." He asked, hearing the hesitant tone in his boice and cringing slightly at the sound.

"Don't," Dan thought over what to say for a moment."Dont blame yourself on a accident. You that quite alot. Just, you didn't do anything w-wrong," Dan voice flaters into a whisper. He glares at the floor. Angerly.

"Well you can't do it either," Phil soothes quietly, getting up and sitting next to Dan.

Its just quiet then, not a awkward slience since the music still plays in the backround. But a good slience where their both deep in thought.

They stayed like that until the cd stopped. Dan stood up to get another and Phil groaned.

"Please god not again!"

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