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'kiss me like you wanna be loved'

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'kiss me like you wanna be loved'

Three days, It's been three days since i handed my sister over to my friend

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Three days, It's been three days since i handed my sister over to my friend. Three days of me sitting in a cold room attached to a stone wall. I get stale bread and water to keep me alive but that's all.

Titus sits across from me as he does everyday, contemplating, making sure i don't do something stupid and waiting for me to give in and ask to be released. Every time one of the guard touches me he growls, sending them running his mother's been in once or twice, she scolds him for letting it get this far and apologizes to me.

Today is the day. I'm about to be escorted to the town, I will no longer get stale bread, I will be pushed into a metal box free for people to hurt as they please, starving and cold. I'm still in the clothes i chose. The low neckline is coming back to bite me as i shiver due to the lack of coverage.

Titus has offered many times to grab me one of his very few hoodies which i hadn't expected him to own as he practically lives in his suit, whether that is to cover me so no one can see the small amount of cleavage i show or for the genuine reasons i'm not sure.

I feel a pair of cold hands roughly grab my wrists pulling me up, an unusual sound escapes my lips causing Titus to go on high alert, "That's your Luna you're manhandling." He growls causing the guards grip to loosen as he un-does the chain on my wrist.

He holds my hand behind my back as he leads me through the jail. I watch the rows of people lined outside the door as they watch me. Their eyes are trained on me as i get pushed along the path, all the way until we reach the cage. Another chain is placed around my wrist and neck as the guard pushes me down to the metal floor, once again provoking a growl.

Not even a minute after the guard steps down i feel something hard hit my skin leaving a large red blotch. My eyes go to a teenage boy around my age as he holds a basket of tomatoes. "Human Luna? Fuck that, I hope you die in there." Well that's kinda what it's meant for. I resist the urge to speak as my eyes find Titus as he strides quickly towards the boy.

I watch his large hand completely surround his neck. "Titus stop," I shout writhing in my place. True speaks to the boy, completely ignoring me "Titus put the boy down!" I shout once more, I watch the boy fall to the ground blue in the face.

"They can do whatever they want to me. I'm not their 'Luna' I'm a prisoner who released thieves and murderers from their cells. If someone decides to beat me black and blue you can't do a single thing about it." I speak in a finalized tone my voice directed at my mate but spoken to all.

"I'm not gonna wat-,"

"You're going to have to. This is your doing, accept your mistake." I spit, he stands over my cage, making me feel even smaller before he turns away. Leaving me once more. His fists clench as he storms away, leaving the surrounding pack members shocked.

Titus stops his walk and turns to face me. He watches the people around me as a young girl steps up, no older than 8.

"My daddy always told me that non wolves were horrible people, that they were ugly inside and out, but that wasn't true, you might be as pretty as my mommy." The young girl tells me before throwing a small pebble through the bars  "Sorry Luna, but i didn't wanna look suspicious," She speaks with a smile before skipping off away. I smile slightly at the young girl as she grabs a woman's hand, leading her away from me. However i keep my eye on Titus.

I watch him as his mouth parts slightly and his brows raise. He sighs before leaving fully. I watch him leave, My neck burning painfully as i look down at the many glares. This time, an older woman steps up "I pity you child," She sneers, "You thought a mere human could ever have any worth in our pack, In going to enjoy watching you die slowly, painfully." She spits before her hand curls into a fist, hitting my stomach with force.

One by one, people step up, either apologizing for my position or throwing something at me, or poking me with something they brought themselves. With each hit i feel his anger grow. At one point i feel as though my insides might just explode. But as the night draws near and the pack members grow sparse, the pain dies down, and i'm left once more.

I once again feel immediate regret at my outfit choice, not once had i thought about warmth as the nights were getting colder. I prioritized invisibility, which probably didn't change a thing. I shiver as a gust of wind hits the skin i show, my teeth chatter quietly as i lean my head back, trying to get some rest.

In the distance i spot the men i saw earlier today, hung up on their polls, deeply sleeping, their bodies growing thinner and their skin growing paler. I guess i'm thankful i'm not in that position. I cant imagine how much it would hurt to be fully exposed like that. At least i have my bars. I turn to my left. Another girl sits across from me in a cage of her own. It's clear she's been here longer than i have. Her skin is almost white and she looks like a pile of bones.

I don't realize i've fallen asleep until i'm woken by a sharp pain in my side and the feeling of water splashing different parts of my body. I yelp as my head straightens. My skin feels as tho i had been frozen overnight, only adding to the pain caused by whatever hit me. I look down to see the remains of a water balloon, the metal beneath me wet as am i.

I feel another hit on the opposite side, drenching me some more and another before i've been fully covered in water, I hear a child's mocking laughter and quick footsteps as he runs back to his family. I shiver, as if it wasn't already cold enough.

My hair grows heavy from the waters weight and i can feel the cold air freezing the water around my strands. I lick my lips in an attempt to warm them but it does nothing. Long story short, Titus better hurry up and change because at this rate, i probably have a night or two, tops.

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