Chapter 4

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We both shocked high as Dashan burst into our room with a worried face expression. >> We have a problem. << his concern was also in his voice. Yukina saw him tired, stretched out and asked him when he got up: >> What problem? <<. >> It was broken into room 1 and Niles Bey was stolen. <<, >> What!<< Yukina pushes him horrified and her look went to. >> We're done in about 5 minutes then come. << I looked at her horrified, I couldn't change it. We got ready quickly, this time I left it with the covering of my mark and simply pulled my pony to the other side. I took my bag with my launcher and my Bey in it and attached it to the back of my pants. We entered Room 1, where Nile was sitting on the bed, completely distraught, with an angry Kyoya standing beside him. His rage can only come because he didn't notice. Yukina stepped up to Nile and asked with a calm voice: >> Where was your Bey? <<. Nile turned his head for dessert, >> Right there on the dessert. <<. I put my hand on the dessert to feel the energy from his Bit-Beast.  For info, I just felt like a sniffer dog picking up a trail. >> I know where he is. << I spoke soberly with the look to Yukina.  >> Then we should go on our way. << she replied to me. >> But not all of them. << came from me, because I knew that everyone else wanted to come with me. >>Well well also again true. Then you, Kyoya and I go. << she spoke with the look to Kyoya. He just looked at her in amazement. >> Why is?<< he tried to say annoyed. >> Because otherwise you burst! Now let's go! <<. Without further contradictions Kyoya and I followed Yukina, when we left the shelter my task was to follow the trail. >> How do you know the way, Solary? << asked Kyoya without really hiding his interest. >> It's a long story which doesn't matter right now because we have to repeat a bey. <<, I didn't say more about that to keep focusing on that track. After a feeling of eternity we came to the place where the Bey energy of Niles Bit-Beast concentrated. My gaze wandered through what was below us, a lot of a logo on me and a quiet >>Mist .<< escapes me, but Yukina had heard it anyway. >> Don't say ...<< I interrupted her before she could say it. >> Yes, it's YOU. Because the two have already made acquaintance. << . Kyoya only looked at me with big wide eyes that spoke volumes. Badly I could tell him why, why and why, because he had never seen the logo before. >> We have to distract them. <<, >> Kyoya and I distract her and you get the Bey.<<, we just nodded. A short time later a restlessness broke out in Langer, both had let go of their Beys and it looked like two predators were hunting. Quickly I sprinted into the tent where Niles Bey was lying inside and took it with me. I felt a relief from Horuseus. The whole thing went too easily, Nilkan would never leave an Egyptian Bey unattended and my feeling should not deceive me. >> Long time not seen Khepri or should I call you better Solary. << told me a familiar rough voice. Slowly I turned around but I saw no one only his presence took I was. >>Show yourself Noha! << my voice resonates with fear. >> You've grown up since I last saw you. How many years have it been? Oh yes it is now almost ten years. << Noha entered the tent and feeds slowly. >> You bastard, that ten years ago you will pay back sometime. You have my family and my village on your conscience. << I growled at him. >> Oh I am afraid. Now give me your Bey and the other Bey! << seriousness and contempt both resonate in his words as he always comes near and I walked back footsteps. I was afraid of him because I know how cruel he can be. Before he got too close, I gathered all my courage and sprinted as fast as I could out of the tent and to Yukina and Kyoya.

>> Do you have him? << Yukina called out to me, >> Yes! Let's get out of here! << I yelled at both of them and ran past them. Yukina grabbed Kyoya and ran after me. Only in front of our accommodation I stop. My breath went fast and I got dizzy I would like to sit on the floor but Yukina held me by the waist and said: >> In the accommodation you can sit down. << Kyoya who looked at the whole thing said in a serious voice: >> In the shelter I want to know what's going on and why we had to go so fast. << I could unite it, but eventually he will, no, they will find out, so I decided that I would tell him at least part of it. >>Okay, if you really want to know, I'll tell you. << he said it to him. Yukina looks at me with her, are you sure, look at me and I just nod. Yukina supported me the rest of the way to the accommodation, there she brought me to the big main room and then disappeared to get me a glass of water. My dizzy feelings were still there, not a good idea to talk so fast. My body seemed to be still weakened by the long rest phase. During this time Kyoya went to fetch Nile and entered the room with him and Yukina at the same time. Before I took a sip of water, I gave Nile his Bey back and he thanked me formally.  Kyoya seemed to wait until I had a drink, even he had a queue. >> So now I want to know. <<, sat across from me. I took a breath, even if I will leave some out, it was even difficult for me. >> It was almost ten years ago when I met these people. I was still seven years old at that time and I live in a small village in Egypt, when this organization showed up to steal the Bey Ra from us. Unfortunately, they couldn't do it anymore because the Bey already had an owner and some Egyptian Bey are very idiosyncratic if they had chosen someone. My family had refused to say who the owner was, because otherwise they would have taken the owner with them. The bottom line was that all of them except me were killed by a man in one night. This man is also the leader of Nilkan and his name is Noha.<< I stopped and took a breath I didn't want to tell him more. >>Wow. Wait a minute, that means that Bey Ra owns it, but you're not blessed, are you? << the surprise in Nile's voice when he asked me that was not to be overheard and that he even asked something like that wondered me. My grip went into my pocket to get my bey and hair clip out. With the clip I put my pony away and the eyes of both became big before either of them could say anything I continued. >> I could, thank my mother, flee before he found us, then I walked for days through the desert to reach the next town and when I thought I wouldn't make it, a friend of my family found me in the desert because he was on his way to us. By my eyes this friend could see what happened and brought me straight to Cairo. The government decided to find someone to look after me and take me out of the country, so the father of Yukina came into play, because he was doing an excavation on behalf of the government. They asked him to do so under the condition that I hide the mark and change my name. You know the rest. <<. Kurz kept the silence in the room. >>So Solary isn't your real name? << Kyoya asked allowed for all that. >> Yes, that's right. My real name is Khepri kissed by the sun, according to my family. <<. >> You've been lying to us the whole time. << said Masamune in his annoying fashion when he invaded the room with the others, almost scared me off the chair. >> Don't say you have...<< I was interrupted with the words: >> We heard everything and we will support you because we are all Blader. << I had to laugh easily, I only knew this behaviour from Yukina. >> Thank you. <<, this thank you was very sincere. When I got up I turned to the side but was held by Kyoya and Nile. >> Are you all right? << asked Nile anxiously. I shook my head. Yukina put her hand on my string. >> She said that you were fit again, but running fast was very exhausting for you. Can you both bring her up? << said Yukina and looked at Kyoya and Nile, both just nodded and brought me into the room. In the room I lay down in bed and my eyes closed immediately. I only noticed how the door was closed, then nothing more.

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