Chapter 7

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We walked out of the café together, now knowing that I have trust issues he kept his distance, I was so happy at the fact that we got to sit down and talk like normal people, if we had talked anywhere else it wouldn't have gone as well as it did in my opinion. He had told me a little about his family, he had an older sister named Chanel and a younger brother named Conor sounded like a lovely little trio of kids, but I secretly knew that something was up in their family and Mike wasn't ready to tell me.

While walking out of the corner of my eye I spotted someone behind pillar taking pictures, I didn't mention it to Mike, I kept it to myself thinking that he was just trying to get a good picture of the scenery from the best angle and that was the best one, and it just so happened that we were walking by.

When we were outside the gate which opened up to my community of houses and was directly across for our school, meaning I was able to go as slow I as I wanted in the morning as I literally lived next door to it. I saw the same guy creeping behind a tree, with his camera around his neck and binoculars up to his face, so I couldn't see his features, but he had short dark brown hair with similar curls to Mike and the same pale skin with mini freckles popping out. Mike began to wave his hand in-front of my face to grab my attention. "Whatcha looking at?" he asked, I pointed to the tree, he turned his attention towards it and began to walk over, I tried to tell him not to as I didn't want a confrontation to happen, but no words left my mouth, all that was happening was my arms were flaying around the place which wasn't catching his attention since his back was turned towards me.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it seemed like he knew the person, was this his brother? No, it couldn't be, but could it? He had similar features to Mike but I couldn't see his face so all I was going off of was his hair and skin. I started slowly walking away out of terror of confrontation, when I accidentally walked into someone head first.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry"

"Yeah you should be, watch where you're going next time" she said, I could recognise the accent, since I was listening to it all day, Welsh! She's welsh, I don't know too many families from Wales, so was this Chanel. Her long straight unnatural blonde hair was flowing in the wind, I saw pain in her beautiful blue eyes, I could tell that she wasn't naturally tan, since her face was pale but the rest of her body was tanned, she was wearing fake tan, probably because she was insecure about her skin tone or maybe she just liked the look of tanned skin, who knows?

"Yes, I will, sorry!" I said as I walked past her to go home, were these people Mike's siblings? Why were they here though? This made no sense to me and still doesn't I tried asking Mike about it over text when I got back but he just ignored the question and carried on with the topic we were talking about before the question.

That night I was wondering if Mike was protecting me from his siblings, or if he just didn't notice the message, cause sometimes people ask me a question while I'm typing something, so I don't see the message cause I'm already so deep in thought about the last thing we were talking about, but I also notice the question afterwards and answer, so what was Mike hiding from me?

Lets get back on track, so Mike didn't answer my question, and I didn't know where he lived, but he and I'm guessing his family knew where I lived or at least the area, I also sadly didn't know anyone who knew where Mike lived, so that was out the picture, but maybe I could log into snapchat ask to join the class group, see if anyone has discord and then ask them if they know where a certain Mike Elliot lives or if they even know of the Elliot's.

So that was my plan, I went to sleep that night knowing that in the morning I would have to start spying on Mike again since I didn't truly believe Mike's story, cause he said he just scared the creep away and that he would never bother me again, but I knew that wasn't true cause that morning I hastily opened my curtains and rolled up my blind to be met with the sight of the same guy behind the same tree, with his grimy little hands all over a pair of binoculars and the same camera around his neck.

The camera wasn't in the same place on his neck though, it looked as if it had been used recently, I looked over to the right and saw the exact same girl with the weirdly fake tan across her entire body except her face, which I couldn't see at that moment since her back was turned towards me probably because she was talking to the creep, since I could see his mouth moving, from a distance it looked as if he had green eyes, but a similar face shape to Mike making me confused if he was Conor or not.

I slowly walked away from the window and got back to what I was planning on doing today, I quickly got changed in the bathroom, ran downstairs to grab breakfast, I saw aunt Cathie asleep on her chair, 9:00 the clock read as I silently walked into the kitchen to grab two slices of marmite on toast and quickly ran back upstairs.

I opened my laptop and clicked on discord reading the messages that my internet friends had sent me last night, one of them, Kim, I had told her my plans and she was so excited to see how this was going to go down, she asked if I would take screenshots for her and I said that I would try, for the more interesting parts of the conversation, since it was my classes group chat that I was going to be entering.

I texted Mike on snapchat asking if I could join our classes snapchat group, he said sure and sooner rather then later I was added. Everyone was texting about me and hten realised that I was there and immediately stopped, I didn't care as I was on a mission, I noticed that one person had texted hi into the chat, the person was called Annalise. I thought that I recognised the name, so when I DMed her, I asked if I would know her, she said probably not if I didn't know people from the year above us, which I didn't.

I continued to talk to her, building our friend ship.

Are you on discord?

Yeah! I actually am, are you?

As a matter of fact, yes!

Cool, wanna talk there?

Hell yeah!!

I gave her my discord name and she gave me hers, we began to text me there instead so I moved from my bed where my phone was towards my desk so I could sit comfortably in a chair and use the exercise bike that was underneath my desk.

So, I've got a question?

What is it?

Do you happen to know the Elliot's?

Yes, I do, why?

Ok, so this might sound weird, but I want to know where they live so I can confirm or deny that the people that are stalking me are or aren't Mike's siblings.

Why would Mike's siblings be stalking you, I know of Chanel from my friend Alison and I don't think Chanel would stalk you, but Conor definitely would he's a total perv.

Good to know :1

She told me the address, I wrote down that I was going out for the day and wouldn't be before dinner and stuck it to the front of Aunt Cathie's phone so she would see it when she woke up. While walking I saw the girl again, Annalise hadn't told me what Chanel looked like, but she was walking in the same direction as me, so I pretended not to follow her, so I sped up and began to walk in-front of her. I didn't see the little boy, I suspected that he went home or was hiding from the both of us.

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