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'everyday i become more sure that you're the one'

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'everyday i become more sure that you're the one'

I have no idea what urged me to agree to this ridiculous idea, i've basically sold my soul to the devil, oh no, i'm gonna die

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I have no idea what urged me to agree to this ridiculous idea, i've basically sold my soul to the devil, oh no, i'm gonna die. I follow Titus as he leads me down the hall, his hand encases mine loosely, almost as if i'm made of glass and i will shatter if he holds me to tight.

"This is your room, it's the closest to mine because if you went any further, my wolf and i would go insane," He attempts to make a joke but i send him a weird look, "Wolves are overly protective of their mates, like very protective and as you're human, it makes him feel like your more vulnerable and that he needs to protect you more," He explains and i'm honestly trying to wrap my head around why i don't feel mad that he called me vulnerable.

"Anyway, this is your room," He leads me into a room that's bigger than our apartment, it's a fully white room that i know is gonna get dirty with Charity around, theres a white fluffy rug, a white comforter and pillows, there's also a mirror on top of a white beauty table with a large pale pink makeup bag sitting on top and a pale purple chair adding a slight amount of color to the room.

"It's beautiful," I comment, not wanting to sound rude, "I will leave you be for a while, if you need me i will be in my office," he speaks with a shy tone. I smile at him as he leaves before sitting on my bed with silent tears running down my face. I don't know what to do.

I'm scared. So scared. And now Charity is dragged into it. I should've said no, left while i could but i couldn't, it's like the word no didn't exist, I don't get this world, i must admit having a mate seems pretty reassuring but i'm eighteen i haven't even experienced a tragic romance where i cry for years cause he was the 'love of my life' .

I walk over to the closet almost gasping at the mountains of designer clothes hung on the bar above, i immediately pull one of them down to see my size. How does he know this stuff? And why am i struggling to decide whether this is cute or creepy? I look down at the shoes gulping at the amount of them, again in my size.

My breathing quickens as i rush out and over to the large makeup bag, my eyes widen as i see my shades, before i check what i was most scared to check, i look through the draws finding the 'underwear draw' and feel tears come to my eyes as i see my exact sizes in each pair of victoria secret underwear there is, some plain, some extra, some scandalous.

I feel tears rush down my face as i stare at the underwear, what is gonna happen to me?

"What is this?" I hear my Tesoro's voice with a harsh tone as she bursts through the office door almost making me fall off the office chair i was day dreaming in

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"What is this?" I hear my Tesoro's voice with a harsh tone as she bursts through the office door almost making me fall off the office chair i was day dreaming in. I saw us all old and frail, with gray hair and wrinkles, yet she was still the most beautiful woman on the planet.

I saw her playing with our grandchildren who at their young ages were almost as tall as her, i saw our sons and daughters as they laughed when she fell, causing her to scold them playfully, I saw Charity as she chatted to her husband whom i didn't like already. I saw our future.

I look up and can't help but laugh at what i see as my five foot mate stands in the door way holding a flimsy bra in her fingertips looking like an angry kitten. "That is a bra, tesoro, i assume you've used them before," I say with a smile on my face as i look down at the paperwork before me.

"I know what a bra is Titus. Why is it in my size, why are all the clothes in my size, and the makeup, it's my color. How do you know all this?" The our panic in her voice sends me and my wolf into overdrive, i watch as tears fall freely down her face and within a split second in knelt in front of her, looking directly into her eyes.

"Before you get terrified, no we haven't been observing you and measuring you or looking through your draws," I reassure her as a small sniffle escapes her "My mother wanted to be a fashion designer, i showed her a photo of you and she just knew, it's like her superpower,"

"Why did you have a photo of me?" She questions causing me to sigh "I've already said i had people watching over you, they took photos through the day to keep me tame, so i didn't go mad from not seeing you for that long." I explain trying to keep my composure and not tackle her to the ground.

She nods at me though i can sense her unsureness "I'm sorry for bathing into your office," She apologizes looking down at the floor with a solemn face, "What's mine is yours Tesoro," I say as i stand still, looking down at her, silently observing her beauty.

"Is your experiment going well sister?" I hear my brothers voice as he steps into my chambers, I sigh as i look down at the pair with a sigh, "Of course he told you," I say, rolling my eyes, "Why wouldn't your mate tell his best friend about what ...

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"Is your experiment going well sister?" I hear my brothers voice as he steps into my chambers, I sigh as i look down at the pair with a sigh, "Of course he told you," I say, rolling my eyes, "Why wouldn't your mate tell his best friend about what your doing?"

"Selene." I hear him say causing me to turn to him, i stand tall but he still manages to tower over me, "The girl, She's been through a lot, and believe me when i say it's going to get worse, Promise me you know what your doing," He says as he places a hand on my shoulder, looking down as she walks away from him solemnly. "If her condition gets worse she will not survive the next challenge coming her way."

"I have faith in him, but she is trying so hard not to accept him." I sigh as i look down at him, his back rests against the chair as he runs his hand through his hair, "Selene, You and I both know you chose her for a special reason, not that either of us know what that reason is, But, For their sake and ours, i will allow you to speak to the both of them"

I look up to my brother in shock, it is forbidden for us to talk to the creatures we created, "Whatever you do, you can not tell them the importance of their being together," I nod as i look down, guess i will be paying the two a visit tonight.

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