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'You are the last thought on my mind before i drift to sleep and the first when i wake up in the morning'

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'You are the last thought on my mind before i drift to sleep and the first when i wake up in the morning'

Guests enter the hall at a rapid pace, all muttering and chatting to one another, a few women have tried to speak to me as i sit at the bar, a whiskey in hand but i have paid no mind, everybody has dressed according to code, thank god, otherwise i...

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Guests enter the hall at a rapid pace, all muttering and chatting to one another, a few women have tried to speak to me as i sit at the bar, a whiskey in hand but i have paid no mind, everybody has dressed according to code, thank god, otherwise i would have a mental breakdown.

I didn't want someone to be dressed like they were going to a strip club, i need my mate to feel comfortable in dresses such as the ones people are walking around in now, it's part of the dress code for some of the annual balls i'm forced to
attend, "Good evening Alpha Titus," A she wolf says as she walks past, a large man who i assume to be her mate on her arm, 

I see the doors close and instantly i lose hope, she's not here, i feel my eyes soak, the moon goddess really did this to me, she really gave me no mate. A sigh escapes my lips as i meet Lance's eyes, a pained expression on my face as he begins to search for a luna for me.

"Alpha," A young girl says to my right, I suck in a deep breath as i smirk at the tall brunette, "Care to dance?"
I question, taking her hand in mine before leading her to the floor as some classical instruments play their tune, her body presses up against mine and instantly my wolf shudders in disapproval,

Mate will come, and when she does she's gonna be pissed at you for dancing with another woman

I roll my eyes at my idiotic wolf before pushing him out. She's not coming, I don't have a mate. I continue to look down at the brunette, a smirk on my face before the song comes to an end, the smell of vanilla fills my nose as the door opens once more and instantly, i feel the world around me stop,

Blonde curls reach all the way down to her waist, her plump lips are upturned and her button nose suits her perfectly, I stare into her mismatched, unique eyes, that add to her beauty, her long lashes hit her cheeks as she blinks and her eyes trail around the room as mine fall down her body.

She isn't a super skinny, her curves are perfect even if they aren't perfectly shown in the dress, i can just tell, a long slit runs up her thigh and i almost curse at stupid women fashion as i trail my eyes back up to hers.

"stop the search, she's here,"

I link to Lance as my eyes trail down to her dainty hands, my face falls when i find a young girl holding her tightly, and i almost feel my heart break, however it doesn't change a thing,


My wolf howls in joy as he watches her as she walks down the steps, her small feet slipping out of the bottom of her cloud-like dress, My eyes stay trained on her, a smile graces her face as we friend says something to her, but i choose not to listen in, to entranced by her beauty.

Innocence radiates of her from her petite frame to her curious eyes, I find my feet moving to their own accord before i'm stopped, a growl threatens to rip through my throat at whoever is holding me back, "Careful, Titus, she's human,"

My breathing steadies as i look back at my mate, i don't care of her species, but it makes the process harder, not only do i have to introduce her to my world but she can't feel the pull as much as i do, she'll never love me.

"Charity, careful." I hear her melodic voice entrancing me, as she speaks to the young girl she held onto who drags her to the desert table. Her friend rushing behind her, A giggle leaves her lips as the child hands her a brownie and almost instantly i wish to hear it again.

"I will slow myself, now get the fuck out of my way," I seethe at Lance who still stands in front of me, his hand on my chest, "I get that he's stopping you from walking to her right now, but don't speak to him that way." Darius intervenes, dragging Lance away from me, thank fuck.

My strong strides are loud in the practically silent hall, all my pack members watch the girl in shock, i found their luna and they know it full well, "Libby!" She scolds her friend, "Charity is right here, stop speaking that....dirty," Her friend laughs at her bright face before her voice pauses as she notices me.

"Amity," she hisses, pointing behind her as i finally arrive at the dessert table, "Now that is a snacc." She whispers, causing my mates face to blush red.


My wolf speaks her name as if it's the last thing he will ever say. As i watch her turn before a squeal erupts from her throat, "I'm so sorry, you terrified me," She says, holding her hand to her chest as i stand next to her, grabbing a cake to attempt to make myself less suspicious.

"I didn't mean to scare you just, came for a cake." I say holding it up, frowning at my lame words, a small smile graces her face as she nods, My eyes fall to the young girl as she emerges between her legs, "You're tall, isn't he tall Ammy?" She questions look up at me.

"Yes, Care bear, now go to Libby and stop harassing the poor man," She says causing the young girl to rush around her and into the tall brunettes arms. "Ammy?" I question, attempting to get her name from her, so i don't look like an absolute fucking creep.

"It's Amity, but when Charity started speaking it was to hard for her to say so she called me Ammy, and i guess it just stuck," She explains with a small smile as she remembers, "Is she yours?" I ask another question, praying i don't come of like a pervert or something.

"No, She's my sister, i just care for her." Her face falls as she answers and i immediately know not to bring up the touchy subject, "I'm Titus," I say holding my hand out for her which immediately engulfs her small fragile one. Her soft skin elicits sparks to fly throughout my body and my wolf purrs in satisfaction at the simple touch.

"You're name suits you," She says absentmindedly to which i raise my brows, "I mean, you're tall, you look kinda terrifying and you look strong, if you were a dog you would be a pitbull or something like that." She trails off, "I always say i'm a chow chow cause i was cursed with no legs, i'm the least energetic person ever and i'm really loyal." She finishes before a light blush coats her cheeks.

"I'm sorry i probably just weirded you out. I think about really weird things, I'm gonna shut up now." My lips tilt up into a smile as i look down at my gorgeous mate, "It's cute," I speak, the words flowing easily "Care to Dance?" A blush covers her cheeks once more as she takes my hand, sending a quick look back to her friend and sister who clap happily.

I lead her to the floor, her hand closed in mine, "I can't dance," she says with a small laugh, "Which is probably something you should say before you get led onto a dance floor." I chuckle at her as she speaks to herself, before pulling her body to mine.

"Just follow my lead," I say with a smile as i look down at the beauty in holding, her eyes stay trained on her feet as i lead her through the steps before feeling a sharp pain in my foot, causing me to hiss "Oh my goodness, i'm so sorry," she gasps, pulling away from me.

"It's fine," I say confidently, the pain having already subsided, she looks towards her friend and sister before turning back to me, "I should get back to them, it was lovely meeting you," she says before going to hurry off. I quickly grab her arm pulling her back "Can i at least have your number?" she nods as i hand her my phone.

Her lip goes between her teeth as she rapidly types into the phone she holds, before she hands it back "Bye Titus," she says quietly before hurrying back to her sister. A sigh escapes my lips as i look down at the phone before walking back towards Lance, disappointment weighing on my chest.

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