Lasso and Dances

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Cowboy (Kevin) x Hunter! Reader

Your POV:
"How could the Mind's Eye escape?!", I groaned while looking around, "Damn it!" But I need to show some respect to her. I mean, I never lose and it isn't easy to get away from me! A short psycho laugh escaped my mouth. "Ready or not... Here I come!"

Suddenly my tinnitus activated. Quiet steps getting louder with every second, they are coming towards me. What a coincidence! A dumb survivor finds his way to me! A wide grin revealed my sharp teeth. "Why~ What do we have here?", my enemy arrived with a flirty tone. "My my~ You really desire the thought of losing against me, don't you?" Kevin just laughed as he took his lasso.

Suddenly something snaked around my left wrist and tightened more and more until I dropped the weapon. The Cowboy's face showed a victorious smile while I tried to get my hand out of his lasso. He pulled on it rapidly so I would stumble right into his arms. One of his hands on my waist, the other one around my wrist with the brown rope. I wanted to scream at him, to hit and chair him. But nothing... "Cat got your tongue, (Y/N)~?", he especially emphasized my name. "You little-", I growled but got interrupted as Kevin leaned closer letting our noses touch.

He laughed softly at his view and took a step to right. Then a step forward and to the left followed. Slowly but steadily. We began to turn in a circle while dancing, making faster steps. I don't know how long it lasted. Then the sirens suddenly rang. My detention immediately kicked in and spread through my body. Desperately I tried to struggle out again, with success. Before the Cowboy could escape I quickly took my weapon and hit him.

As I carried Kevin to the nearest rocket chair he mumbled: "Sadly it is already over but-", short interruption came while I put him onto the chair holding the last wire with one finger, "I still didn't give you this."

He grabbed me by my collar and pressed his lips on mine. After a minute he finally let go so I did the same to the last wire with an evil smile. "You got me. Congratulations! But you forgot the others!" "Son of a-" "I hope to see you as soon as possible, cutie~" Shortly after he was sent back to the manor the other survivors escaped. This fucking idiot planned it the whole time! I threw the weapon onto the ground. I was so mad at myself for losing that I couldn't take it.

Ok guys, I know I'm complaining a lot about survivors (I hate nearly every survivor) but I need to say this:

STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HITBOXES. I met so many people who complained about Geisha's hitbox! I, as a Photographer and Geisha main, want to say:
I main Geisha since beginning of Season 5 and I know how crappy her hitbox was before the buff. And to be honest her hitbox only got a bit better! BUT I STILL DON'T CARE 'CAUSE I LOVE HER! Photographer has the biggest hitbox of all hunters but you still complain about Geisha's hitbox like she suddenly got Joseph's!
It's worse than Gardener's nerf! And I hate that!

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