Chapter 5: A Morning to Remember

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Author's Note: Hi

Here's a chapter all about feelings.


With the day coming to an end and gentle conversation between two magical humans ending with a satisfying bond, Marisa was leaving the Hakurei Shrine. 

She hopped on her broom which apparently could fly and waved off to Reimu, promising to visit again someday soon. Reimu would definitely enjoy having one of her friends return sometime soon and put on a smile, waving back to Marisa as she floated off.

Reimu stood with her half-empty cup of tea on the front porch of the shrine, alone once again after Marisa had left. There was still a few hours of day-light left, so she began to ponder her options. Taking a seat, she leaned her head on one arm while the hand holding her tea rested on her leg.

Now was the time for Reimu to consider her own feelings. How the day went and how she felt about what had just occurred. Being alone, her mind began to wander and her thoughts collect and become clear.

"Yukari..." She first thought. "You met me as an enemy. A person who had to be stopped, or else your own ego would've destroyed the world. I stopped you and nearly sealed your powers away for years, but you slipped away."

Reimu took a sip of her tea, gazing down. She now recalled the good times she and Yukari had just spent.

"You met me again...casually. You approached my shrine with friendly intention and I was suspicious. I had every right to be and you knew that." Another sip of her tea. "But you dealt with my suspicions and sat beside me, offering friendship out of pity."

Her suspicions grew again. Why would she pity Reimu, the shrine maiden wondered about herself.

"For what gain do you get from being my friend? You have no reason to see me get better." Reimu's empty tea cup was set next to her, and she leaned back on her arm while her other arm rested on her own lap. Her legs dangled off of the edge of the porch.

Reimu was in between two leads. Either Yukari was playing with her, trying to get her guard down before attacking or something, or she genuinely just wants to be Reimu's friend. Perhaps Youkai can feel pity? 

"She could've attacked me at any moment when I fell asleep next to her. But she chose to bring me home and tidy my room. If she was going to kill me, she could've easier done it right there. I was open, vulnerable, able to be killed by gaps or whatever. And she chose not to..."

That was the biggest counter to her suspicions. How could she be against Yukari when no chance was taken there? She's not out to kill Reimu it seems.

"...Maybe I can trust you. Maybe I can open my heart a little." She sighed. Something about opening up to someone made her feel uneasy, scared, vulnerable. But Yukari could've done anything against this vulnerability and defeated Reimu, but didn't.


Reimu was drawing blanks. It hurt her head trying to understand Yukari. Maybe that's why she's as powerful as she is. No one can ever tell what her motivations or end-goals are. She can destroy the city at any moment and chooses not to. She could defy Danmaku rules but...chooses not to. No matter what paths Reimu draws in her head, she can't understand this woman.

"...Maybe I'll think about this another day. I'm still a bit tired." Reimu got up, deciding to make take it easy for the rest of the day. To pass the time she spent time cleaning up the shrine and taking a long, hot shower. Her mind couldn't focus while in the shower for once and so she made it quick, putting on a fresh pair of clothes. Before climbing into the bed, she decided to actually do the laundry.

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