thirty - six ( Minor TW ⚠️)

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'please don't go, don't say goodbye, i need you here by my side'

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'please don't go, don't say goodbye, i need you here by my side'

On Monday, I ignored Titus completely, Waking up before him and leaving without waking him

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On Monday, I ignored Titus completely, Waking up before him and leaving without waking him. He came to pick me up but i didn't say a word, didn't touch him. Charity came home however. On Monday night, I slept in my old room, the thought of his hands on my waist, my body pressed against his making me feel sick. The girls have moved to the Pack house so i didn't have to worry about moving them.

On Tuesday, I woke up in his bed. He was gone but his side still warm, he made me breakfast but i still didn't speak to him. After school, he once again came to pick me up, apologizing the entire way, but i still stares out the window with wet cheeks, not saying a word.

On Wednesday, I once again woke up in his bed, he made breakfast again but i chose not to eat it, I didn't eat at lunch either, and i went to sleep early, completely missing dinner. Charity is going back and forth between us, not knowing whether to speak to Titus but not being able not to.

On Thursday, I woke up in my bed, He left me a note, another apology, but i ripped it up and placed it on the covers in his room. I didn't eat once again, and only saw him when he came out of his office to get some food. He said my name, but gave up on trying to speak to me.

On Friday, I didn't see him once, he completely gave up with trying to apologize and stuck to giving me the space i needed, The house was empty when i woke up, and empty when i got back, leading me to believe he wasn't even in the house he lives in, My hunger caught up to me, My head started pounding and i felt as though i was going to throw up but i didn't care, i chose to stay in my room, away from him whether he was in the house or not.

It's now Saturday, the girls have been in, tried to get me to eat before leaving, giving up entirely. "Amity?" I hear his voice, I still choose to stay silent, however, i can't help but stare at him as he enters the room, "I brought you something for Lunch, I know i was a dick. I got Jealous and my wolf took over, we couldn't stand seeing him sit so close to you, and we felt as though we needed to claim you to get the point across. I know i fucked up again, but please, eat. I can feel you growing weak," I stare down at my feet as i nod, taking the food tray from his hands.

"Thank you." It was the first word i had spoken to him since the incident, his face lights up with a smile before he turns to leave, "I love you, Amity, and i really am sorry, it's something i'm going to be apologizing for for the rest of my life, but, I love you."

I cant help the small smile that reaches my face as he leaves, the first smile that has reached my face since the incident. I chew on the buttered toast before my phone blares, Charity's name appearing on screen, Titus got her a phone, I was against it but he did it anyway.

"Hey Care bear."

"Care Bear? That's cute." I hear a deep voice on the other end, I swear I feel my heart stop. That's not Charity, I stand, leaving the half eaten meal on my bed as I rush across the hall "Who are you and Why do you have my sisters phone?" I say as I enter the Office, Titus looks up quickly as i put it on loud speaker.

"Oh, me? I'm just the guy in control of what happens to the girl, Meet me on the edge of the border, that's you aswell Titus," I stay silent, "What? You think I'm dumb enough to think you wouldn't go to your big bad mate when you get a call like this?"

"We'll be there." Titus states before ending the call, "I'm still mad at you, but my sister is more important than this, so let's go." I say before i rush downstairs, pulling my converse on before rushing out the door. I feel Titus' fingers intertwine with mine which i allow, panic surging through me as i shake.

"She'll be okay, we will give them what they want and they will give her back." Titus attempts to comfort me but it does nothing, this won't be okay until my sister is safe. It feels like days before we reach the edge of the border, a group of masked men stand with my sister held by one, a gun pressed tightly to her temple.

"Give me my sister back you bastard." I yell, my promise of never swearing going way out the window, The man in front chuckles darkly as Titus holds me back. "We're getting to that." The man spits as he looks at Titus, "You're gonna love this Buddy." Instantly, I sense this isn't going to be money, or pack land, this is to break down Titus and the only way to do that is-

"Your mate for her sister." I feel Titus tense behind me, no matter what he does, he loses me. He can't keep me because i would never forgive him for letting something happen to her, but if he takes her, i'm gone anyway. It's the ultimate plan. Before Titus can speak, I do it for him, "You can have me."

"Amity-." Titus yells as i cross the border. Cutting himself off as he watches them place their hands tightly on my arm, "You have me, now let, my sister go." The one from before chuckles again as he stares at her, my care bear. "You know, Boss would like it even better if we had you both." My eyes widen, "You sick bastard," I shout as i attempt to pull myself from the mans arms, "You promised, to let her go, You-," My voice leaves me as i stare at the ground in tears.

"You're not taking either of them." I hear Titus sneers, I only just notice the guards that go to surround us. "Come any closer and we will shoot them both," I hear the man speak again before i feel the cold metal on my temple, Everyone freezes, not a single word is said for minutes before Titus speaks up. "Look, you can have everything, you can have my land, my title, everything, just let them go." He states as he stands on the very edge of the border, i pull my lip between my teeth to stop myself from sobbing as i stare at him.

"We don't want that, we want them, and we have them." It's hard to register what's happening as I'm ripped from the mans grip and punches are thrown left right and center, I spot Charity as she runs towards me and Titus who stands behind me, before a loud shot is heard. My heart stops as everyone freezes, I watch her fall to the ground with blood soaking the yellow sundress that i she had chosen for today.

A scream rips through the air and it takes me a few moments to realize it's mine. I feel my legs take me to her without any instruction, I fall to the ground as i look at her, her lips quiver as she breathes erratically, her hand is pure red as well as he blonde blood soaked hair, "Charity, you gotta stay with me. Okay? I'm not gonna let you leave me."

"Mommy," I hear her whisper causing me to sob as i nod, "I'm here baby, I'm not letting you go, you're gonna get through this." I say, though i think subconsciously, i know she's gone, "I love you, I love you so much. I'm so sorry i couldn't protect you."

"I don't wanna go mommy," She whispers, her hand hovering over mine, before i watch her grow tired, Panic sets through me, "Charity, Charity keep your eyes open, Stay awake, Charity?" I hear my voice grow louder and louder before my head goes to her chest. No pulse. Nothing. "No." My voice breaks as sobs rack through my body "No, No, She's not gone, No this is all a bad dream, She's not gone, She can't be."

I feel Titus surround me with his arms, as i bury my face in his chest. "Titus, fell me this is a dream, please, This isn't real, it's not real." I sob, "Please."

Im sorry guys, i decided to double update cause i'm kinda on a role, don't kill me ;(

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