Chapter 10 - Not So Happy Christmas

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I sat on the train across from Ron and next to Harry.
Hermione didn't want to sit with Ron so she had left as soon as we boarded the train. Ron and Harry were talking about the unbreakable vow. I wasn't listening. All I could think about was Draco. I needed to see him, talk to him before break. Maybe some of his emotions had come back. I stood from my seat.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick." I told the two boys.

"You ok Adrena?" Harry asked skeptically.

"Fine Harry." I turned and left quickly.

I made my wave down the trains corridor toward where the Slitheryns rode. I was about to pull open the door to the narrow area between the cars where the luggage was kept, when I heard a particular blonds voice. On the other side of the door he stood with his back facing me, he was holding a pretty brunette girl. I believe her name was Astoria, a fourth year. The only reason I know her is because of her sister Daphne who was in mine and Draco's year.
He was sporting a smile, something I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing in a while. The girl giggled at something he said. Her face then looked serious.

"Your not just toying with me until that Gryffindor girl comes crawling back right?" The vulnerability could be heard in her voice.

"Of course not! She was a side mission, my father asked me to get close to her, but I wouldn't ever be allowed to marry her so there's no point in pursuing anything about her." Astoria seemed to perk up.

I however felt the tears run down my cheek. Then the trained hit a bump sending me flying with a thud into the door. They couldn't see me but they could hear me. I quickly got up and sped walked away.

"What was that?" I had heard Astoria ask.

The door flung open and I'm sure the two watched me retreat. I made it back to the Gryffindor car, wanting more than anything to get past Harry to the bathroom without being seen. My luck, he saw me pass by. The door to the cabin opened.

"Adrena you missed our cab..." Harry stopped talking as I turned and he could see my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked alarmed.

"Nothing." I muttered trying to wipe my face clear.

"You and I both know it's not nothing!" Harry said.

He quickly pulled me into the cabin.

"Ron can you let us have the cabin for just a few minutes?" Harry asked.

Ron started to complain, then he saw my face and got up.

"Ya I'll uh go find lavender I guess."

Harry nodded. Ron then left me and Harry to stare awkwardly at each other. I more than anything did not want to talk about it.

"I guess you can tell me you told me so." I started with a bitter laugh, then more tears began to rush down my face.

"I'm right about a lot of things, you'll have to elaborate." Harry tried to joke.

"He was using me." Was all I said.

"You mean... you mean Malfoy?"

"Ya. I was going to talk to him, maybe I don't know see if he was alright? I found him sneaking around with a fourth year girl. She complained about me and he told her that his father had asked him to get close to me. That I never really mattered to him." My heart clenched.

I had really loved him and now I felt like my heart was being shattered. Even more so from when we had broken up.

"I'm sorry Adrena." Harry said.

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