Chapter 4- A Long Night

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Sophie's POV

As I walked into my bedroom, it was
complete darkness. I was home alone and getting ready for bed, taking my dress off until I felt someone behind me. "I'll take care of this" he whispered. It was Ash. I felt his hands tug at my zipper and slowly unzip my dress revealing my whole back. His strong manly hands draped my body as he wrapped them around my waist and kissed my neck slowly. I felt an overwhelming sensation, like I couldn't contain it any longer. I turned around and pushed him against the wall, kissing him passionately. His arms wrapped around my body - it felt amazing. I wanted him. Badly.

I woke up abruptly in the middle of the night and inspected my room. My dream felt so real. I checked the time and it was 5:30 in the morning. I can't believe I was having a sex dream about Ash Carter. And I'd only seen him once ! Maybe this was just a reaction from seeing him after so long. I'll just ignore it and try to get some real sleep.

I'm not supposed to be like this. I'm not supposed to be tempted by him like this. I should calm down, everyone is allowed these dreams once in a while right? Besides, it's not like it's ever going to happen for real.

The next morning, I got ready for work, looking and feeling like crap. I hadn't gotten any sleep after my ridiculous dream about Ash and now I cannot get myself to stay awake. I walked downstairs and quickly grabbed a chocolate croissant to eat.

"Sophie, ask your work how many days you can take off and when please!" Mum shouted from the living room. I walked into the living room and she was sitting there with Dad.

"Mum.. I just started there, wouldn't it be weird me inquiring about holidays so soon?" I asked.

"But you haven't signed the contract yet so you can let them know you had this holiday booked from before! You're only working part time anyway, so you can make up hours after two weeks surely" Dad said as he watched the tv.

"May I ask why I need two weeks off? Where are we going?" I asked looking at both of them. Surely they couldn't have already planned something with the Carters? I thought that was just something they said but didn't really mean...

"Remember when we spoke about a mini vacation with the Carters? Well we are looking at Villa's in Spain and we found one that is perfect for all of us! Even Ash is willing to come! Isn't that great? He's finally bonding with his family again after ... you know" Dad said with a calm expression. It's as almost as if he looked proud, he has always treated Ash like a son.

"And this way you can spend some more time with Elena too! It will be great for everyone! You will ask work won't you?" She pleaded at me. All I could think of was me, on holiday, with Ash there. It would be crazy weird.

"Ummm I guess I'll ask today.. I'm meeting Laila and Cathy after work since I finish early so will be out till late." I said as I gathered my things to head out.

"Okay have fun! Make sure to text us as soon as you find out!" Mum shouted and with that, I walked out the door, sending my overthinking brain into overdrive.

"Guys, I cannot believe my parents are actually planning a vacation with them, I didn't think they were serious at all!" I said to Laila and Cathy. We sat in our usual coffee shop, all with different hot chocolates orders.

Extra chocolate for me. Always.

"Look dude, you'll be fine just be happy you're getting outta this depressing place, Spain is beautiful and it's only for two weeks!" Laila replied. She's always been so good at looking for the positives in everything whilst my mind goes to the negatives. It's why our friendship has always worked- balance. Laila was the sensible one out of us three, only letting us see her true self; she can come across reserved to others. That doesn't stop the attention she gets being really pretty with her wavy brown hair and innocent face. She hardly even notices other people looking at her.

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