thirty - two

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'a thousand years, a thousand miles, i'd cross the world just to see you smile'

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'a thousand years, a thousand miles, i'd cross the world just to see you smile'

I've been sat here explaining this to Libby for 3 hours! 3 freaking hours and she's still asking questions, i only know so much, she repeatedly glares at the girls and Titus, clearly not trusting them, especially as Titus is still in his wolf form...

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I've been sat here explaining this to Libby for 3 hours! 3 freaking hours and she's still asking questions, i only know so much, she repeatedly glares at the girls and Titus, clearly not trusting them, especially as Titus is still in his wolf form laid peacefully on my lap, which reminds me, he says it's like another person inside him, i need to ask if he has a name or something, i'm starting to recognize the difference between the two and it's weird to me calling them Titus and Titus' wolf.

I stare down at the heavy weight on my thighs as i run my fingers through his midnight black fur, he's practically the side of the bed. "Look Libby, for the 5th time, Titus is not a character from teen wolf." I sigh rolling my eyes as she goes on about how he is the Scott of our lives, she grunts as she stares at me.

"This is all so surreal, your boyfriend literally just turned into a fucking wolf and is now...purring?" Titus stops making the odd sound as he lifts his head, he glares at my friend before laying back down, "Yea well you get used to it, I mean i'm surrounded by them, i'm technically the 'ruler' of a lot, i guess i have to get used to it."

"It must be-," she's cut off by a frantic Lance as he pushes open the door drawing all of our attention, "Alpha, we have a problem." Titus lifts his head before beginning to shift, "I would look away." I say as i go bright red, I quickly grab a pair of grey sweats from his draw and chuck it behind me, "Is he...?" Libby mouths causing me to nod. Titus is naked behind me, on our bed, and i can't help where my mind goes.

"Whats happened?" Titus speaks, the sweats hanging loosely on his hips "Holy shit do all werewolves look like that," I laugh as i nod, "Pretty much, theres just no one as good as him." She goes to speak but i place my finger on my lips as i listen into the conversation.

"We were patrolling the border and we found a group of humans right near the pack house, one of them was dead the rest were on the phone, long story short, we're in some shit." Titus runs his fingers through his hair "Fuck, not this again."

"Why's that a problem? Well obviously it's a problem but why is it a problem for us?" I question as i stand in my position and step towards my mate. "Dead body means police, police means humans invading our territory, humans invading increases the risk of us getting nu discovered. They already think we are part of a weird cult, they're no doubt gonna try and get at least one of us arrested for this, most likely me."

"They can't do that, it wasn't any of us." Titus shakes his head with a sigh "Call the pack for a meeting, that includes you 3 whether you like it or not you're one of us now." Titus states before heading out the room, me following behind. I can feel the stress heavy on my chest, all of it emitting from him.

"Titus, everything's gonna be okay." I say as i place my hand on his bicep. He leans down, placing his arms around my waist and burying his head in the crook of my neck. "This is dangerous, Amity, If we get found out-,"

"You won't. I swear,"

"The annual ball is this weekend, you remember that right?" I shake my head, i completely forgot with everything that's happening it just sort of slipped my mind. Titus chuckles as i lean into him, my hands flat against his bare torso, i feel his lips lightly press against my forehead. "I love you," He whispers, the butterfly's frenzy in my stomach as i smile up at him, not used to hearing the words.

"I love you too."

This is so short so i decided to post it, the next chapter should be a bit more exciting for y'all

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