A Day In The Park ( A Liam Payne Imagine )

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Hello! This is a Liam imagine I wrote a while ago...... ENJOY!!!!!

Imagine you wake up early in the morning. You had nothing to do, so you decided to go the park and skate for a while..... When you got to the park you laced up your skates and went off. You had been skating for a while when out if the corner if your eye you saw some kids from school. But these weren't just any kids, these kids bully you, a lot. The only thing that kept you going was a member of your favorite band, One Direction. You knew that Liam was always bullied when he was younger, and he got through it, so you thought that you could do the same... As you were skating, one of the kids that bully you tripped you, sending you trembling to the ground. You look at your knees an see the blood running down your legs. Then you looked up at the kid who tripped you with tears in your eyes. He said, " what, is the little baby gonna cry?" Instead of answering you just look down again at your legs, tears still in your eyes.. Little did you know someone was standing up to the bully for you. After they were done yelling at the bully and telling them to stop, the person helped you up. " Hey, are you okay?" Without looking up you replied " yeah, thank you" .. He then placed a finger under your chin and lifted it up. "Well, I don't think that they'll be bothering you again" he said while looking in your eyes, and all of the sudden it hits you. He's Liam Payne. It was him, your inspiration, who had helped you with the bullies. This is not what you had expected to happen today. After realizing who was standing in front of you, you involuntarily whispered to yourself, "Liam." Hoping that he didn't hear you, but he did and started to laugh a little, you could feel your cheeks heating up in a deep blush. He then said, while still smiling, " Yes, Yes I am, and you might be...?" "Oh Umm, I'm (Y/N), (Y/F/N)" " Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/N), and they shouldn't bother you again," he said with a wide grin on his face. "Thank you so much Liam, um can I tell you something?" " of course, anything." " well especially thank you again because you are the only one who helped me get through the day and made me believe that everything would turn out okay in the end, so thank you very much." As you say this with a genuine, heartfelt smile you see Liam's eyes glisten with happiness. Instead of saying anything he just kissed your forehead and hugged you so extremely tight that you could barely breathe. .... After the hug that seemed to last forever, he asked you if you wanted to go get some ice cream. You say okay and get the ice cream, after having a lot of fun at the park, Liam asks, "(Y/N), could I please have your number, so we could maybe hang out again?" You let out a slight giggle at his sweetness, as he gives you a nervous smile you say, " yes, of course Liam", and hand him you number. He brings you home and kisses you lightly on the cheek. Today went from being miserable to being the most fun you've had in a long time.

Tell me what you think plz!!!

~ Caroline <3

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