Chapter 19

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      I cover my mouth, realizing that I had just done. I turn around and hall ass out of the shed  I get inside the house and slip through the groups of people, to get upstairs to my room- to check on Kieran.
      "Kieran?" I whisper, opening the door. He groans lightly in response. Well, at least he's still alive. He lifts his head from the plush rug to get a better look at me. "Hello, beautiful," he says, still slightly slurring his words. It still makes me grin. I shut the door behind me and make my way to the carpet to lay down next to Kieran. Immediately, he lays his head on my shoulder and starts playing with my hair. Oh, you do know the way to my heart, Ginger boy. "I... Really like you, S-Skilar," he mumbles, half way sitting up. "I really like you, too." He gives me a sloppy grin and leans into me, pressing his lips to mine. I feel electricity as out lips move in sync. Nathan crosses my mind suddenly, his words lingering in the back of my mind. I pull away, without thinking. He looks at me, extremely confused. His expression  goes from confused to panicked in a matter of .two seconds. "Ski  what's wrong? Did I do something?" He sounded so nervous and vaulnerable, and it makes me realise that Nathan was wrong. I squish my hands against his cheeks and bring his face to mine, kissing him on the lips. "You are doing everything right, baby. I promise." A look of relief washes across his face. I don't think he is the type to just get into a girl's pants like Nate would- and has.
      Kieran smiles and takes my hands in his. "Skilar, will you be my girlfriend?" His blue eyes shimmer in the pale moonlight that wears through my bedroom window. He honestly catches me off guard. I know that I told Nate that Kieran was already my boyfriend, but that was just to piss him off. "I'd love to be your girlfriend," I say, grinning ear to ear.
     We were finally in blissful silence when my phone dings. Pulling it out of my pocket, I half expected it to be Lilli telling me that Nate was downstairs being a drunken terror. But... No. It was Lilli letting me know that I was only one minute until midnight. "Who was that sweetheart?" Kieran asks. "It was Lilli reminding me that it's almost midnight". He smiles, "Indeed, it is, Darling." He says, pulling me towards him. He gives me a long, passionate kiss. Its sweet and seems to last forever. When we finally pull away, I look at my phone and see that it is 12:01am. The perfect start to a New Year. "Happy New Year; Beautiful." Kieran hums blissfully. "Happy New Year, Darling." I reply, sweetly.
      Before I realise it, the sun is shining in my eyes as I run the sleep away. I can't believe we fell asleep on my rug after talking the night away.
     I look over to see that Kieran is still sleeping soundly. Little snores escaping his lips in the cutest way.
     "Kieran, baby, wake up." I say quietly, poking his cheek. His eyelids flutter open, and his blue eyes sparkle when they focus on me. "Well, good morning beautiful." He says in a groggy tone of voice. "How'd you sleep?" I ask, moving his hair out of his eyes. "He chuckles, "Well, I slept like... one does if they fell asleep on a thin carpet on wooden floors." I stick my tongue out at him and say, "I tried to get you to sleep in the bed, but you were-and I quote- "Too comfy." He grins cheekily at me as he pulls me in to cuddle. It feels nice to be here with him now, but I know it'll have to end soon because we leave to go home today and Christmas Break ends tomorrow.
      Loud activity from downstairs catches my attention. I give Kieran a peck on the cheek and then go to check it out. As I get closer to downstairs all I hear in one cuss word after another. "Fuck this fucking piece of shit coffee pot! " "Nate, honey, clam down." I hear my mom say. "It won't turn on though!" I walk in right as my mom picks up the cord to the coffee pot and looks at him. I lean against the entry frame and watch what happens next. ", it's not even plugged in." I stiffle a laugh and watch Nathaniel face palm.
     He notices my standing in the kitchen and glares at me, walking out of the room. Wow, pissy much?.
     I go and sit at the island, waiting for my mom to notice my presence. "Here, Nathan, I-" she says, turning around, coffee in hand. "Now where the hell is that boy?" Her eyes land on me. "Oh, Skylar, sweetie. I didn't see you there. Good morning. Did you see where Nathan ran off to?" "I do not... but I do know that I wouldn't mind taking his coffee off your hands, though."
     she smiles, sitting the coffee down infront of me, along with the creamer and sugar. "Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" I skake my head. "No, it's okay. We'll have to get going soon." She frowns, do you guys really have to leave today? You don't need to go back until tomorrow." she pleads putting her hand on mine. "We need to get settled back in. Don't worry, Spring Break is right around the corner and we'll be back here, I promise" "I love you, sweetheart," she says, coming around the island and hugging me." "It is way too early to be this touchy-feely," Alec says entering the kitchen behind us. "We love you too, Alec" I say, sarcastically.
      Alec smirks and walks to the coffee pot to help himself. not even a minute later, Lilli bounces into the kitchen humming 'California Girls' by Katy Perry. "how did two people that are so different end up together and click so seamlessly?" Alec whole-heartedly smiles at Lillu, as she sways over to lean against him.
"I don't know, but I sure do love her," he says. She blushes a bright red color, and kisses him on the cheek. "I love you too, honey." "You guys are so cute!" I say with a smile. "So are you and Kieran!" Lilli says with a wink. I try ti stiffle smile but I can't hold it back. Like on cue, Kieran walks into the kitchen and yawns real loudly. "Hi, beautiful," he says kissing me on the cheek. My fac heats up like the very first time he kissed me.
"Can't you fuckers be annoying somewhere else?" Nathan growls from behind us, shoving his way through the kitchen and to the coffee pot once again. I roll my eyes and say, "If you don't like it, don't look." All he does is glare. "Somonels got a hang over," Lilli snarks at him.
     Nathan mumbles something incoherent under his breath, and turns to my mom. "Mrs. Torres, do you have any Advil i could take? you know, for my-" "Hangover? Sweetie, Midol would work so much better," my mom says, reaching for said bottle. "Becase he's acting like a little bitch," I mumble not-so-quietly. "Skilar Marie, watch you're mouth!" Mom scolds, handing Nathan two little pills.
     "Alright, we better get packed and going if we wanna beat the traffic at school." Alec says, picking up his coffee cup and putting it in the sink. he walks out giving mom a peck on the cheek and heads upstairs. "well I guess we better go too." I say, putting my cup up and tugging on Kieran's hand, so that he would follow me upstairs.
      After we get our stuff together and in the car, we gather in the foyer. Everyone is saying goodbye and huggung, while I wait for it to all be over, so that I can finally be aloe with Kieran. You know... Without the heated stares of my previous love interest. As we walk out the front door, Lilli taps me on the shoulder, and says, "Hey, are you riding hom with Alec and I?" I raise my eyebrows at her. "You know I love you guys, but I think I'm going to seise the opportunity and ride with Kieran if he'll have me." Kieran slings his arm around my shoulder. "Of course I'll have you baby." he says chessily, kissing the crown of my head.
     We hurry to get into Kieran's pickup so that we can get back to his apartment. 

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