Chapter 4

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When I woke up from a terrifyingly realistic nightmare, I was greeted with the friendly site of my aunt Cathie sitting peacefully at the edge of my bed, I was glad to see her alive and barely thriving as she usually was with her slightly tanned skin showing that so familiar reddish tinged to it, and he dark chocolate brown hair all messy looking like she had just woke up from a nice long sleep, her eyes though those beautiful emerald green eyes dropping like they always were. She stayed silent I got scared, she was never quiet in the mornings that was the time where she was the most talkative.

"Morning Cathie" I said a bit husky since I hadn't readied my voice to speak, she looked over at me, and gently took my hand.

"Cathie? What's wrong?" I asked terrified, she hadn't acted like this since the time when she heard from my dad, what had happened? She stared at me, tears in her eyes.

"Leticia?" she asked, holding my hand tightly, I could feel the tenseness in her grip, I felt the feeling in my hands go numb

"Yeah?" I scooted up in my bed, so I was at eye level with her, and so I wasn't so uncomfortable with her holding my hands at such a strange angle.

"Your dad called, he wants to visit"


"Yes, yes, I did, I just wanted you to know that your dad was going to be in the country and wants to spend time with you. Now you don't have to, but it might be worth-while"

So, a bit of background information is needed here, I am originally from Germany and I obviously live with my aunt since my mother died when I was only four and my dad couldn't care for me, so he shipped me off to Dublin without saying a single word. I was infuriated, I never wanted to see him again and you can see why, so I refused and hoped that he wouldn't find our home and try to talk to me, like he didn't abandon me at the age of four!

Aunt Cathie left my room, and I was left alone with my terrifying thoughts, I didn't know what to do, my mind was racing with the thought of my dad coming over from Berlin because he wanted to see me, and with the events of last night. I was still so confused on why Mike had tried to kiss me at my front door. I checked my turquois digital clock, 10:00am it read back to me, I sighed heavily and slowly got dressed.

Suddenly my phone beeped, it was a text from Sidney.

Heyo boo, how was the show last night?

Herro, yeah it was great! Are you free today since I've got tea sis!!

*Gasps* yes, I am totally free, meet me at the café at 11:30

Great, can't wait!, see ya :3

I speedily ran downstairs and into the kitchen to be met with the sight of aunt Cathie longing staring out the window. "I'm heading out, I'll be back at around 4:30"

"Ok" is all she said, her voice scared me, since there was no-interest or concern left in her voice, I didn't know if I should've said something or not. I didn't since I had to leave, as to not leave Sidney waiting.

I met up with Sidney outside our favourite café we both walked in and sat down once we had our drinks. Sidney fiddled with her mug and I took a sip of my drink, if you passed us you could cut the tension with a knife that was how silent we were but the funny thing is that we are literally best friends but we had talked about everything so there was very little that we could still talk about so this was a normal occurrence for us.

"So, what happened?" she said, catching me off guard so I sort of choked down the rest of my scolding hot coffee.

"Uh, right, yeah, uh so, I'll start from this morning and work my way back"

Sidney nodded in response, I began telling her everything, she didn't interrupt me once, she just sat there listening and nodding along, showing expressions with only her eyes, she was surprised at the shocking parts, and I could see in her eyes when I was done speaking, that she had a memory flash in her head, I asked what it was but she just shook her head I didn't push, I knew after many years to never push her to tell me anything that she wasn't ready to tell.

"So, what did you think?"

"Well, I have a few questions that you might not be able to answer but I'll still ask you them"

"Alright go ahead" I responded, and she asked all her questions starting with why did Mike try to kiss me, I had no answer but I tried to answer all of her questions, I didn't do so well answering but I knew that they were probably going to be nearly impossible to answer.

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