82. 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗪𝗵𝗼𝗜𝗔𝗺

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I can explain!

I am actually ashamed to say that I am related to you right now.
| @WattpadWeirdoWithFunkySocks
@Lang.Cassie Are you judging him because you have something against the app?
|| @Lang.Cassie
@WattpadWeirdoWithFunkySocks No, I'm judging him because he's my dad and I can. I have nothing against Wattpadders.

I do not retract my statement about you being an idiot.

Kinda bummed that I didn't discover this gem first.

What I would like to know is what Stark was doing on the app.
| @YouKnowWhoIAm
@ShuriIAmLiberian It's Peter that has the app not me, he just showed this to me and I had to share.
|| @PeterParkour
@YouKnowWhoIAm Sorry Mr Stark, hate to be that guy, but I did no such thing.

Wow I must follow him immediately.

hE hAs a dEgReE iN eLeCtRiCaL eNgInEeRiNg???!!!

Has he written anything?

I have to ask is Tony Stark okay? Cause I see the RIP Anthony and...
| @YouDontKnowWhoIAm
@stop_givingmework.pls Anthony was my ant friend, Tony's fine.
|| @YouKnowWhoIAm
@YouDontKnowWhoIAm Bold of you to assume that I am okay.

The Wattpad account that this part is based of is real. TheOfficialScottLang

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