9 - The Chase

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Thea panted as she flew down the suburban streets

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Thea panted as she flew down the suburban streets. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as she looked for Peter. Thea's eyes were squinted in the dim light of the street lights. The small glow from the moon and stars helped her glide over the streets without ever hitting something. The streets below were empty, only a few stray people walked along with them. In the backyards of some houses were parties. Thea breathed in deep and smelled the scent of food grilling. Giggles of children made Thea smile softly. But soon, the sound of laughter turned into screams of terror.

Thea immediately turned her head to the sound of the shrieks, only to catch the tail end of a person, clad in a red suit shooting off after a smoking van. She stopped short and watched as Peter chased the van. The van was smoking with the back doors hanging on by a thread. Thea watched as Peter jumped after the van from above. He barely missed the van and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Almost got you," Peter panted out at the van.

Thea took a breath and shot off after Peter. Peter knocked over some trash cans as he tried to climb up onto a roof of a nearby house to reach the van quicker. Thea was trailing behind Peter as he ran across the roofs of the homes in the neighborhood.

"Pet-" Thea stopped her shout. Not wanting to give away his identity for any ear that was listening in. "Spider-Man!"

Peter didn't turn around at Thea. His feet were tripping on the loose slates on the roof. The sound of knocking over and falling on the ground overpowered Thea's voice. Thea groaned as Peter kept chasing after the van.

Thea could overhear Peter panting out to himself, "Thought you got away from me, didn't you? I got you right where I want you." Peter came closer to the van, his body only a few feet away from it.

A small sound alerted Thea from above. The sound of mechanics grinding was coming from the sky. Thea looked up while still flying toward Peter and gasped. Above her was a giant winged man flying after Peter who was oblivious.

Taking no time to think, Thea shot her hands out toward Peter. Her purple mist quickly shot through the air after Peter's body. However, Peter's was gone from her sight when Peter shouted out, "Surprise!" and leaped from the roof to the van below.

Thea gasped out as the man with the metal wings swooped down to Peter and snatched him from behind. Her hand dropped dead as her powers disappeared. Thea stopped short as Peter screamed while the winged man took him high in the sky. With a quick movement, Thea forced her hands downward. Her powers flowed out of her hands as she flew up.

The winged man flew higher with Peter, who was struggling in his grasp. "What the hell!?" Peter shouted.

Thea flew faster, trying to reach Peter's dangling body. His eyes were staring down at the ground far below him. Thea reached an arm out and forced out more power to Peter. Peter struggled in the winged man's grasp, trying to free his foot. Thea failed to notice where the villain had taken them. The pair were flying over a large lake.

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