87. 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗪𝗵𝗼𝗜𝗔𝗺

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Her smile is so bright, I love it.
| @TheMichelleJones
@Avengers_Official Of course you would say that, you're dating someone with one of the brightest smiles.

@ TheMichelleJones
While what Stark says is true, they are true heroes of our country it should be remembered that they are people too. Soldiers often experience mental disorders such as PTSD when returning from battle. And while we say we give our thanks to them they are not provided with the proper help they deserve access to. Statistics show that of those that return from the army (this includes all branches) 52% commit suicide. Many veterans do not seek help due to stigma around the issue or not being aware of it. We as a community should fight these stigmas to make veterans feel safer about and more aware of their mental state. We can also donate to funds that cater specifically to this issue and ensure that hotlines, safe chat rooms and therapy is avaible to those that need it. Remember to look out for friends and family that might need treatment!

Hey, hey, hey it's ya boy! So I'm not 100% sure if the people in the photo are real soldiers but regardless what Michelle stated is true and we should be aware that this is an issue.

Ted (your very handsome author) is aware that he is posting much less funny content and more serious content and while he won't be apologising he would like to explain. The reason they are posting these things is because this particular book has received much attention (many thanks by the way) and now they have a broad audience to make aware of the issues that are happening in the world. Rest assured that not all of it will be serious content henceforth but do not be surprised to find more topics such as these being discussed.

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