Chapter 9 - Christmas Party

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Between Hermione and Ron, Harry and I had to split our time. Neither would glance the others way. It was honestly getting infuriating. Every time I was around Ron he would constantly talk about lavender. It's a chemical connection and there was no stopping it, was his most common line. The last time he said it we were in defense against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape. He was whispering it to me so I turned to him and smacked him so hard his head went down and hit his desk.

"Ronald Bilious Weasley I don't want to hear ONE MORE WORD about lavender!" I screamed at him.

I had then realized that the entire class was staring at us. Ron's eyes were wide and his cheeks bright red as he tried to avoid eye contact with the people around us.

"Thank you Mrs. Potter, I've wanted to do that since class started." Professor Snape said. The entire class erupted into giggles and Harry turned around laugh at me. I blushed but was relieved I wasn't in trouble.

Hermione was not amused. Christmas was just around the corner. Slughorns Christmas party next week is what everyone was talking about. Harry, Hermione and I were walking through the library as Hermione returned her book. Hermione was angrily talking about Ron and how she had to make other arrangements for a date.

"Well I was thinking since neither of us could go with who we wanted we could go together as friends?" Harry asked.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione groaned in frustration.

"Who are you going with then?" Harry asked.

"It's uh... a surprise. Anyway it's you I'm worried about. You can just take anyone." She pulled him to a stop in the isle and tugged me next to her making a wall in front of Harry.

"You see that girl?" Harry and I both turned to look.

"Isn't that Remilda Vain?" I asked.

Hermione nodded then turned to Harry.

"Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion." Hermione said.

"Really?" Harry perked up immediately and started trying to get a better look.

Hermione snapped her fingers in his face.

"Hey! She's only interested in you because apparently your the chosen one!" Hermione snapped.

Harry suddenly had the biggest smirk on his face, call it twin intuition but I knew what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"Hermione I AM the chosen one." Hermione and I looked at each other then she with her wadded piece of paper and I with my paper back book, swatted his head rather hard from two angles.

"K, sorry... um kidding... I'll ask someone nice." He muttered, still wincing away from us expecting to get hit again.

Harry turned to me.

"Who are you going with?"

"Oh I uh wasn't planning on going. I don't really know of anyone else who would want to go with me." I said quietly.

Hermione turned to me.

"Are you kidding? I've heard of at least five guys who want to ask you, but all of them are to afraid because one your kinda the chosen ones sister and kinda a chosen one yourself. Two, you dated Draco and there more scared of him then they are even of Harry." Hermione said.

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