Tired Cuddle Session

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Moonlight Gentleman! Photographer (Joseph) x Reader

Your POV:
,,(Y/N)! Nice to see you! Finally we can have a match together again!", Martha smiled and sat down next to me. I giggled: ,,Enthusiastic as always! But be careful. I don't want to rescue you again because you hit a pallet instead of the hunter with your gun!"

She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest without saying anything more. Meanwhile the others came, too. William and Jose. There it is again, the feeling of being useless... It hurts. How could I not be useless when I have no special item and no special skills?

Item: none
Tinnitus: Always keep an eye on your surroundings- You can hear every footstep and every word someone says in a distance of 75 meters.
Desperation: 5 seconds can change everything- Pull down time for pallets is increased by 100% and recovery speed of the hunter decreases by 15% when hit. Cooldown time: 30 seconds.

,,I hope you are ready. Ready for your lose!", someone silently laughed. My eyes widened. I can recognize this voice! Whenever we played against this hunter we lost in just five minutes! But not today! My thoughts got interrupted when we got to the map: Moonlit River Park. To the left was the rollercoaster and to the right a cipher. Perfect!

I started to decode it while humming. Before I could finish the cipher, the cameras took a photo and I accidentally missed a calibration because of it. In the same moment Joseph came from the photoworld trying to terror shock me but failed as I ran to the next pallet. "No terror shock today? How sad!", he said amused "But seems like you will be my first victim!"

He ran to the pallet where I stood so I quickly pulled it down. Yes, I hit him! The photographer groaned and destroyed it. First cipher finished. "Come on! Keep it up!", Jose shouted as he finished the second cipher and the dungeon spawned in front of us. Joseph took this chance of my lack of concentration to hit me. William suddenly attacked the hunter with his football but no success. I quickly said: "Leave me!" Too late, he also got hit. "Get out of here!"

The Forward apologized before he ran back to Martha who finished the third cipher meanwhile and healed him. I still kited Joseph but I could win some distance through the skill Desperation. The Photographer wanted to chair me so badly that he didn't care about the others anymore.

"Get back here!", he groaned. I slipped the slide down, immediately threw the next pallet down and confidently spoke: "Catch me if you can!" Fourth cipher done. We didn't notice that the last cipher was done as well until I saw his glowing red eyes. "Get out of here! The hunter has detention!" He grinned.

"Leave me!" I started to run again borrowing some time. My teammates left like they were told to. Only him and I. "Nice try but now you will stay!" He used Blink, hit and threw me to the ground without any chance to dodge. Then he put his sword away and sat down wiping the sweat on his forehead away. We breathed heavily. How long lasted this containment? 200 seconds? Or even 300 seconds?

I don't know but I am tired now. I healed myself, sat up again and watched the wolf like hunter catching his breath. Joseph seemed to be tired, too. "Come here~", he signaled to sit next to him as he laid his hat to the right. After a few minutes of confusion I did it. He didn't waste any time to lay his head on my shoulder. His tail wagged a bit, he then closed his eyes. Mine in contrast widened. "You smell so nice~" That's it, I am blushing. Carefully I caressed his back. Joseph started to purr and his tail wagged more. I giggled: "Who is a good boy?" "Stop it", he pouted and pulled me to his body to use me as a pillow.

I found this picture on Instagram and I had to write something about it♡☆ But I'll never understand why everyone likes him the most. To be honest I prefer Xie and Fan .
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