Waking up early is not something Dan wants to do, ever. Only crazy people wake up this early. That really insane ones anyway.
He throws his arm over his eyes, muttering curses.
Phils in the shower, probaby getting ready to leave since they head out in 5 minutes.
Tyler jumps on the bed, shootig Dan up and causing him to fall off the bed.
"Dan, lets go, I'm hungry," Tyler whines, forcing Dan up and shoving a beanie at him.
"Why don't you and Troye go get the food and I'll stay here and wait for Phil?" Dan suggest falling back into the now unblanketed bed. Tyler that dick.
"Fine, we'll bring food back. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Tyler pushes a tired Troye out the door and it slams shut.
"What wouldn't you do," Dan sass's, man, time with Tyler changes everyone.
"Phil did you die in there?" Dan asks, knocking on the door and leaning his head on it.
Phil sighs and mumbles something inaudible.
Dan knocks again, lookin over to Phils drawstring and bursting into laughter."You forgot your clothes didn't you. Tyler and Troye went to get food." Dan ensures falling back on the bed and drifting of instantly.
He snaps back to reality just before falling asleep. The sound of the doorknob opening.
"Don't laugh," Phil calls before stepping out of the bathroom and holy shit.
Hes only in his boxers, covering his body self consciously when he obviously doesn't need to. He's paler than most people but it suits him. His body somehow holding a combination of sexy and down right adorable with the cute little pudge on his stomach.
"Stop staring," He whispers, grabbing his drawstring and heading back towards the bathroom.
Just before he could leave Dan grabs his arm, pulling to his chest and hugging him."Phil your beautiful, don't do that to yourself." He whispers, blushing a bit. Phil wraps his arms around him, setting his head of Dan's shoulder.
"Thanks," Phil mumbles, making Dan laugh as he felt the vibrations on his shoulder.
"Just telling the truth," he answers, kissing Phil's temple before pulling back.
"Now get ready before Tyler eats the whole buffet," Dan jokes, happy with Phils ginormous smile and red cheeks.
"Your beautiful too," Phil kisses Dan softly and walks into the bathroom.
Dans in a happy buzz, going around and getting all his things.
Phil is ready by the door, opening it when Tyler and Troye came to get their stuff.
They all head down, checking out and piling into the car.
Tyler drives first, Troye in the backseat in charge of music.
Dan, being the king of making himself small, has managed to lay all the way down in the backseat. Head on Phils lap and middle seats seatbelt clicked around him.(At Phils request)
They began turning on the highway, Dan content with a happy buzz as he cuddles into Phils lap more and drifts in and out of sleep.
Tylers road rage wakes him up most of the time, but sometimes its the fingers running through his hair. Picking out tangles softly and running over the thick curls.
Needless to say, Dan couldn't be more happy, ever in his entire life, exsistence really. So he sleeps, the whole way, sometimes just pretending so he can focus on his content feelings.
When the car lurches to a stop Dans nose slams into Phils stomach. Causing Phil to make an umoff sound.
"Sorry," Dan mumbles,"Where are we?" He asks a second later, brain still tired and groggy.
"Home," Phil says almost sadly, which everyone in the car notices, especially Dan.
"We can go get some lunch, I'm hungry," Dan says, facing up to see the bottom of Phils jaw.
"Sure," Tyler says excidedly starting up the car again.
Dan laughs, watching Phils face light up and look down to see him."Thanks," Phil whispers, kissing Dans forehead gently.
"I'm just hungry," Dan stats, snuggling back in.
"Where are we going?" Phil asks, looking between Tyler and Troye. They share a glance before grinning.
"Its a suprise," Troye says, smiling and turning to them.
"Ugh," Dan hates suprises, he likes to know what to expect.
"Shut up mister and go back to sleep with your boyfriend," Tyler says, starting down the road.
"Yah road trip," Dan mumbles, barely feeling refreshed but he sits up anyway.
Phil pouts at him, mad at the lost of warmth.
Dan giggles, patting Phils head,"Sorry Phillow." He teases, streaching his arms still they pop.
"Ew, gross," Phil turns his nose up at the sound.
"What was that I couldn't hear you," Dan says, cracking his fingers right next to Phils ear.
"Ew," Phil pushes his hand away."That is the worst sound." He states, crossing his arms.
"I'm sorry Philly," Dan says, leaning his head on Phils shoulder, which Phil shakes off.
"No cuddles I'm mad at you," Phil says, making Dan fake pout.
"Can you too stop being adorable I'm trying to drive," Tyler snaps from the front seat.
They all laugh, driving who knows where, just happy to be in each others company.
That is, till they ran out of gas.

Clouds -> my first ever phanfic
Fiksi PenggemarA phanfic where Dan is a introvert highschooler barely surviving his last year of high school when the new kid, Phil, comes to class. Late. The first day. In pjs.