Chapter 8

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It was after school on Monday and the gang was at the hospital. Taehyung wasn't there due to family issues.

Jungkook smiled weakly at his friends, "I swear I'm fine guys."

"Bullshit!" Jimin said loudly, getting a smack on the back of the head by Jin.

"Jungkook you were found in your own home beaten to unconsciousness. I'm pretty sure that isn't the definition of fine." Hoseok said gently.

Jungkook sighed then winced, "This cracked rib is being so much more painful than I thought it would be."

"How did your dad get into the house anyway? I thought he didn't have a key anymore." Jin asked as he moved to sit on the edge of Jungkook's bed.

Jungkook shrugged and looked down at his hands, "If I hadn't had sex with that guy he wouldn't have-,"

"Oh hell no!" Jin interrupted, "That does not give your father an excuse to beat his own son. I don't care whether you flipping did drugs! Nothing is an excuse for a parent to hurt their own child, emotionally or physically."

Jungkook was a bit surprised at the elder's rant but nodded.

The door opened and Jungkook's mother walked in, holding a bag of McDonald's. Jungkook's eyes brightened and he held his hands out, "Chicken nuggets!"

Everyone in the room laughed.

"You're like a baby, Jungkook." Namjoon said with a wide smile.

Jungkook stuck his tongue out at him, "Am not."

"That was literally a thing a baby would say." Yoongi pointed out, getting a glare from the ravenette.

The room fell silent as Jungkook ate. Only a couple words exchanged between Hoseok and Jungkook's mother on the boy's condition.

"So...have you spoke to Taehyung yet?" Jin questioned.

Jungkook put his chicken nugget down, "No. I was going to on Friday but then...well you know."

Jin nodded, "Yeah I know. I don't want to pressure you but you should at least text him. He wasn't at school since Wednesday."

"I will...eventually." Jungkook said.

Jin sighed but didn't push him, Taehyung had done something horrible.


It was night now and Jungkook's friends had left. Jungkook definitely didn't expect the door to open again.


Jungkook's head shot up, "Taehyung? Why are you here?"

Taehyung flinched a bit at his question, before walking further into the room, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Jin told me you were in the hospital but not why. What happened?"

"My dad." Jungkook mumbled, "He found out I'm gay and...he didn't take it well."

Taehyung walked over, "He hurt you?"

The ravenette nodded, "He broke into the house and beat me. I managed to get a sprained ankle, bruised stomach, and a couple broken fingers."

"I'll fucking kill him." Taehyung growled, his eyes darkened with anger.

"He's already in jail, Tae. It wouldn't be worth it for you to be there too." Jungkook mumbles

Taehyung shrugged, going silent as he sat down. Jungkook went silent as well, looking at his hands.

"Who's Chelsie?"

Taehyung looked at him, his expression showing surprise, "How do you know about her?"

"I looked at your phone when you left the room..." Jungkook said, sounding embarrassed.

"Oh...well she-wait is that why you told me I had to leave? And why you've been avoiding me?"

"I thought you said I was special?" He asked softly, "If I'm so special why did you leave me for her?"

"She's my cousin!" Taehyung almost shouted, "She's a petty bitch and if I'm not nice to her she told my dad and I get grounded."

"Oh." Jungkook mumbled. He felt stupid again.

Taehyung walked over to him, cupping his cheek, "Are we good now then?" Jungkook nodded, blushing faintly.

Heyo crappy ending and chapter in general but @LisaWhittley told me to update ✌🏻

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