52. 𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗼𝘂𝗿

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@GuyInTheChair I never said 'abandon', I literally said 'I'm happy for you

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I never said 'abandon', I literally said 'I'm happy for you.'
| @PeterParkour
@GuyInTheChair Okay... maybe I just felt guilty.
|| @IWillKillForPeterParker
@PeterParkour This is so adorable.

🙄😂 Ned literally said that he was happy for you cause you made knew friends and you felt guilty. Typical Petey.

Where the hell was this photo even taken? You idiots aren't actors!

Peter's hands though.
| @DoctorsOrdersBitch
@HappyMealLover666 I feel betrayed.

Peter... Is that my bag?
| @PeterParkour
@YouKnowWhoIAm Hehe, funny story... I told @Avengers_Official that Spider-Man stole my backpack so they kind of stole yours.
|| @ShuriIAmLiberian
@PeterParkour Wig. Snatched.
||| @Avengers_Official
@YouKnowWhoIAm @PeterParkour No regrets.

A thought suddenly occured to me, why is Ned's username what it is? Surely seems suspicious for a guy that knows a guy that knows Spider-Man.
| @GuyInTheChair
@AlexaPlay...FuckHowDoUSpellIt Um... look at the beautiful butterflies *points at butter flying through a window.

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