4. 𝗔𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀_𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹

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@DrBBannerI'm really sorry!

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I'm really sorry!

Exceptional photography work, thank you for being easy to work with!
| @Avengers_Official
@DammitShuriNotAgain No problemo your highness! Thanks for not being an ass like some people I know *scoff Tony *scoff
|| @YouKnowWhoIAm
@Avengers_Official I happen to take offence to that.
||| @Avengers_Official
@YouKnowWhoIAm That was the point :)

@YouDontKnowWhoIAm Of course you had to go and get a picture.
| @YouDontKnowWhoIAm
@HopeVD Cassie told me it was lame that you got one and I didn't so I couldn't just take that.
|| @Lang.Cassie
@YouDontKnowWhoIAm It's still lame that you didn't get a pic with Captain America, Aunt Hope will forever be better than you. :D
||| @HopeVD
@Lang.Cassie, @YouDontKnowWhoIAm Well she's not wrong.

Is anyone else concerned for the photographer/Instagrammer?


@Avengers_Official You Gucci bro?
|| @Avengers_Official
@TheRealSpider-Man Perfectly fine Webhead, thanks for asking.
||| @JackAttack
Thank the heavens.

Avengers Instagram (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now