Can we stay together?

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Coordinator (Martha) x Trained! Reader
(slight x Mercenary (Naib))

Request by Sayaepolo

Your POV:
"Come on! Five more pushups!", Martha commanded, "After that 20 situps and we are done!" Naib did the last ones quickly while I just did them at the same pace as always. Since I moved to the manor, the three of us exercise every day. It got to a daily ritual to keep our army bond alive. But it will break again when we leave the manor. I don't want that! I don't want to leave Martha and Naib! Not the others and not even the hunters!

But these bitter cries will remain silent, hidden in the darkness... They have grown dear to me, especially Martha. It is more than just the army bond, that is friendship.

After we did the last situp, we went back to our rooms. I took my normal outfit and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It helps me to clear my mind. As the cold water patterned onto my sweaty skin, my thoughts went wild again. We are going to leave the manor next week and we will probably never see us again. I don't want to go back home but to stay with Martha and Naib.

After 15 minutes I turned the shower off, dried myself and changed into my normal clothes. It is eating me up. Suddenly someone knocked on the door: "(Y/N), are you in there?" "Yes. What is wrong?", I replied curiously. "Meet me in the garden, please." Then the person went away slowly. The voice wasn't clear enough to recognize so I opened the door to look for the person. Nobody there. Strange...

I did as told and made my way to the survivors' garden still asking myself what he/she wants. The door squeaked as I opened it. My eyes scanned through the indoor garden just to find nobody. "Oh, you already arrived! Did you wait a long time?" "Huh?", I turned around and answered, "No, I just came a minute ago." Martha smiled softly as she closed the door and sat down on a bench. I did the same. "By the way, what did you want from me?" "I wanted to talk. What are you going to do after we left the manor?", she asked quietly. My thoughts went wild again. Anything you are going to do... I just want to stay with you... The Coordinator waited patiently for the answer. After a few minutes I could finally reply: "I don't know to be honest. Going home isn't an option. I don't have a place to be welcome."

She took my hand. "Can we stay together?" "(Y/N)..."

The last week passed by quite fast. Everyone used it to spend time with each other. The hunters joined us as well. Now it is over... We already got our money so taking our luggage and leave is our last task. We were standing in front of the manor with the hunters as they hugged us tightly. Silent cries filled the surrounding. I stood next to Martha while she talked to Naib.

Sadly the Mercenary has to go back to the Gurkhas.

"Please take care of yourself, Naib! I will miss you so much", I cried while I hugged him. Martha hugged him from behind while he buried his face into my shoulder not answering. "(Y/N), it is time to go", she whispered. We released him and slowly walked to the car. I couldn't help but to look back at Naib who was still crying.

I can stay with Martha but it won't be the same without Naib. Destiny brought us together but separated us again. I don't want to know what I would have done if my dearest friend was gone.

Martha smiled weakly and took my hand: "As long as we are together, everything will be fine. And with our job we can always visit him!" "Thank you. You are the best."

Hope you like it^^

If you want to chat with me, I have Discord now: Yuki_Sama #2908

Oof, my life is really difficult rn. My hyperinsomnia and depression got worse again. I have exams this year and I'm kinda afraid that I won't make it through this._.

I wanted to participate at COA 3 as well but it's not possible 'cause of the exams😪 I mean, I could but would the school agree if I'd make it to the Global Finals? It won't happen probably but what if? And I don't have a good team, too...

Abracadabra, I wish to be part of Alpha&Omega or Astra
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
*12 seconds later* Still no team._. What the hell did I do wrong (>_<) SCHMIDDY!!! BOORACECAR!!! HELP ME!!!

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