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'i fucking love you'

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'i fucking love you'

I sit in silence as i listen to my girls speak animatedly, my hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road as i am carful not to crash

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I sit in silence as i listen to my girls speak animatedly, my hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road as i am carful not to crash. I have another business meeting to attend, the recent uprising of rogues is causing panic and for some reason i'm the one they're turning to. This time, however, i'm leaving for days, maybe even a week and i'm most definitely not looking forward to it.

I feel Amity's hand lightly fall on top of mine before she quickly removes it, a light pink blush covers her face when i look over with a smile before grabbing her hand and placing it beneath mine as i change gear. I can hear her heartbeat rise which i have to admit causes me to smile, it means i have an effect on her. I don't want to leave, but i'm still Alpha, I still have the responsibilities of the position and my father has been ranting and raving due to my lack of work.

I pull into the large car park of which i had seen before, it was one of the first places i sensed her, such a fucking coincidence that i was less than 5 meters away from her and i didn't even realize. Amity's face is still red as i turn to face her again, I give her a smile as i step out the car, quickly rounding it to open her passenger side door. She smiles up at me as she takes my hand as i help her out of the range rover before turning to the back and pulling the door open also. Charity hops out quickly, grabbing both mine and Amity's hand and leading us inside excitedly.

"Now to face my boss." Amity states through gritted teeth. I chuckle but continue following them inside, "So you are alive," Is the first thing we hear as we enter the diner I stare down at a man a few inches taller than Amity he wears a white tee with blue jeans showing his beer belly. The top of his head is evidently balding and he just looks fairly shitty.

"Sorry Alan, I got a bit caught up." Amity sighs, shooting a glare in my direction, "I hope you don't expect to still work here." He scowls causing Amity to shake her head "Of course not." She states in a small voice before leading us away and towards a table where i recognize her friend talking to some guy. A werewolf, his scent tells me that he isn't from my pack yet he isn't a rogue. I grow cautious as we get closer before spotting the recognizable face with a sigh.

"Oh Amity you're here, I brought a friend." Libby says in a weirdly high voice, i stare down at Alpha Kanes son, his pack is a few miles down from mine meaning we have a fair few alliances also meaning i have met his son way to many times for my liking, the kid reminds me of me in the way he treats women, he fucks them, promises them stuff he can't give and then leaves, that was me before i met her, and for that i am eternally apologizing.

"Titus," Kane's son Quincey says in a respectful tone, at least he has some fucking common sense. He chooses against using the title which in this instance i am thankful for as it would turn some heads, I nod at the boy as i sit beside Charity while Amity sits beside her friend much to my disliking.

"You know each other?" Libby questions causing me to nod silently, as i stare down at Charity who somehow has become very interested in my fingers. "My father and him do business together, I just met him a few times when he came over." Quincey shrugs, i have to give it to him, he is a quick thinker and he will be a good Alpha some day. Amity looks over at me with furrowed brows.

His father is the Alpha of a close by pack

I explain through our mind link. She looks over at me in shock and i can practically see her mind going at 100 miles an hour. I smile at her causing her to blush. "So erm, how did you two meet?" Amity questions, Libby goes red as her eyes wander round the room, "The library." She spurts out Quincey looks over to her slightly shocked before nodding.

I glare at him, the lie so evident it makes me cringe, however Amity seems to shrug and believe it. I instantly regret agreeing to let Libby come, so far all i've heard is lies and she's conversing with another wolf, someone who could be potentially dangerous, Alliances break and if this one does, Amity is not safe.

A waitress walks towards our table, cutting the awkward silence short, "Hello sir, what can i get you and your kids?" A splitter of laughter leaves Amity's lips as her face goes red, Charity stares at her confused and Libby laughs hysterically. "Do we look like his children?" Amity questions genuinely causing the waitress goes bright red in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, You just look so young compared to him." I send her a slight glare as i turn to face Amity who looks lost in her own thoughts, "Can we just order?" I question causing the waitress to nod rapidly. "Hamburger please." I order while Charity orders some fries Libby and Quincey order a burger also whereas Amity orders chicken nuggets and a milkshake.

The waitress scurries off embarrassed, Meanwhile i stare down at my girls, truth be told, i'm fucking terrified. Now i have her, now i have them, i never want to let them go, I feel as though as soon as they leave my sight they will be gone forever, and that terrifies the shit out of me. I never truly realized when i was first taught about the mate bond, how strong it truly is, it's as if our hearts beat as one, i feel my wolf shrink when she's not around and i know full well if anything were to happen to her, i would die, and that's not me being an angsty teenage boy in love.

I don't even realize how long i've been in my own thoughts till a burger is placed before me, Amity and Charity are already digging into the food they got. I listen silently to their conversation as Charity messes around on my phone, "So, Amity, I'm stealing you next weekend, we need, and i mean need to go get our prom dresses before all the good ones are gone." Libby says catching my attention once more, I pretend not to be interested in the conversation they're having as i continue to bite into my burger which almost resembles the taste of dog shit...not that i would know.

"I guess, but i literally just got fired i don't have much money to my name." Amity speaks causing me to look up, pulling out my wallet silently, i grab out the card i had got for her a while back and slide it across the table, catching her attention. Her eyes widen before she shakes her head, "Titus no, i'm not taking your card."

"It's not mine, It's yours, I got it a week or two ago, and just kinda forgot about it, you don't have to worry about money, or prices or anything like that." I say, it doesn't really make much of a change to my bank account but that's besides the point. If Amity wanted it i would give her every dollar bill i have, "Titus, I-,"

"Just take it, Please." I say, my voice slightly more of a commandment rather than an offer. She sighs before nodding "But can you at least take it for now so i don't end up losing it." I nod with a chuckle before taking it from her hand. "Great, now that's settled, let's talk styles."

I basically lose all interest in the conversation here as the girls begin talking about the many different types of dresses they want, Amity is reluctant, i can tell, however she eventually joins in with as much enthusiasm as her friend, now all i have to do is find a way to convince her school to let a 24 year old man into a room with a bunch of teens as the date of one of them. Easier said than done.

Our meal is over and before i know it, Amity, me and Charity are heading back to the midnight black vehicle i had parked. An odd scent catches my attention as we step closer to the vehicle, A rogue. We continue to get closer until i stop the girls in their tracks a continuous beeping coming from from the car i had driven here, "Get back." I shout but it's to late as the car erupts into a burst of light and fire before our very eyes and two high pitched screams reach my ears.

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