Chapter 5

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Suddenly I was scared, panicked I looked around the room. >> It was just a dream. << I said quietly to myself, got up and went to the bathroom for a shower. After thirty minutes I left the bathroom again. >> Are you all right again? << Yukina asked me. >> Yes, I'm fine again. << sits me next to her on the bed. >>That's good. Why didn't you tell him who the real friend of your family is? <<. >> How am I supposed to tell him that his mother was this friend. << I whispered to her. >> At some point you have to tell him, but now we have to go to breakfast. So come on. <<

We both made our way to breakfast, when we entered the room we all looked at me but didn't ask any questions about yesterday. Which I was very happy about because I didn't want to answer any questions.

After breakfast everyone wanted to fight me, but I refused because I didn't know where Nilkan would be. In order to avoid questions I disappeared towards the lake to phone in peace. I have to inform the WBBA about what happened. Arrived at the lake I sit down at the shore, took out my mobile phone and call the WBBA, describe what happened. The whole thing takes less than ten minutes. >> I just told him a few things but not everything, I don't like lying to people. I can't tell you that Yukina's family and I are working for the WBBA at the moment, as well as the friend of my family. What did I get into? << I spoke quietly to myself so that no one else could hear. I just doubt myself through all the events, I just want to have a quiet life and some Bladen. I let myself fall into the grass and closed my eyes, it was quiet and peaceful here. At some point I returned to the shelter. >> Where were you? << Nile asked me, >> To a lake. << I answered the question, everyone looked at me in amazement. >> You come here regularly and don't know anything about a lake? << everyone just nodded and I escaped a soft sigh. >> Hey, come on. We have to go to our teacher. << called King. Everybody went to our teacher, they counted if everybody was there too. >> Since everyone is there we can start the team game this year.  This year you would have to go to an old house, this house stands in the middle of the forest. The teams this year look like this. Team 1: Kyoya and Solary... << and both eyes almost fell out, so we didn't know who was in the other teams anymore. We didn't understand why we were in a team, we never did anything together because we didn't like each other. Probably the teachers saw it differently, of course he brought me into the room yesterday. The whole action has one advantage for both of us. I knew my way around this area and knew exactly where the house was, so the note from the teacher was unimportant. >> Kindergarten << I heard from Kyoya, he didn't feel like it any more than I did. >> Then let's get it over with and get it over with. << I just said and went off with him when we were a few yards away from the others I spoke again. >> The house is near a cliff. No questions as to how I know. << I said and went ahead. On the way home I couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was following us. Of course we were the first there because we didn't have to follow any clues. >> And now we wait for the others. << were my last word for the next hour and a half.  After an hour and a half nobody was still there, but these things are not very difficult. In the corner of my eye I took a shadow that disappeared again, or maybe I had only imagined it. My gaze went to Kyoya, who looked around as much as I did, reminding me of a big cat looking for the threat. Then we both looked in the same direction. >> I don't think any of your class will come unless they know where the house is from the beginning. << one person spoke very amused, my breath stopped because I recognized the voice immediately. >>Noha.<< I growled weakly and looked at Kyoya looking at me.  >> This time a snow cat will help you. << he entered the house through a second door. His way led in my direction, so I always took one step back the closer he came. As if Kyoya would feel my fear he stood in front of me with his launcher and Bey and let him go on Noha. >> Wild Wind Fang Dance. << he screamed to be Bey and grabbed my hand. We both ran until we reached the cliff. >> Damn it! We can't get any further here. << he said very annoyed. In between time his Bey was with him again. I was scared when I heard a bad laugh. >> This is probably the end of the line for both of you here, just give me your Bey Ra and I'll get out of here. << I clung to Kyoya's arm. >>Forget it! << I yelled at him. I wouldn't give my Bey to anyone because it means a lot to me. He just laughed. >> No one will come to help you. << Noha spoke pissed and Kyoya had to laugh. >> The attack was not only there to get away from you, but also to show the others where we are. << Kyoya spoke. We both look at him with big eyes. I was glad that he came up with this idea, but Noha was not happy about it, especially not as voices calling for us. His gaze went towards the forest, >> If it is so. <<, he came up to us. We didn't have a chance to avoid it, we felt that the ground below us was giving way. Noha could jump away and run away, but Kyoya and I couldn't go away and hit the next ledge. I was able to prevent Kyoya's hard impact as he fell half on me and then rolled off me. A strong pain went through my body. My gaze went to Kyoya, who could scramble he looked at me. >> Are you okay? Can you stand up or sit up? << he asked me anxiously. >> I think so...<< I spoke uncertainly, when I tried to sit up, a strong pain went through me, Kyoya lay me down carefully again.  >>Stay lying. << he spoke with difficulty, he himself I can hardly hold upright. >> Hey! << a voice cried, we both looked up there standing Nile, Madoka and Tsubasa. Tsubasa seems to be on the phone. >> Don't move! We called Yukina and she comes with someone and gets you both up! << Nile screamed down to us. Yukina came to the cliff with climbing equipment and a familiar face. Both ropes descended to us and were very careful when climbing up with us, on the way up I lost consciousness more times. At the top Kyoya and I lose consciousness completely.

Only in the hospital did I regain consciousness, my skull grunted and I had pain all over my body. >> How do you feel? << asked Yukina sitting next to my bed on a chair. >> I've been better before. << I answered and asked her immediately. >> How's Kyoya?<<. >> He's fine so far. He woke up before we arrived here. The doctors examined him immediately, he only had a few more bruises. He was allowed to go home. << she spoke in a calm tone. >> That's good. << came only from me. >> Noha? << she asked me and I nodded slightly. >> Three days they will keep you here, then you can go home but then you should rest another three to four days. << according to her voice she wasn't exactly happy about it. >> Don't worry, he won't be so stupid after what happened. << I try to say calm down. >> You're right. Oh! Someone wants to see you. << she spoke up and went out and Kyoya came in. >> Hey. << he said tense as he sat down on the chair where Yukina is sitting so far. >>Hey. << came from me. >>What was going on? << he asked hesitantly, it surprised me that it interested him. >> You met Noha today, let's say I get scared inside when I see him and don't want him to get too close to me. << I answer his question. >>Was he that...<< I interrupted him with a >>Yes<<. Then he patted my head and said sincerely: >> We take care of you. <<. I was like petrified and wondered what that was just, so he's only to Nile, his best friend. I didn't understand him anymore, then he left too.

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