Love Letters and Lost Heroes (9)

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I opened the door, a gust of cold air hit my face. Kyle’s standing there his hands in his pockets, his gaze meets mine.

“Hey,” he says taking his hands from his pockets. He immediately stiffens and looks over my shoulder. I look around to see why, and I see Jordan standing there, his eyes hard and cold as he takes in Kyle, I also noticed he had finally decided to put on a shirt. You could have cut the tension with a knife.

“Hey,” I replied to Kyle, trying to ease the tension.

“You ready to go?” he asks, still looking at Jordan.

“Ya,” I say grabbing my coat off the rack, I turn to Jordan, “Will you tell my Mom I’ll be home by 10,” I say not giving him time to reply before shutting the door. I face Kyle and finally look at him properly, he looked amazing, his blonde hair still falling over his face, he had a pair of dark jeans and a leather jacket on.

“Ladies first,” he said smiling, holding open the door of his black sports car, he must be loaded.

“Thanks,” I say blushing, as I sit into the car. He goes round to the other side and climbs in. He starts it up and it makes a purring sound as he drives down the road away from my house.

“Where are we going?” I ask curiously.

“You’ll see,” he replies, turning and winking at me, sending my heart into a frenzy.

After about ten minutes we pulled up in a car park beside the beach.

“You coming?” asked Jordan as he got out of the car, smirking at me.

“Ya,” I say grabbing my bag. I got out, it was quite cold. Kyle went round to the back of the car and got a blanket and a flask out.

“Where are we going?” I asked for the second time tonight, he just smiled and started walking towards the beach, I followed him.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it,” he said gazing at the stars. We were almost at the water’s edge, I could hear it lapping near my feet.

“Yes,” I answered. Still staring into the sky, I turned around Kyle had laid the blanket on the sand and was now sitting on it, I sat down next to him.

“Want some?” he asked motioning to the flask, “It’s hot chocolate.”

“Yes please,” I said, rubbing my hands together, even with my coat on I was still cold. He passed me a cup of it, it tasted so good and it was warm.

“You cold?” he question looking at me with those blue, blue eyes.

“Ya, a bit,” I answer, holding the cup of hot chocolate tightly.

“Here,” he said as he took off his leather jacket, leaving him in only a blue t-shirt, I noticed his muscles ripple as he did.

“No its okay, you’ll be cold,” I said.

“I’ll be fine,” he said as he draped it over my shoulders, he smiled, I probably looked ridiculous it was way too big for me.

“Thanks,” I said, the jacket smelt really good, it smelt like the woods. I took in a deep breath and then said, “How did you find this place, only locals really know about it?” I asked curiously.

He took his time before replying, “I love the beach, the sand, and the surf always have, so as soon as I got here the first thing I looked for is a beach,” I looked over at him, he was staring out to see an intense look in his eyes, that I must say is extremely sexy.

“So you surf?” I ask, taking a sip of hot chocolate.

“Ya, the waves here are much better than the ones in England,” he said, then he looked over at me,, a mischievous look in his eye, “Do you surf?” he asked.

“No,” I replied, not knowing what he was getting at.

“Well I’m just going to have to teach you then aren’t I,” he said, smiling.

“Oh no, I would be awful,” I said, almost laughing at the idea of me trying to surf.

“You never know until you try,” he said, still smiling.

“Well, I won’t be trying,” I said turning to face him.

“We’ll see about that,” he replied, smirking. I noticed how close we were, he leaned in I could feel his breath on my face, his hand came up to my face and cupped my cheek, I looked up into his deep blue eyes, I closed my eyes and leaned in, our lips brushed off each other’s and that’s when it started raining.

I jerked my head back, it was pouring, we both jumped up. Kyle grabbed the blanket and flask and we both sprinted back to the car. By the time we were both safely inside we were soaked. Kyle started laughing, a very sexy, contagious sound, soon we were both sat in the car laughing our heads off.

After we had both calmed down Kyle started the engine, “What great timing for a downpour,” he chuckled, driving out onto the road, the rest of the drive was spent in a comfortable silence.

We pulled up outside my house, before I could even undo my seatbelt Kyle was out of the car and holding open my door.

“Thanks,” I said, smiling at how much of a gentle man he is.

“You’re very welcome,” he replied. I got out of the car, and now we were standing very close again. By this time it had stopped raining. I looked into his eyes, his eyes as deep as the ocean and just as blue, we both leaned in again, our lips brushed together and then he put his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him.

“Nasha, your mom wants to know if you want dinner,” called Jordan from the doorway, I pulled away from Kyle totally pissed off.

“No, I don’t,” I said, still looking at Kyle who looked as pissed off as I did that our moment had been interrupted again.

“See you at school,” I said breaking away from his grip, I turned towards my door and saw Jordan still stood in the doorway with a mall smile on his lips. I gave him a death glare, as I shoved past him into the house, and went up to my room where I got changed for bed and fell asleep in no time at all.  

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