57. 𝗔𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀_𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹

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Can you blame me she's been posting wholesome content 24/7 lately.

Kid this makes you seem desperate and what have I told you about looking desperate?
| @Avengers_Official
@YouKnowWhoIAm I can't believe you of all people are saying that. Was it not you that I caught sitting and staring at the elevator when Peter and Pepper were supposed to come home.
|| @YouKnowWhoIAm
@Avengers_Official 😑 You're always attacking me on this page. Why haven't I fired you yet?
||| @Avengers_Official
@YouKnowWhoIAm Because 1. You love me really and 2. It would make Peter sad if you did.

Spider-Man is me.


Where was this taken cause that ain't Spidey's apartment and it definitely ain't Stark Towers.
| @TheMichelleJones
@GuyInTheChair 😤 Seriously Nedward, why would you post a comment that suggests that you know what the inside of Spider-Man's apartment looks like!?
|| @GuyInTheChair
@TheMichelleJones Well shi-
||| @Avengers_Official
@GuyInTheChair To answer your question, we're at my my house. Also, what Miss Obama said above.

Soooooo it looks like @GuyInTheChair not only knows Spider-Man's identity but also where he lives...

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