Hunters POV

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Its been four months since Edna shut the door at my face. I a have been trying everything to get her back but nothing seems to work. I drop a banquet of flower every day at her door,I hire musicians to play love songs outside her apartment I have even apologized live on air to her but her heart is still cold she dropped her letter of resignation through Mia. Her actions and reactions are a stab to my heart every day. I have donated millions of dollar to their Little Spartans Foundation to support her and get her attention but it hasn't worked. I am so proud of what she is doing with the foundation .  today is my last chance to have her back. They are holding an auction to fund the Little Spartans Foundation projects. And I am a guest to the sale.
Dressed in a tuxedo, I walk into the lavish prime ministers house. Speaking of the prime minister, he is a young man in his late thirties and I don't like how he has been holding Edna hands in public and looking at her with infatuated eyes. Really hate full. It seems I need to remind him who funded his campaign and tell him to stay away from Edna. Or else there would be  no second term for him. As we gather in the Hallway, I clear voice is heard.
"Esteemed guests,please proceed to the back yard where the auction will start" its Mia, she addresses the audience with a confident voice and sweet smile. She is dressed in a white gown that fits her perfectly. This past four months she has changed for the better. Our relationship has also healed and we have grown more close. As the guests move towards the garden,she comes to me and gives me a tight hug.
"You look good bro" she whispers
"And you look like a goddess" I compliment her as we walk towards the backyard.
"Wait until you see Edna,she is absolutely gorgeous" Mia says. As if she heard her words,Edna walks in and every one gasps. She is dressed in a red gown hugging all the right places. Her cleavage is showing and a black pendant lies between them. Her hair is styled to a simple bun and she has put on a light make up. As she takes the steps to the podium,her  shapely graceful legs comes in view. Her smile is so bright and those doe-like eyes extremely beautiful.
"I told you so" Mia say and chuckles as she walk towards her. She is right. She is absolutely gorgeous even the items in display can't compete  with her beauty.
The auction soon begins and  items are sold quickly.
After a few hours,she brings forward the last item
Its a painting of her.
"Ladies and gentlemen this last item is special. One of the kids at the foundation, painted it. Its called breaking chains and it captures my life story. Bidding starts at 10,000 dollars" Edna finishes introducing the painting and everyone starts bidding immediately.. I let people bid and just as it is about to be sold I make my bid.
"One million dollars going once,twice thrice.sold to Mr Dickson Hunters!" Edna hits the hammer and our eyes lock for a moment. We stare at each other for a  moment then she looks away.

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