Love Letters and Lost Heroes (11)

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I hear the front door open and I jumped up form where I was sat on the floor. I was hoping it was Jordan back from where ever he went, but no such luck it was Melissa.

“I’m home,” she called from the hall.

“Hey, how was work?” I asked walking into the hall.

“Tiring,” she said, taking off her coat and putting down her handbag. She walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water, “where’s Jordan?” she asked casually.

“Oh, um, he went out,” I answered trying to act casual.

“Alright love, I’ve got some paper work to do,” she said as she disappeared upstairs.

I took a deep breath, I looked at my watch, 3 hours and Jordan still wasn’t home. I was worried now. I went upstairs and tried to distract myself by doing homework, but my mind kept wandering. I eventually gave up and went to sleep hoping Jordan would be home by the time I woke up.


The sound of my alarm clock woke me up, it has obviously decided to start working again. I climbed out of bed and looked across the room Jordan’s bed was empty and untouched, he must of stayed out all night. I put on a pair of acid wash skinny jeans and a big purple sweatshirt, found my phone and grabbed my school bag.

Downstairs was quiet, no ones in obviously. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana, I was about to leave when I saw a note on the counter, “Nasha, Melissa and I have gone to New York, sorry about the short notice but Melissa needs to go and see family. Jordan and yourself will be the only ones in the house over the weekend, be careful, love Mom.” Great an entire weekend with just Jordan.

Walking to school is uneventful, thank god. But the school parking lot isn’t, as I turn the corner I hear a commotion. I pick up my pace to see what’s going on, I reach the edge of the huge crowd gathered around in a circle, some are chanting, “fight, fight, fight!”. Well this doesn’t look good, I crane my neck to see over and get a look at who is fighting.

I see a mop of dark black hair, I immediately know who it is. I push past all my other schoolmates, to the front. I see Jordan, he is straddling some poor guy and laying punch after punch into him. Jordan hesitates for one second to take a breath and before he can punch again he is flipped over, I then see who the other guy is, his golden hair matted with dirt and gravel, it’s Kyle. He raises his fist to deliver a blow to Jordan’s face but before he can I have jumped into action.

It takes me a split second to reach them both and before Kyle’s fist makes a dent in Jordan’s face I have grabbed his arm. His head whips round, his eyes hard and angry, he notice who it is and his eyes soften and his arm drops to his side. Jordan looks up at me, his eyes cold and emotionless.

“Anastasia, go away,” he growls.

“What is wrong with you two?” I demand.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s none of your business,” Jordan snarled.

“It’s okay Anastasia,” Kyle said, dropping his fist to his side and climbing off Jordan, “it was just a stupid argument.” He offered Jordan his hand, which Jordan declined rudely.

Jordan climbed to his feet and brushed off his shoulders, “Ya it was, this douche needs to learn how to walk,” he said.

“Jordan what is your problem?” I asked, getting riled up now. I stepped towards him, looking him in the eye, I felt Kyle grab my wrist. He spun me towards him, I noticed he had a black eye forming and a split lip.

“Anastasia, just drop it, it was my fault,” Kyle says looking into my eyes, in a way that makes me melt.

“Fine,” I say turning around, giving Jordan one last death look. I walk to the edge of the circle of gawkers, they parted instantly letting me and Kyle through. I kept walking until I reached the back of the gym. I leant against the wall and ran my hands through my hair. Kyle appeared around the corner, his hands in his pockets.

“You okay?” he asked, in that irresistible accent of his.

“Yes, but you obviously aren’t,” I say, closing the gap between us and gently running the pad of my thumb over the bruising around his eye.

“It doesn’t hurt too badly,” he said,, looking down into my eyes.

“What is wrong with him?” I ask, referring to Jordan.

“I did walk straight into him, I wasn’t watching were I was going,” he said looking towards the ground.

“But that doesn’t mean he had to do that,” I say, still angry.

“It’ okay,” Kyle said, pulling me towards him, I wrap my arms around his waist and breath in his earthy scent. It seemed like an eternity, finally I let go of him and stepped back. I looked into his blue eyes.

“Thanks,” I say.

“For what?” he asked confused, his nose crinkling slightly which was really cute, if I may say so myself.

“For being there for me,” I say.

“My pleasure,” he replies, smiling at me.

“I don’t really feel like going to school today,” I say, I haven’t even stepped inside the building and I’m already exhausted.

“Do you want a lift home?” Kyle asks.

“No I’ll walk,” I say, “See you over the weekend hopefully.”

“Definitely, I’ll text you,” he replies, he gives me a peck on my cheek and disappears around the corner. I text Olivia and Carrie to tell them and then begin the walk home.  

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