Chapter 7- Look out Spain!

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Sophie's POV

It had been a week and a half since I had sex with Ash. We knew that we'd get to see each other soon for our vacation so we didn't make any other plans to meet up since. We didn't want to risk getting caught. After all, how would I explain it? We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, we weren't dating, it would look as dodgy as it is. As I slowly started to pack some clothes for the holiday, my phone vibrated:

Ash: Soph. I was thinking about you all day yesterday. Your scent is still on me ;)

I felt a wave of excitement flow through me all of a sudden and stopped what I was doing to reply.

Me: Glad you haven't forgotten about me. I'm packing for the villa right now.

Ash: How am I going to resist you when everyone else is around all the time?

Me: Maybe I'll torture you and actively avoid you this trip, so there's no temptation... ;)

Ash: You just being around is temptation.

"Sophie! Come down here please!" Iz shouted from downstairs. Great, way to spoil the moment.

I walked down to find Iz with Jack, both smiling at me.

"What's going on guys?" I asked.

"Well... WE'RE ENGAGED!" Iz said with a huge smile. She held her hand up to show what looked like an extremely expensive ring.

Sudden burst of joy rushed through me.
"OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!" I screamed and excitedly hugged my sister and then Jack. They had already told my parents who brought some champagne and popped it open.

"This is such amazing news! I'm so happy for both of you!" Mum shouted. She really did look so happy.

"Welcome to the family son." My Dad said to Jack and he hugged him and shook his hand. I was so happy for them. The way they stand together with such ease, so naturally. It both looked and felt right. Finally.

Maybe I'll find love like this one day?

With Ash?

No wait. No feelings, we agreed.

I can't think like that ever again.

I head back up to my room once Iz and Jack left for a romantic dinner.

I checked my phone.

Cathy: Hey Sophie! I know we won't get a chance to see you before you go so don't forget to send us loads of pics from your holiday! And keep us updated with details about Ash😈

Laila: Yesssss I cant wait to get those! And definitely. Keep us updated x

Me: Omg yes I will! Btw Iz and Jack are now engaged!!! They just told me!



Me: Will do guys! X

I hadn't told them about having sex with Ash. I just wanted to keep this thing a secret for a while. Even from my best friends.

There was one day left before our vacation to Spain with the Carters. My sister won't be joining us as she's going spend some time with Jack's family. I decided that I would try to enjoy this vacation to the fullest. Maybe spend more time with Elena, be with Ash, in secret ofcourse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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