I got in the fluff mood so prepare for a extra, extra long chapter of cuteness and you'll probably make weird sounds between a shriek and squeal.
When we park Tyler is in the middle of a golden story. Troye leaning againist his shoulder and Phil laughing until his stomach hurts.
"Were here!" Dan announces. Happily turning the cars engine off.
Phil excidedly whips around, looking at the roller coasters towering into the sky, rides already begining to go. People in costumes passed by the car.
"Meet you guys 'round 9?" Tyler asks, looling between them.
"Deal," Dan says, watching them get out of the car."And stay safe!" Dan calls, making Phil giggle and hit his arm.
"What, just making sure," Dan teased. Getting out of the car and opening Phils door.
"M'date," Dan gestures for Phil to get out of the car. Making Phils stomach tumble and him smile goofily.
"Thank you Danny Grace," he teases. Getting out of the car and walking with Dan towards the gates.
"Your welcome," Dan smiles, getting out his wallet.
"Woah woah, your not paying for everything right?" Phil asks, suddenly terrtorial. Dan can not pay for everything. Its not fair to him.
Dan rolls his eyes."Let me pay for tickets and you can get food." Dan says getting out his cash.
"Fine," Phil gave in, letting Dan buy the tickets.
Dan brought a bag to carry everything. Which had to be checked so they waited awhile. Phil excidedly checking out the halloween decorations covering the place.
He was busy looking at everything, he didn't even notice Dan was done until fingers intertwined with his.
"Hey Phil, come on," Dan whispers, pulling Phils hand along while checking a map with the other.
They began walking through the crowded park, dodging tons of people and going to where the lines thined out.
When they got to the first ride. A middle schooler one that was decortated with fake bats and spiders. Dan excidedly pulled Phil along, tugging his arm through the first ride."Hurry up!" Dan yelped happily running them up the stairs towards the platfoem.
They waited about 3 rides talking about random stuff when it was finally their turn.
The rides seats were shaped like a bullet, it was two to a seat. One person sat in the first chair. Making themself small. And the other sat behind, both legs apart and on each side of the chair.
Dan, being Dan. Choose the first cart and jumped in, forcing Phil to be the very first one.
"Bad time to tell you I dislike heights?" Phil asks, nervously climbing in front of Dan.
"Awww. Its okay Phil, I'll protect you," Dan giggles. Weirdly forward and bubbly, different from his usual self.
Dan wraps his arms around Phil from behind. Squezing slightly before leaning back.
Phil blushes at his hands. He likes new forward Dan, he's really easy to fall for. Phil almost snorts, like he wasn't before.
The ride jerks forward and they start the incline up.
"Oh jesus," Phil mumbles, gripping the bar and feeling himself head upwards.
Phil squezes his eyes shut. Controlling his breathing well the ride began to slow, meaning they would go down soon.

Clouds -> my first ever phanfic
Fiksi PenggemarA phanfic where Dan is a introvert highschooler barely surviving his last year of high school when the new kid, Phil, comes to class. Late. The first day. In pjs.