Love Letters and Lost Heroes (12)

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As I walked home I thought about what had happened, why would Jordan flip out at Kyle like that? All he did was walk into him, he must have some serious issues not that I didn’t know that already.

To make my day so much better the clouds choose that moment to open and it starts to pour. I start to run but give up I’m not even half-way home and I already feel like I’ve been swimming. I walk the rest of the way and by that time my hair is plastered to my head and I’m shivering.

I unlock the door and step inside savouring the warmth, when I turn around to close the door I see the rain has now stopped. Why do these things always happen to me?

I dropped my bag to the floor not caring that it was soaking the carpet, kicked off my Vans which were now squelching every time I take a step. I bounded up the stairs taking them two at a time planning on taking a long hot shower.

I opened the door to my bedroom and stepped in closing the door behind me, I was about to start undressing when I heard a sigh. I looked over at Jordan’s bed and there sleeping peacefully was the guy himself.

His dark hair flopped across his forehead, his eye was a deep purple, he also not to my surprise had no top on. “Did your mother never teach you not to stare?” I almost jump out of my skin, he opened one eye and started smirking.

“I wasn’t,” I stammer, blushing. I turn around to search for my towel and hair brush. “Do you mind I was going to have a shower” I say as I turn around.

“I wouldn’t mind staying,” he says winking, “but if you really want I’ll leave.” He gets out of bed and it turns out not only is he not wearing a top, he isn’t wearing pants either, only his CK boxers.

He looks down as if he only just realised what he is wearing. He looks up, his dark chocolate eyes taking in my whole body. I begin to blush again; he walks over to me and leans in so close that I can feel his hot breath on my neck in a way that sends shivers down my spine. He lifts up his arm and pins me with his body against the wall. I can feel every contour of his body pressed against mine, he move his head back so he can look into my eyes, his almost seem black now. “Sorry I messed up your boyfriends face,” he says, anger obvious in his features, he drops his arms, turning and walking out of the room. As he leaves I can’t help sneak a glance at his ass, which is very nice if I may say so myself.

I hear the door bang behind his and it pulls me out of my daydream about Jordan’s ass. I swear that boy must be bi-polar; I grab my towel and go have a long hot shower. When I reluctantly drag myself out from under the hot water, I brush my hair and put on a string top and pyjama shorts. I suddenly feel really sleepy even though it’s only 11, I crawl under the covers and drift off to sleep.


I can hear pounding, laughing, screaming and loud music. I open my eyes and look over at my alarm clock, it’s 9 o’clock, shit! Somehow I have managed to sleep for 10 hours.

I climb out of bed and I can still hear all the noise. I open my bedroom door and step out into the hall. It’s really dark, the only light is coming from a string of fairy lights that travel down the wall, I can feel the music vibrating through the floor and all the way along both walls are couples making out.

The only thought that runs through my head as I manoeuvre my way through tipsy girls in sky high heels and couples eating each other’s faces trying to make my way downstairs is I’m going to kill Jordan Collins.

When I finally get downstairs, I see all the furniture in the living room is gone and the room is now a big dance floor, I go through to the kitchen which is now filled with alcohol. The patio doors to the garden are now open, so I squeeze my way through the drunk teenagers. Outside the garden has been transformed, there are fairy lights and tepee torches everywhere lighting up the garden, Chinese lanterns are strung overhead and there are tables with lots of red solo cups on them everywhere.

There are a lot of people dancing, drinking or chatting; I spot Jordan across the garden talking with some people from our school. He looked amazing in a red checked shirt and black chinos, I storm over my anger about to boil over. “What the hell is this?” I demand.

Jordan says goodbyes to the girls he was talking to and turns around, “I wondered when you would make an appearance,” he says, “but I must say I would never of expected you to show up in that.”

I look down and realise I’m still in my pyjamas, great. “It does not matter what I am wearing,” I say, slightly embarrassed now, “why the hell are all these people in my house.” I ask.

“Correction our house and they are here because I invited them,” Jordan explains to me as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “I even invited your little friends since I know you would not be happy if I didn’t,” he finishes and before I can even say another word he is gone off talking to another group of people.

I stamp my foot in aggravation, he is so annoying. I then realise that I can’t stop this so I decide to join it. I go back upstairs to my room, which luckily is still empty. I look through my closet and find my tight red bodycon dress and my black flats. I leave my hair down in its natural waves and put on minimal make-up, grabbing my denim jacket I leave my bedroom and lock the door behind me.

I make the dangerous climb back downstairs and go into the kitchen, I grab a bottle of WKD I take off the lid and take a sip before going back into the living room to search for Olivia and Carrie. I scan through the room and I spot Carrie leaning against the wall near the door, her blonde hair up in a high pony tail and a cup of something alcoholic in her hand. I weave my way through the mass of bodies she spots me and waves; I go up and lean against the wall beside her, “Where is Olivia?” I ask over the loud music. Carrie raises her hand and points to a figure with Olivia’s dark hair dancing with some guy.

“She has been dancing with that guy for ever,” Carrie complains, rolling her eyes. Carrie could get any guy she wanted to dance with her but she isn’t bothered.

“Why don’t we go outside?” I suggest, “It’s really stuffy in here.” Carrie nods her head and I begin to make my way back across the room. When we get outside I take Carries drink out of her hand and put both her and my drink down the nearest table, grabbing her hand I take her to the middle of the dancers and we dance along to One Direction’s Live While We Are Young.

As I sway my hips back and forth to the beat I feel some large hands settle on my hips, I turn my head to see who it is and it is no other than the host of the party. “Enjoying it yet?” He asks.

“It’s alright,” I say, turning around so I’m fully facing him. Suddenly the song changes and its slow, I see couples joining together, I look around for Carrie I spot her standing off to the edge, she gives me the thumbs up.

“Would you like to dance?” Jordan asks, the smile on his face is so darn cute I couldn’t say no. I nod my head, his arms encircle me and my hands find their way to his shoulders. “That dress looks really good on you,” he says, with no sarcasm in his voice.

“Thank you, you don’t look too bad either,” I say smiling like an idiot. He chuckles, a deep, sexy sound.

“I broke up with Lara,” he says looking down at me, “she was such a bitch.”

“Took you a while to figure that out,” I say looking straight back at him. The rest of the song we dance in a comfortable silence, until right at the end.

“Remember when we used to practice dancing for our wedding when we were little,” Jordan says, sighing. I immediately stiffen, those memoires are painful, I pull away.

“Well, people change don’t they.” I say curtly and turn around and walk off.

I walk over to Carrie and make up some lame excuse about feeling sick which I know she doesn’t believe, I go back up to my room and cry myself to sleep.

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