Chapter 10

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At 8 pm we both arrived back at our apartment, where we were already waiting for Luca and Nian. >> Welcome back and nice to see you both again. << both spoke synchronously and hugged us. >> I made you eat. << said Luca, pointing into the kitchen.  We're both happy about it, because since we flew out of Egypt we haven't eaten real food anymore. So we all sat down in the kitchen to eat together, of course we also talk a lot. Around 11 pm we all disappeared into our room, because we were all very tired, just Yukina and me from the trip. The next morning I was awakened by Yukina something that happened very rarely. >>Good morning, get ready we want breakfast together and your doctor called. She wants us to come by. << she spoke softly. For a moment I looked at her sleepy, then I got up and got ready. The others were already sitting at the big dining table. Luca and Nian are turturing around, which is understandable because they are both a couple, at the beginning when I told them I didn't get along with it, because I didn't know it and didn't feel it right through my upbringing, but I learned that it is completely right. >> Good morning both of you. << I answer him cheerfully. Both looked at me and wished me a good morning, then I noticed Nian staring at me. >> I only notice now that you don't cover your time anymore. <<, >> Yes, but not for a long time. <<. Luca meanwhile got up to help Yukina carry the food. Nian had fried bacon as usual. >> So sunshine. What is it with the world championship. << Luca asked seriously. >> The WBBA director wanted me to plan a championship for the country and I immediately planned a world championship. To set up a special team was his idea. << I explained. Nian shook his head and only said: >> He has wishes. << then he walks with his look to Yukina, >>What does Darshan do? <<. Yukina swallowed her bite before going for it. >> Since he is back in China we are no longer together. It doesn't bother me, he was a final relationship, nothing ever happened. <<, >> Too bad. So now to you Khepri, this Kyoya is not her son. << Nian's fluctuations in voice was very legged by a sad damage he became serious and Yukina threw him an evil look at. >> Yes he is. << I gave away briefly and painlessly. >> That doesn't make it any easier for you in one way or another. << Luca uttered with a smile, a smile what said, I know what you feel for him. Everyone at the table knew what Luca meant and my face turned slightly red. >> It really doesn't make anything any easier. His father hates me although he let her go and I was like a daughter to her, but he was right about one. << I said in a soft voice and the three of them looked at me. >> Hopefully I won't meet you so fast. Let's clean up and go to Kiki to get the O.K. from her so we can train. << Yukina tried to cheer me up with these words. I had to laugh because I haven't trained in a long time.

When I arrived at the hospital I immediately put on my sports clothes, then Kiki wired me up as well.>> Please get on the treadmill. << Kiki asked me. I did what she said, the three of them are in the children's department during this time, they wanted to make the children happy. After about 50 km Kiki finishes the test. >> Very nice, you are so far very well fit but have to train again regularly. Please don't fight with someone who doesn't know about your condition. Do we understand each other? If you have strange dreams please let me know. << she spoke strictly to me. I felt her worries about me and I don't want her to worry about me like that. >> I understood it. << I said without further emphasis. I took my clothes and put on my jacket, then said goodbye to Kiki. Down in the training area of the WBBA there we had the best opportunity for training. We didn't spend our first session with Bladen, that's later. Nian grabbed me for martial arts training, which he normally does with Luca, but Luca wants to train with Yukina on the equipment. I was a bit out of martial arts, but Nian doesn't close loose until we both struggle for air. >>Khepri we take a break so that you and I can recover. << he said and help me get up. I have to say the floor here is very well padded. I sat down on the bench and Nian went to get water for both of us. >> What are you doing here, Solary? << asked a female tuner I knew astonished, when I looked up I saw Madoka in the eyes. Why this question, she didn't see what we are doing here. >> Training. What else are we supposed to do here? << I try not to sound too annoyed, but almost sounded like Kyoya. >> And with... << before she could formulate her question she was interrupted by Nian. >> Khepri we have to go. We are supposed to be with him in two hours. << his Bilck then wanders to Madoka, who only looks at him with big eyes.  Before she could scream we quickly disappeared with the other two. We all changed clothes and when we wanted to leave a voice that sounded like Kyoya spoke to me, but only more feminine. >> Khepri Re? << the female voice asked for me, I turned around and my eyes fell on the female version of Kyoya. >> Who are you? How do you know my name? << I asked her two questions at once, she just smiled and said: >> I'm happy to explain that to you, but not in public. <<. My feeling told me that I could trust her. >> Mine because of it. << I just said we drove back to our apartment. In the hallway we met Kyoya with his roommate in the appendix, all looked at the female variant of Kyoya and as if they had agreed it came in the choir: >> What the hell! <<.  Before they could say anything I disappeared with her into the apartment. I did something for everyone to drink. >> Before you explain it to me and I question them. What is your name? <<, >> My name is Kaya Tategami. << she said seriously. >>As far as I know she didn't have a daughter. << said I was completely baffled. We both forgot that Yukina, Luca and Nian are still in the room. She smiled at me as if she had expected my behavior. >> That's right, she didn't have a daughter here. I am from another dimension or world and choose a name for you. We need a second person who has the Bey with Ra as Bit-Beast. << her way of talking was almost like Kyoya and at the same time different. >> Then he was...<< I spoke quietly to myself. She seems to have heard it anyway and quickly added something to what was said: >> We have a problem that maybe you will get it the same way. He wants to prepare you so that you can manage it alone with your friend and comrade. <<. >> You don't want to believe her, do you? << Yukina asked me. I closed my eyes to think, but something told me I could believe her. >> But I believe her. I'm going because something told me she was telling the truth. << I spoke clearly when I opened my eyes again. >> Great, then pack everything you need, because we have to go immediately. << said Kaya Freudestrahlen and relieved when she jumped up from the chair. That's what I meant by she's different from Kyoya, it could also be the hormones. I went to my room, got everything I need Special my necklace with the eyes of Ras I took with me because I needed it for me. After I had everything I went back to her. >> How do we get into a world? You can do it also without me here? <<, the first question is for Kaya and the other for Yukina, Luca and Nian, when she wanted to say something Kyoya rushed into the apartment. >> What is this! << he yelled at me, Kaya just rolled her eyes. >> She comes with me for a certain time. << she spoke like Kyoya when he's pissed. Kyoya was just about to say something when I heard him speak, >> No rehearsals! I'm volunteering. << I spoke to him. Kaya reached for my chain, whispered something and before Kyoya found the words again we disappeared. I knew he'd be angry at me now and when I got back.

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