Chapter 8

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I arrived outside Mike's door, his house was normal sized. Their front garden basically didn't exist with no grass just concrete, there was just enough space for one car, and there sat a dusty red Mercedes sat in-front of a wide living room window. The front door was a clean navy blue with windows along-side it, I was covered from the small drizzle of rain with the black roof covering the entrance to the house.

The door swung open with the sound of the doorbell buzzing loudly, Mike stood there in shock as I stood outside, I could hear the rain clashing onto the ground behind me now as it got heavier and heavier, so much for it being summer I thought to myself.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, come in" I walked in as he said this, I looked around, we stood on light wooden floors, I saw grey carpeted stairs leading up to the bedrooms and a matching light wood hand rail, a matching dark grey shoe rack and coat rack stood to my right and the door to the living room was placed on my left.

We walked down the long hallway into the kitchen, the house was very clean it was like dust didn't exist in this house it was that clean, I wondered whose car was in the drive, but I didn't ask.

We sat down on bar stools that were opposite the kitchen island, fruit was out in a bowl atop of the counter in the middle. Mike spoke, "How did you find where I live?"

Shit, I forgot that he never told me where he lived, do I tell him the truth?

"Well, um, funny story, probably isn't that funny, anyways uh you know Annalise?" he nodded.

"Yeah, well, uh I started talking to her and she told me"


"Well, you know those people who were spying on me and you said they would never bother me again, well this morning I saw them both again"

"Both? There was only one"

"Oh! Yeah, a girl about seventeen or eighteen, I bumped into her, but that doesn't matter, I needed to know if they were-" I was suddenly cut off by a girl walking into the kitchen.

I looked up to see the straight blonde hair and fake tanned skin, she made eye contact with me as she grabbed an apple from the bowl, I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes and then back into the hallway, a suitcase, why was there a suitcase, was she going on a trip or something? My train of thought was cut off by Mike introducing me to her.

"Leticia, this is Chanel, my older sister" he said, his voice was full of shame, he didn't make eye contact with either of us, Chanel walked away. She had a snooty walk, I had seen that walk before, but where was it again? Oh! Right when I was leaving my house the girl in-front of me, it was her, no it couldn't be, could it? I thought this as I sat there watching as she walked away, I watched as she pulled out her phone and typed away on it, she then ran back upstairs, and I broke my gaze from her.

"Let me guess, your brother was the creep who was watching me from behind a tree?"

"Yep," I stood up and was ready to leave, but suddenly Mike took hold of my arm and spoke, "look Leticia, I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you, I told Conor to stay away from you, I didn't know that he went out this morning, if I did this would have never happened"

I pulled away from his grasp and lost my shit with him, "WELL, GUESS WHAT! IT DID HAPPEN!!" we were in the hallway now, and I aggressively opened the front door to let myself out, when remembered that he had given me a ring, I ripped it off my finger and slammed it into his hands.


I slammed the door behind me, and stormed away, once I got into my mess of a hallway, I broke down crying, Cathie rushed in and instantly wrapped me in a warm loving hug. I sat there crying, Cathie didn't ask me what was wrong just sat there holding me in her grasp, not letting anything touch me, it was like she was trying to keep all the demons away from me, but it wasn't working, but at least she was trying her best. That's all I ever asked from her.

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