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The trail to ZuZu city was long, and desolated. So far from help, and despite the peaceful aura, no one could hear his cries. Even if each fading beat of his lovers heart could rival a gunshot, to everyone else, it was nonexistent. Perhaps even to Sam, it was nonexistent. The incoherent babble that was escaping his blood stained lips, and the lack of response to his pleads of survival, lead the other to believe that the blond was no longer able to sense his presence. He might as well already be gone.

His frail hands are drenched in crimson, dripping from the tips onto the others sun kissed skin, his cheeks are wet, and tears blur his vision. Allowing the now disfigured body of his boyfriend to slur together, into one, horrifying blob. Now, that may not be the most flattering of descriptions, but it's a much more soothing one than admitting in his mind the mess of skin torn from bone is a live person.

Was a live person.

The grip that Sam had secured on his hand while he still had the ability was loosened, supported only by Sebastian's fruitless attempts of holding him down to this mortal plain. His toned chest, with the clothing stripped and repurposed as the most efficient bandages as the not-so-handy man could manage, is no longer rising and falling feebly, the gurgled, blood soaked cough no longer vibrating deep in his lungs. His flesh is scrapped, matted in chunks of eerie red, all save where his heart lies, no longer drumming out its steady pattern, how ironic.

Still, those wounds are not the most dire of them all. The deep gash located on his thigh, a large spigot from the wheel of his motorbike lodged in his now chilling body. So snuggly secured, that he was unable to remove it while the other still had his consciousness, is by far the one to blame for the fleeting of his life. 

With a shaking hand, he brings it under his boyfriends neck, gently applying pressure. No pulse. He's left him for good. A choked sob comes forth into the uninhabitable terrain, echoing through the sandy dunes, spare particles stinging at his skin as a howling wind blows through, carrying away the soul of Sam.

Collapsing onto his boyfriend's chest, a tight grimace adorning his hallowed features, he cries, relentlessly, fists gripping at the shards of clothing as his own blood merges with the others. 

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