Cats + Mice = Enemies?

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Human! Gamekeeper (Bane) x Reader x Smiley Face (Joker)

Your POV:
"Welcome to our tour on the new map: Eversleeping Town! Hunters are prohibited to hunt any survivors and so are they prohibited to hurt any hunters! Please respect the rules and have fun!" Then the voice went silent. I am so excited to explore this map! I love new things, especially locations!

"Why do you still stand there? Come with us!", Emma happily said and dragged me along with the others to the old school. It is so incredible!

But I hope we don't meet the hunters since they always could change their mind. We are enemies, cats and mice never get along. They can easily do something to us now. Nobody watches us, nobody will ever know what happened. The map is big, you won't hear the screams. If not now then when?

"What is wrong, (Y/N)? Don't you like it?", someone asked and brought me back to the reality. I shook my head with a little smile: "Don't worry! Can we go to the graveyard now? I heard that there is also a small pond nearby." Emma got even more excited, took my hand and ran with me to the graveyard leaving the others behind. They sweatdropped but followed us quietly. They probably were thinking how stupid we just looked. As the others arrived, everyone's eyes widened at this view. The pond had a slight green light from the souls of the graveyard which let it shine and made it even more beautiful.

"What do we have here?", a deep voice from behind us asked suddenly. I was paralyzed but slowly turned around. My eyes widened. "What do you want?", Naib hissed. Xie just answered calmly: "Nothing. We are forbidden to hunt you all so we are just enjoying the tour." I could feel the cold glares on me as I hid behind Kevin which never seemed to disappear.

"Let's go guys", Naib hissed again as he walked past the hunters. We just followed him without complaining. The next stop was the sea with a dancer, lots of lamps and the cherry blossom trees. This is my favorite spot of the whole map. And the dancer looks like Michiko! She's so pretty! I was looking around from time to time, making sure the hunters weren't nearby.

As we wanted to see the spots of the exit gates, I was hooked up to something which was pulling me back in an extremely fast speed right into someone's arms. I looked on the arms around me and saw brown fur. Bane? My eyes widened in terror and I started to hyperventilate. Is this going to be my end now? "Calm down, dear. We aren't going to hurt you." Another person kneed in front of me and looked directly into my eyes. It was Joker but his mask didn't hide his face anymore. "Why are you so scared of us? We won't do anything to you", he added while getting up again and caressing my cheek. "B-Because you are the hunters and I'm just a small survivor. A-And this is a big map! Y-You could easily find a spot where nobody could hear us a-and-" "We are prohibited to hunt you", Bane interrupted me, still not letting go of me. Joker replied: "And you're a cute little survivor. Even we can't resist someone like you! We just want to be your friend!" "But survivors and hunters can't be friends! Cats and mice never get along!"

Bane put his head on my shoulder and whispered:
"There are always exceptions, even the biggest enemies can become close friends in nature, my dear."

I wanted to publish it a very long time ago already but I didn't find the time for it yet.
I planned on it since the release of Eversleeping Town was announced! It's a bit blunt now but I'll get into writing soon again and the stories will be amazing again!

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